The hidden aspect of solar energy.

And in fact, the oxidation path is secondary. Bacteria and organelles simply parasitize on it, being included in the stage of anaerobic glycolysis at the stage of lactate
They would not be able to do it on their own, since anaerobic glycolysis is required first to produce oxidation substrates.
If you want to deny that light behaves as both a wave and as a particle, you are welcome to do so. But the science behind it is sound.
If you want to deny that light behaves as both a wave and as a particle, you are welcome to do so. But the science behind it is sound.
Modern physics is generally not reliable, it is not based on a scientific positivist method, that is free from mathematical fantasies.
Including from the fantasies of LSD consumers.
I'm sure this is just a trick. It's easy to challenge QM. The postulate that they put forward at the base is absurd. Vaccum is emptiness, and wave is a property of matter

long-range action is rejected by science

You haven't explained why we get interference patterns from our double slit experiment ...

Cut two slits in a piece of cardboard and shine sunlight through onto the wall ... if light was a particle, we'd have two equal blobs of light on the wall ... but in fact we get an interference pattern ... one with the mathematical exactness of the same set-up using water instead ... I've personally done this experiment in a school lab, and I've used inferometers which are based on the same concept ...

Next explain red-shift ... something we see throughout the universe ... that's strictly a property of a wave ...

Your mistake is not listening close enough to scientists ... even on nerd-produced YouTube videos, the statement is "light behaves like a wave", not that light is a wave ... there's a difference between those two claims ...

ETA: Electric motors work in vacuums ... just saying ... again, strictly based on the wave nature of light ...
Modern physics is generally not reliable, it is not based on a scientific positivist method, that is free from mathematical fantasies.
Including from the fantasies of LSD consumers.

If I am not mistaken, one of the first scientists to suggest light also behaves as a particle was Albert Einstein. Do you consider him a hippy on LSD?
If I am not mistaken, one of the first scientists to suggest light also behaves as a particle was Albert Einstein. Do you consider him a hippy on LSD?
Then it was not yet, but he could take medications for dementia and autism. But in general it was the Prussian policy of sabotage of Austro-Hungarian science, a political fraud.
In the 19th century, Newton was already buried, the Prussians for some reason needed to dig him out of the coffin, at least in a truncated form.
For the most part, it was driven not by scientific but by administrative methods.
They abolished the scientific positivist method itself, allowing themselves to build mathematical theories instead of natural scientific
They abolished the scientific positivist method itself, allowing themselves to build mathematical theories instead of natural scientific

You don't read many scientific journals ... do you? ... positivist method is alive and well and it exists along side mathematical theory ... I agree that the general public tend to reject what is observed and mathematically predicted ... it's so much easier to twist and distort statistics which in turn sells more newspapers ...

I suggest you quit getting your science news from the National Enquirer ...
I didn't say that. I was pointing out that quantum physics was not invented by hippies on LSD.
Quantum physics gives me a headache. The only reason for it's existence is that it is the best working model we have at present for the working of the universe at the atomic and subatomic level. And I really believe that it started with Heisenberg.

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