Zone1 Did Moses go to Heaven?

This is a lie.

"According to most mainstream Bible scholars, the Book of Genesis and the Exodus are primarily mythological, rather than historical."

where in the preserved archives of original documents do you find such to be the case ... a lie. surly for one there can be little doubt to its mythology and certainly the interpretations having been made.
Of course. And the ark is in Ethiopia.

The battles of Joshua are folklore.. so is Noah's flood and the Red Sea crossing. None of that is history.
Sad to doubt God the way you do. No folklore. It all happened. The Ark of the Covenant location is unknown.
Well, you’re just doing what we’ve been doing for decades. People hide more from you because of your fake prophets.
We are growing. Over 20 million attended the memorial to Jesus. Ones in darkness hide, Ones who are lazy and want their ears tickled with words like-you are saved. Then they do nothing, they do not Obey Jesus because they don't even know what he teaches. You should learn what Jesus taught. Because its 100% undeniable fact, in every translation on earth the teachings of Jesus prove the JW,s are his. Its undeniable fact-The Abrahamic God served by Israel while serving the true God is a single being God=YHVH(Jehovah)--Its you who listen to false things, never corrected.
We are growing. Over 20 million attended the memorial to Jesus. Ones in darkness hide, Ones who are lazy and want their ears tickled with words like-you are saved. Then they do nothing, they do not Obey Jesus because they don't even know what he teaches. You should learn what Jesus taught. Because its 100% undeniable fact, in every translation on earth the teachings of Jesus prove the JW,s are his. Its undeniable fact-The Abrahamic God served by Israel while serving the true God is a single being God=YHVH(Jehovah)--Its you who listen to false things, never corrected.
People are suckered into your church because you speak smooth things to itchy ears. But your doctrine is false. Your church has 8.5 million people according to your Church. It’s most likely 2-3 million. But, as with the RCC, there is no doctrine that says “safety in numbers.”
People are suckered into your church because you speak smooth things to itchy ears. But your doctrine is false. Your church has 8.5 million people according to your Church. It’s most likely 2-3 million. But, as with the RCC, there is no doctrine that says “safety in numbers.”

Can you show the scripture you are using? I don't doubt he was accompanied as everyone is. But, Michael?
He's likely referring to Jude 1: 9

9 "But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”
For a Mormon to say a JW has a false doctrine is unbelievable. 🤣😂🤣
The Apostle Paul was fighting against false doctrine from the beginning of his ministry. It's why he wrote his letters. The bishops continued the false doctrines and eventually, there were no replacements for the Apostles who died. When John died, then the word of God could no longer be sent via messenger (Prophet-Apostle) and the world was in apostasy except for the Americas. But, another 100 years after than, the people in the Americas began to be prideful and started rejecting the Prophets. By 421 AD, the heavens were closed to the Americas and the world was in a age of darkness.
The good news is, there were 4 Apostles who did not die and are still in a translated state of being today. John and the 3 Nephite Apostles asked to tarry until Jesus comes again. It could have been John that Constantine saw and was told to compile the writings of the Apostles into a new testament of Christ to be joined with the old testament as the stick of Judah. They are to keep a spark alive until the restoration of Christ's Church was restored in 1830. They continue to help bring forth the fulfillment of prophecy like the restoration of the state of Israel for the Jews. And, the Jews did not start the 1948 War. Myths & Facts - The War of 1948
The bad news for you is that since the Catholic Church was not the true Church of Jesus Christ, neither would any other church that formed from that Church. The dead tree cannot produce live fruit. Thus, the restoration of the Church by Jesus Christ was needed to open the heavens back up.
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The creation story and the flood story were borrowed from Sumer. The Hebrews learned them during the Babylonian exile. They are great morality tales, teaching narratives and folklore, but hardly justification for theft and murder.

Joshua's battles are a myth. He didn't kill the Canaanites or destroy their cities.
"According to most mainstream Bible scholars"

Lie. There is nothing main stream about how you interpret Scripture you live in kook fringe of Christendom.
"According to most mainstream Bible scholars"

Lie. There is nothing main stream about how you interpret Scripture you live in kook fringe of Christendom.

John Nelson Darby invented dispensationism and the rapture. You should study the history from 200 BC to a
150 AD.

The Bible stories are didactic literature, teaching narratives for Bronze Age people. They aren't history.

You have to go deeper than the myths and folklore.
People are suckered into your church because you speak smooth things to itchy ears. But your doctrine is false. Your church has 8.5 million people according to your Church. It’s most likely 2-3 million. But, as with the RCC, there is no doctrine that says “safety in numbers.”
I promise you Jesus is with the JW,S no other religion has him.
The Apostle Paul was fighting against false doctrine from the beginning of his ministry. It's why he wrote his letters. The bishops continued the false doctrines and eventually, there were no replacements for the Apostles who died. When John died, then the word of God could no longer be sent via messenger (Prophet-Apostle) and the world was in apostasy except for the Americas. But, another 100 years after than, the people in the Americas began to be prideful and started rejecting the Prophets. By 421 AD, the heavens were closed to the Americas and the world was in a age of darkness.
The good news is, there were 4 Apostles who did not die and are still in a translated state of being today. John and the 3 Nephite Apostles asked to tarry until Jesus comes again. It could have been John that Constantine saw and was told to compile the writings of the Apostles into a new testament of Christ to be joined with the old testament as the stick of Judah. They are to keep a spark alive until the restoration of Christ's Church was restored in 1830. They continue to help bring forth the fulfillment of prophecy like the restoration of the state of Israel for the Jews. And, the Jews did not start the 1948 War. Myths & Facts - The War of 1948
The bad news for you is that since the Catholic Church was not the true Church of Jesus Christ, neither would any other church that formed from that Church. The dead tree cannot produce live fruit. Thus, the restoration of the Church by Jesus Christ was needed to open the heavens back up.

I promise you Jesus is with the JW,S no other religion has him.
You promise me? You don’t even accept the Holy Ghost. I testify to you The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christs only Church. All the rest are wrong in doctrine and authority.
I was scrolling Google today for the age of Noah when questions came up about Moses. One of the questions was, "Did Moses go to Heaven?" We know that he was supposed to have died at the entrance of the Promised Land. There's another type of death called transliteration where people may think a person died but actually the body is put into an immortal state awaiting the resurrection. They can appear to people from time to time as well.

My answer is that both Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. "Feast of the Transfiguration, Christian commemoration of the occasion upon which Jesus Christ took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured, his face and clothes becoming dazzlingly bright (Mark 9:2–13; Matthew 17:1–13; Luke 9:28–36)."

So, I guess it depends on your definition of Heaven. Most likely, he went to where every other repentant good person goes to after the death of their body, Paradise. I would think Paradise is a substation of Heaven. So, the fact he appeared to Jesus Christ in an angelic like way, Moses certainly went to "Heaven."
Who is and who is not in Heaven is way above my pay grade, though I have great hopes I will see all I have loved (and all those I am curious about) there. But the New Testament strongly infers Moses will be there:

"Matthew 17.1-3 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus."
When the Romans ordered a census to register people and properties, they did it for administrative (mainly taxing) purposes. They wanted to know where you lived now and the property you owned. They could not care less who your ancestor 1000 years before was and where he lived. They never held such a census anywhere in the entire Empire, because what use would that information be to them?
Actually, Moses. Lazarus, and the saints went to the Bosom of Abraham, which is a part of Hell. It won't be until the Judgement that they will be retrieved and ascend to Heaven. Even though God used Moses to glorify Himself, Moses was still a sinner in God's eyes for committing murder.
I think most traditions interpret it as Abraham was believed to have earned a special place in heaven. It is believed that in the afterlife, faithful followers of God will be reunited with Abraham in a place of rest and peace known as “Abraham’s Bosom.

By the time of the New Testament, Jewish beliefs varied on Heaven. The Sadducees/Sanhedrin did not believe in resurrection, angels, heaven, hell, or any of the supernatural world. To them, when life on earth was over, that was it. Wealth was their main pursuit on earth.

The Pharisees did believe in all those things.
I think most traditions interpret it as Abraham was believed to have earned a special place in heaven. It is believed that in the afterlife, faithful followers of God will be reunited with Abraham in a place of rest and peace known as “Abraham’s Bosom.

By the time of the New Testament, Jewish beliefs varied on Heaven. The Sadducees/Sanhedrin did not believe in resurrection, angels, heaven, hell, or any of the supernatural world. To them, when life on earth was over, that was it. Wealth was their main pursuit on earth.

The Pharisees did believe in all those things.

Bosom of Abraham" refers to the place of comfort in the biblical Sheol (or Hades in the Greek Septuagint version of the Hebrew scriptures from around 200 BC, and therefore so described in the New Testament)[1] where the righteous dead await Judgment Day.

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