Zone1 Did Moses go to Heaven?

no more so than the crucifiers they represent yet to be brought to justice for their crime against the heavenly events and people of the 1st century, the repudiation of judaism and their false commandments.
All of which has nothing to do with this. Typical close minded BreezeWood
All of which has nothing to do with this. Typical close minded BreezeWood

Did Moses go to Heaven?​


using heavenly personifications to influence others to live in servitude and denial - their false claim of commandments etched in the heavens - destroyed before ever being read ... think next for yourself, bear or soon you will be joining them in - torment.

This goes on about the Levites.

The idea that the 10 tribes were already in Israel is speculation. There is no evidence they were there when Joshua entered into the Promised Land. That alone suggests they were not there as the land was Promised to them when they were ready to take the Land. What is used for this idea is that absents of evidence is evidence of absents. That is not true. Especially that the writings concerning the Exodus were written by Moses and his scribe Aaron. When Moses left the palace of the Pharoah, the Pharoah most likely struck the name of Moses from their records as well as Israel too. They wouldn't want the world to know that they lost the battle against God. So, I'll stick with the Bible as it is written. No need to twist the Bible. The Assyrians carried away the 10 Northern Tribes of Israel and became the Lost Tribes of Israel. One family managed to assimilate into the Southern Tribe of Judah-Benjamin, Joseph. a prophet of Joseph, Lehi, brought his family and another family out of Jerusalem to the new Promised Land, Americas. They kept records from about 600BC to 421AD and buried it to be dug up in the Latter-days to be one in our hands with the book of Judah, The Book of Mormon. Meaning, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and established The Church of Jesus Christ restored on the earth again in the Americas in 1830. It continues today run by the Latter-day Saints distinguished from the Saints in the times of Jesus and the Apostles.
The idea that the 10 tribes were already in Israel is speculation. There is no evidence they were there when Joshua entered into the Promised Land. That alone suggests they were not there as the land was Promised to them when they were ready to take the Land. What is used for this idea is that absents of evidence is evidence of absents. That is not true. Especially that the writings concerning the Exodus were written by Moses and his scribe Aaron. When Moses left the palace of the Pharoah, the Pharoah most likely struck the name of Moses from their records as well as Israel too. They wouldn't want the world to know that they lost the battle against God. So, I'll stick with the Bible as it is written. No need to twist the Bible. The Assyrians carried away the 10 Northern Tribes of Israel and became the Lost Tribes of Israel. One family managed to assimilate into the Southern Tribe of Judah-Benjamin, Joseph. a prophet of Joseph, Lehi, brought his family and another family out of Jerusalem to the new Promised Land, Americas. They kept records from about 600BC to 421AD and buried it to be dug up in the Latter-days to be one in our hands with the book of Judah, The Book of Mormon. Meaning, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and established The Church of Jesus Christ restored on the earth again in the Americas in 1830. It continues today run by the Latter-day Saints distinguished from the Saints in the times of Jesus and the Apostles.

Joshua is a myth. He didn't destroy the Canaanites or their towns.
The idea that the 10 tribes were already in Israel is speculation. There is no evidence they were there when Joshua entered into the Promised Land. That alone suggests they were not there as the land was Promised to them when they were ready to take the Land. What is used for this idea is that absents of evidence is evidence of absents. That is not true. Especially that the writings concerning the Exodus were written by Moses and his scribe Aaron. When Moses left the palace of the Pharoah, the Pharoah most likely struck the name of Moses from their records as well as Israel too. They wouldn't want the world to know that they lost the battle against God. So, I'll stick with the Bible as it is written. No need to twist the Bible. The Assyrians carried away the 10 Northern Tribes of Israel and became the Lost Tribes of Israel. One family managed to assimilate into the Southern Tribe of Judah-Benjamin, Joseph. a prophet of Joseph, Lehi, brought his family and another family out of Jerusalem to the new Promised Land, Americas. They kept records from about 600BC to 421AD and buried it to be dug up in the Latter-days to be one in our hands with the book of Judah, The Book of Mormon. Meaning, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and established The Church of Jesus Christ restored on the earth again in the Americas in 1830. It continues today run by the Latter-day Saints distinguished from the Saints in the times of Jesus and the Apostles.

There's no Lehi in the Bible.
Archaeologists have dug up many Canaanite towns . They were undisturbed. Plus, the Canaanites are still around long after the stories about Joshua.
The fact they were dug up says they were disturbed. Duh!
The fact they were dug up says they were disturbed. Duh!

The archaeologists said they were intact

Bible writers also used this figure of speech (known as hyperbole). Similar to Luke’s statement in Acts 2:5 that Jews “from every nation under heaven” had journeyed to Jerusalem for Pentecost or similar to Paul’s statement that “every creature under heaven” (Colossians 1:23) had heard the Gospel, some of the conquering language in Joshua and Judges should likely be understood (at least in part) as hyperbolic—the description of something “that is better or worse than it really is”4 for the sake of emphasis.
Have you ever heard of it Armana letters?

About a century later, between 1360 BCE and 1332 BCE, the Amarna letters are written. These are diplomatic correspondences between local rulers and the Pharaoh. There are 382 letters in total, with more than 100 of them coming from Canaanite places such as Hazor, Megiddo, Gezer, Ashkelon and Jerusalem. In these letters, the local rulers pledge their loyalty to the Pharaoh.

They are written in Akkadian or some sort of Akkadian/Canaanite mixed language. You can read some of these for yourself, they clearly show that Egypt has total control over the area. One example of a letter is EA#289. In it, Jerusalem king Abdi-Heba asks for protection, and requests a grand total of 50 soldiers to keep his city safe. According to the dating I gave earlier, the exodus and conquest would have happened before this.

This means that the Egyptian empire should be in decline while Israel should rule over Canaan. We see the complete opposite here. Egypt is as powerful as it will ever be, while not a single letter mentions the name Israel.

I was scrolling Google today for the age of Noah when questions came up about Moses. One of the questions was, "Did Moses go to Heaven?" We know that he was supposed to have died at the entrance of the Promised Land. There's another type of death called transliteration where people may think a person died but actually the body is put into an immortal state awaiting the resurrection. They can appear to people from time to time as well.

My answer is that both Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. "Feast of the Transfiguration, Christian commemoration of the occasion upon which Jesus Christ took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured, his face and clothes becoming dazzlingly bright (Mark 9:2–13; Matthew 17:1–13; Luke 9:28–36)."

So, I guess it depends on your definition of Heaven. Most likely, he went to where every other repentant good person goes to after the death of their body, Paradise. I would think Paradise is a substation of Heaven. So, the fact he appeared to Jesus Christ in an angelic like way, Moses certainly went to "Heaven."

You got carried away by Moses meeting the Elohim on the top of that hill .
What was all that nonsense about your Goddy Chap chipping out commandments on stone tablets ?
Not a very technologically skilled Goddy Chap apparently .

How did Moses get them down the hill ?
Five boulders under each arm presumably .
Have you ever heard of it Armana letters?

About a century later, between 1360 BCE and 1332 BCE, the Amarna letters are written. These are diplomatic correspondences between local rulers and the Pharaoh. There are 382 letters in total, with more than 100 of them coming from Canaanite places such as Hazor, Megiddo, Gezer, Ashkelon and Jerusalem. In these letters, the local rulers pledge their loyalty to the Pharaoh.

They are written in Akkadian or some sort of Akkadian/Canaanite mixed language. You can read some of these for yourself, they clearly show that Egypt has total control over the area. One example of a letter is EA#289. In it, Jerusalem king Abdi-Heba asks for protection, and requests a grand total of 50 soldiers to keep his city safe. According to the dating I gave earlier, the exodus and conquest would have happened before this.

This means that the Egyptian empire should be in decline while Israel should rule over Canaan. We see the complete opposite here. Egypt is as powerful as it will ever be, while not a single letter mentions the name Israel.

There are different dates for Moses and the exodus. 1225 BC is an acceptable date. So are other dates from 1446 to 1225 BC. I’ll still take the Bible as history and the Exodus happened just as it says in the Bible.
You got carried away by Moses meeting the Elohim on the top of that hill .
What was all that nonsense about your Goddy Chap chipping out commandments on stone tablets ?
Not a very technologically skilled Goddy Chap apparently .

How did Moses get them down the hill ?
Five boulders under each arm presumably .
Ever watch the movie? They were tablets easily carried. And, don’t know if Elohim was there. But Jehovah (Jesus) was the one speaking with Moses.
There are different dates for Moses and the exodus. 1225 BC is an acceptable date. So are other dates from 1446 to 1225 BC. I’ll still take the Bible as history and the Exodus happened just as it says in the Bible.

I misspelled Amara letters.

No mention of Israel or the Israelites.
How could half the population of Egypt leave unnoticed?

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I misspelled Amara letters.

No mention of Israel or the Israelites.
How could half the population of Egypt leave unnoticed?

Israelites weren’t counted as Egyptians. They would have had their own count and as everything else was destroyed about the God of Israel confounding the Egyptian Pharoah and their god of the underworld.

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