Zone1 Did Moses go to Heaven?

I was scrolling Google today for the age of Noah when questions came up about Moses. One of the questions was, "Did Moses go to Heaven?" We know that he was supposed to have died at the entrance of the Promised Land. There's another type of death called transliteration where people may think a person died but actually the body is put into an immortal state awaiting the resurrection. They can appear to people from time to time as well.

My answer is that both Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. "Feast of the Transfiguration, Christian commemoration of the occasion upon which Jesus Christ took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured, his face and clothes becoming dazzlingly bright (Mark 9:2–13; Matthew 17:1–13; Luke 9:28–36)."

So, I guess it depends on your definition of Heaven. Most likely, he went to where every other repentant good person goes to after the death of their body, Paradise. I would think Paradise is a substation of Heaven. So, the fact he appeared to Jesus Christ in an angelic like way, Moses certainly went to "Heaven."
He was the original glowing dead Jedi.
I mean Bible geanology. The tower of babel was only a couple hundred years after the flood.
1975 marked 6000 years of man on earth. It could have taken millions or billions of years to create the earth and the universe-no one knows except those in heaven.
1975 marked 6000 years of man on earth. It could have taken millions or billions of years to create the earth and the universe-no one knows except those in heaven.

Check the Jewish year. It's only 5,784 years since creation.

The current Hebrew year, AM 5784, began at sunset on 15 September 2023 and will end at sunset on 2 October 2024.

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Hebrew calendar - Wikipedia
The jewish calender is different from our calender. Bible Chronology shows 1975 was the 6000th year of man on earth.

You mean the Gregorian calendar went into effect in October 1582 or did Joseph Smith also invent a calendar?
for moses and abraham who live in torment for their crimes what's granted them would rather be avoided as their despotism while living.
As a translated person, he would not have the same issues as you do mentally or physically. Time isn’t an issue anymore. They have been forgiven and so there is no torment. Do some study on subjects before making uneducated statements.
We are educated in every utterance from God= more valuable than gold. I know you refer to seeking men's higher education to seek Gold over Gods truth. How sad for your darkness.

Lol. Did God write the Watchtower?

You think God magically wrote the Bible?
As a translated person, he would not have the same issues as you do mentally or physically. Time isn’t an issue anymore. They have been forgiven and so there is no torment. Do some study on subjects before making uneducated statements.

no more so than the crucifiers they represent yet to be brought to justice for their crime against the heavenly events and people of the 1st century, the repudiation of judaism and their false commandments.

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