Zone1 Did Moses go to Heaven?

Bosom of Abraham" refers to the place of comfort in the biblical Sheol (or Hades in the Greek Septuagint version of the Hebrew scriptures from around 200 BC, and therefore so described in the New Testament)[1] where the righteous dead await Judgment Day.
I think Wikipedia has it wrong here. I was taught differently and believe the term to be as described here:

". . .Abraham was believed to have earned a special place in heaven. It is believed that in the afterlife, faithful followers of God will be reunited with Abraham in a place of rest and peace known as “Abraham’s Bosom.". . ."
But the New Testament strongly infers Moses will be there:
I think most traditions interpret it as Abraham was believed to have earned a special place in heaven.

Even though God used Moses to glorify Himself, Moses was still a sinner in God's eyes for committing murder.

sure, who wrote the new testament ... ( - - - ) hedging their bets a little.

the events of the 1st century were the result of dissatisfaction, true whether believed or not and were the refutiation of the prevailing religion itself than its material corruption as the reception of jesus proves ... their participation during the false jewish sabbath or the false inflection against money changers ... for honest people to defer.

good luck for anyone that believe abraham and moses do not live in torment for their crimes and beg to be so relieved by the truth of their deceptions.
sure, who wrote the new testament ... ( - - - ) hedging their bets a little.

the events of the 1st century were the result of dissatisfaction, true whether believed or not and were the refutiation of the prevailing religion itself than its material corruption as the reception of jesus proves ... their participation during the false jewish sabbath or the false inflection against money changers ... for honest people to defer.

good luck for anyone that believe abraham and moses do not live in torment for their crimes and beg to be so relieved by the truth of their deceptions.
I seriously would hate to be you. Have a wonderful day.
I think Wikipedia has it wrong here. I was taught differently and believe the term to be as described here:

". . .Abraham was believed to have earned a special place in heaven. It is believed that in the afterlife, faithful followers of God will be reunited with Abraham in a place of rest and peace known as “Abraham’s Bosom.". . ."

Well, I'm familiar with this.

Lyrics for 'Rock-A My Soul'
Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Oh, rock-a my soul!
I once was lost (I once was lost)
But now I'm found (But now I'm found)
And now my soul (And now my soul)
is Heaven bound! (Is Heaven bound!)
Well, I'm familiar with this.

Lyrics for 'Rock-A My Soul'
Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Oh, rock-a my soul!
I once was lost (I once was lost)
But now I'm found (But now I'm found)
And now my soul (And now my soul)
is Heaven bound! (Is Heaven bound!)
More evidence of a belief that Abraham is in heaven.

No proof mind you as the only proof will be if we meet him when we get there. But it is discomfiting to Christians that the Great however many generations removed grandfather of Jesus of Nazareth would not be in heaven. And also to Jews who view Abraham as the primary father of the seven tribes that became the Jewish people and it is God's covenant with Abraham who has carried the Jewish people through impossible odds from then to current times.
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You promise me? You don’t even accept the Holy Ghost. I testify to you The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christs only Church. All the rest are wrong in doctrine and authority.
All living beings have a name. The holy ghost doesn't.
She says she is a prophet. You see? Anyone can claim to be a prophet.
That's correct. So? There are also seers and revelators that aren't necessarily Prophets. A father or mother can receive revelation from God through the Holy Ghost for themselves and their family. But, not for other families or individuals. And, certainly not for the entire world or for Israel. Only a Prophet can reveal the Lord's secrets to mankind though Prophets. Amos 3:7.
All living beings have a name. The holy ghost doesn't.
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Your doctrine is false and your authority is non-existent. I, nor anyone else, doesn't need to know the name of the Holy Ghost to receive his testimony.
When the Romans ordered a census to register people and properties, they did it for administrative (mainly taxing) purposes. They wanted to know where you lived now and the property you owned. They could not care less who your ancestor 1000 years before was and where he lived. They never held such a census anywhere in the entire Empire, because what use would that information be to them?
Let me do a Surada: Whatever people occupied this area, they likely thrived from around 500 BCE until somewhere between 300 and 600 CE. Although the LIDAR scans—which benefit from LIDAR’s unique ability to penetrate that all-encompassing forest canopy—show various platforms, plazas, arranged streets, and drainages, one of the most unique aspects is a complex road system that extends nearly 6 miles. - MSN

Hmmm...the time period of Lehi and his family to the Americas. 90% of the civilizations have yet to be discovered, the article says. The reckoning is a coming!
- and it is God's covenant with Abraham who has carried the Jewish people through impossible odds from then to current times.

abraham's hereditary idolatry is what judaism proclaims for their founder, how surprising for its longevity and more so any evidence the heavens ever spoke to anyone much less those chosen for jewish posterity ... who's only communications were made in the shadows of obscurity.
I, nor anyone else, doesn't need to know the name of the Holy Ghost to receive his testimony.

whatever you claim that to be surly to be identified would be a primary importance for what message you would be receiving, hopefully.

random voices should not be welcome -
whatever you claim that to be surly to be identified would be a primary importance for what message you would be receiving, hopefully.

random voices should not be welcome -
Those influenced by the Holy Ghost know the difference and get it.
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Your doctrine is false and your authority is non-existent. I, nor anyone else, doesn't need to know the name of the Holy Ghost to receive his testimony.
Writings in history say, the majority of things said of the holy spirit are not as a living being.
Why is it never on a throne like the Father and son? Why doesn't it get glory, like the Father and son? Why doesn't one have to know the holy spirit to get eternal life( John 17:3) but have to know the Father and son? Why doesn't it have a name?
Writings in history say, the majority of things said of the holy spirit are not as a living being.
Why is it never on a throne like the Father and son? Why doesn't it get glory, like the Father and son? Why doesn't one have to know the holy spirit to get eternal life( John 17:3) but have to know the Father and son? Why doesn't it have a name?
Who says The Holy Ghost is not on a throne? His throne is quite extensive as he needs to be able to tie into those who need help from the Father and Son as they pray. For those who have been given the gift of the Holy Ghost by proper authority, the Holy Ghost has to be able to be with them continually at the same time. And, for those who need his comforting influence, he needs to be able to be with them as well. How he does this is not been revealed to us. I can make some opinionated guesses. With quantum science, we know that the entire universe is connected. Information from one side of the universe can instantaneously be known on the other side of the universe with connections. The Holy Ghost can be in all things and all people through his mind. So can we if we knew how to do it.
Now, you talk about glory? He does. The difference is he's still only has his spirit and not a physical resurrected body. But, that may change. Don't know that answer either. But, we do glorify him in baptisms as a person is baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. You may not do this but the True Church does. And, so do many others not blinded by stupid scholars. Each of the three have their callings but all three work as one for one purpose. To bring to past the immortality and eternal life of man. And, as I said, his name for us right now is Holy Ghost.
- For those who have been given the gift of the Holy Ghost ...

well, might just take a pass on that one ... the him for sure.

are there other options -


how about the holy gal ....
The Holy Ghost only has a spirit body and spirit children of our heavenly parents are also male and female.

not so bear there are no confinements in the heavens - the 4th century book created the trinity to explain their interpretation of jesus on earth to worship "him" than their being an itinerant the heaves so choose w/ the other three as their examples to complete the goal to triumph over sin - the repudiation of judaism false commandments, hereditary idolatry.

they were persecuted for their beliefs - liberation theology, self determination the true path to the everlasting ... try not to betray the heavens as foxfire - the hater.
not so bear there are no confinements in the heavens - the 4th century book created the trinity to explain their interpretation of jesus on earth to worship "him" than their being an itinerant the heaves so choose w/ the other three as their examples to complete the goal to triumph over sin - the repudiation of judaism false commandments, hereditary idolatry.

they were persecuted for their beliefs - liberation theology, self determination the true path to the everlasting ... try not to betray the heavens as foxfire - the hater.
Yes, there were limitations. The Father having a resurrected body which allowed him to become God, immortal and king of the universe wanted his children to have the opportunity to be as he is. So, he organized the universe and this world giving us the opportunity to descend to the earth, take upon a body, be tested to see if we can live by faith alone in him and his Son Jehovah. Jehovah also did not have a physical body yet and was limited because of it. He too came down, atoned for our sins and was resurrected and took his rightful place on the right hand of God. We all have the opportunity to do as well. By faith, recognize the truth with the help of The Holy Ghost and The Light of Christ that the doctrine we teach is true. Then, follow it and endure to the end.

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