The hidden aspect of solar energy.


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Solar energy has a very significant difference from other types of energy: light is a wave. These waves are partly absorbed and partly reflected from the surface circulating in the biosphere. This has a tremendous impact on the bioworld, in particular, it is the source of photosynthesis.
Apparently, for some ideological reason, the effect of these waves on people and the biochemical processes associated with it are hidden, because it is clear that the darkening of the skin in the sun is analogous to the greening of plants that produce chlorophyll at the sunlight, which helps them absorb more light.

Solar energetics absorbs some of this radiation, transforming into other types of energy. This could be disastrous for the biosphere.
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Without Oxygen, you are dead in only a few minutes.

Every single cell in your body contains a significant portion of Carbon.

You aren't running out any time soon.
Without Oxygen, you are dead in only a few minutes.
Strictly speaking, it is not we who consume it, but the bacteria that sit in us, in the form of various organelles of cells and parasites. Death from suffocation is apparently initiated by them, through apoptosis
it is not we who consume it, but the bacteria that sit in us

Absolutely untrue. Every cell in your body requires oxygen to perform metabolic processes.

Many bacteria in your body are anaerobic. Oxygen is literally toxic to them.
very cell in your body requires oxygen to perform metabolic processes.
This is not really obvious. Nobody knows how metabolism would go without oxygen. Practice shows that when aerobic metabolism turns on, a person loses strength. The most intense burst of energy occurs before aerobic metabolism kicks in.
The Particle Wave Duality is a the very demonstrable basis of Quantum Mechanics.
Quantum mechanics is a scam. Much of it was invented in the 60s by hippies under the influence of LSD.
Nobody knows how metabolism would go without oxygen.

Seriously ... every single person who didn't fall asleep in high school science knows exactly how it would go on.

SPOILER ALERT: It wouldn't!

Have you never heard of Krebs Cycle?
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Quantum mechanics is a scam. Much of it was invented in the 60s by hippies under the influence of LSD.

Actually, it was first suggested in 1929. The term "Quantum Physics" first appeared in Planck's book, "In Light of Modern Physics" in 1931.

LSD was first synthesized in 1938.

I would tell you to study more science, but study is clearly NOT your friend.

Just keep watching Netflix and stay away from The Internet.
Actually, it was first suggested in 1929. The term "Quantum Physics" first appeared in Planck's book, "In Light of Modern Physics" in 1931.
Yes, but Planck didn't mean what the 60s hippie scholastics said. He meant a portion of the wave.
Yes, but Planck didn't mean what the 60s hippie scholastics said. He meant a portion of the wave.

Look ... it was fun for a couple of minutes ... but watching you try to pretend that you actually understand anything of what you're typing has become painful.

No one with a scrap of human empathy could watch you continue.

Go and read some Velikovsky.
I know that they want to impose Newtonian stones flying in the void by any means, but this has nothing to do with real science
in any case, it has nothing to do with the topic. Do you deny photosynthesis and chlorophyll too?
Oxygen is needed for respiration ... and just about all organisms use respiration as their energy source ... yes, including plants ... the only real exception are the yeasts which ferment instead ... anyway ... Sugar + O2 -> CO2 + H2O + energy ...

If you want to dispute QM, that's fine with me ... but you do need to explain the results of the double-slit experiment ...

Posts on YouTube are covered by the 1st Amendment ... it's lawful for them to lie ... and they are getting paid to lie ... go to Amazon and buy a decent textbook on Physics ... and one in Biology for that matter ... use your dad's credit card, he won't notice, I swear ...
If you want to dispute QM, that's fine with me ... but you do need to explain the results of the double-slit experiment ...
I'm sure this is just a trick. It's easy to challenge QM. The postulate that they put forward at the base is absurd. Vaccum is emptiness, and wave is a property of matter

long-range action is rejected by science
the only real exception are the yeasts which ferment instead
I would correct. Not an "exception", but another way.
Moreover, this way is native to eukaryotes. Therefore, it is not just another way, it is the main way.

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