The Hidden Threat of Communism in America

You are labeling people you know nothing about. Giving us derogatory names, just like when democrats called African Americans the "N" word.
So, being like Trump is offensive?
You are a bigot.

Yes, I am having a real hard time getting you to address one topic without running off like a lunatic ranting about 10 or more Democrat talking points you got stuck in your thick skull.
Gaslighting only works in Russia and RWNJ's.

Post 210
You did not deserve the 11% Trump tax cut

The soldiers who did not die in Afghanistan under Trump, they don't deserve to live.

We don't deserve the truth about the FBI? Or our politicians?

We don't deserve the truth from the news.

Corporations are suppose to bargain with the government to keep the money they make?
Trump (and republicans) made it easier for them.

December 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer."

April 2 2021
At least 55 of the largest corporations in America paid no federal corporate income taxes in their most recent fiscal year despite enjoying substantial pretax profits in the United States.
This continues a decades-long trend of corporate tax avoidance by the biggest U.S. corporations, and it appears to be the product of long-standing tax breaks preserved or expanded by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) as well as the CARES Act tax breaks enacted in the spring of 2020.

The tax-avoiding companies represent various industries and collectively enjoyed almost $40.5 billion in U.S. pretax income in 2020, according to their annual financial reports. The statutory federal tax rate for corporate profits is 21 percent. The 55 corporations would have paid a collective total of $8.5 billion for the year had they paid that rate on their 2020 income. Instead, they received $3.5 billion in tax rebates.

Let alone Trump's regime keeping $500 billion of PPP loans..............."secret".

June 11 2020
The Trump administration said on Wednesday that it plans to keep the identities of more than 4.5 million businesses that received a government bailout through the Paycheck Protection Program a secret.

But Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, in testimony before the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, said his department considered that information “proprietary” and “confidential.”
That secrecy extends even to internal attempts at government oversight. The Government Accountability Office, which is supposed to brief Congress on whether COVID-19 relief funds are being distributed as intended, says the Treasury has refused to give the agency the names of recipients.

Corporations are not just an entity that happens to exist. People are Corporations, taxes can only be paid by people working, my labor.
No, shit but you defend and support the orange grifter, who paid zero in taxes.

September 26 2016
“The only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax,” Clinton said.

Trump quickly retorted: “That makes me smart.”

Later, when Clinton told Trump was that “maybe ... you haven’t paid any federal income tax for a lot of years,” the real estate mogul, who claims to be worth up to $10 billion, said that he was a better steward for his money than the government.

“It would be squandered, too, believe me,” Trump said.

Trump made sure of that, 306 days of 1406 days of his presidency golfing, at a cost of $151 million.

“I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go play golf,” Trump told supporters in Virginia.
Good to know you think, you and the government get to dictate that I work to pay tax.
Just as every country in the world does.
Who would you like to determine how much every person pays in taxes?
Corporations? LOL.
Now you have confused Trump with Biden and the Democrats, thank you for letting us know what the democrats are up to.
So, democrats dropped sanctions on ZTE and got a $1 billion Chinese check for doing so?
You really are dumb.
See above, gaslighting only works on Russians and Trumptards.
Yep, Obama the grifter, profited from being president, $100 million and more is the pay off
YES, he did, every ex-president has profited FROM being president.
Trump is the only grifting president that profited WHILE being president.
"306 days of 1406 days of his presidency golfing.
1460 days.................................................
Remember how Trump said he wouldn't play golf. Trump spent most of his presidency in executive time tweeting and watching himself on TV.. o o
So, being like Trump is offensive?

Gaslighting only works in Russia and RWNJ's.
?????? Why don't you go back and address what you said and my response instead of making up something totally different. Is it because you can not focus on anything you post and run off on a million tangents when you are wrong.

Yes, you will label people with disgusting words if you disagree and when confronted you pretend you never said anything. Got it. Hide from what you can't explain
?????? Why don't you go back and address what you said and my response instead of making up something totally different. Is it because you can not focus on anything you post and run off on a million tangents when you are wrong.
You're the one going off on wild tangents.

Post 210
You could not interact with any President the way you infer we are not able to interact with Trump.

Mar Lago, a private club, no different then the Democrat's private clubs.

Mar Lago is not even in the top ten as far as private clubs go.

My comment was illustrating the rich getting richer from Trump's tax cuts.

Post 210
You did not deserve the 11% Trump tax cut

The soldiers who did not die in Afghanistan under Trump, they don't deserve to live.

We don't deserve the truth about the FBI? Or our politicians?

We don't deserve the truth from the news.

My comment was about the Trump "dynasty".

Yes, you will label people with disgusting words if you disagree and when confronted you pretend you never said anything. Got it. Hide from what you can't explain
I'm trying, of course, you deflect, to some other BS, that has nothing to do with the comment being displayed.
THEN you accuse me of changing the subject?

It's all typed and easy to refresh.
You're the one going off on wild tangents.

Post 210
You could not interact with any President the way you infer we are not able to interact with Trump.

Mar Lago, a private club, no different then the Democrat's private clubs.

Mar Lago is not even in the top ten as far as private clubs go.

My comment was illustrating the rich getting richer from Trump's tax cuts.

Post 210
You did not deserve the 11% Trump tax cut

The soldiers who did not die in Afghanistan under Trump, they don't deserve to live.

We don't deserve the truth about the FBI? Or our politicians?

We don't deserve the truth from the news.

My comment was about the Trump "dynasty".

I'm trying, of course, you deflect, to some other BS, that has nothing to do with the comment being displayed.
THEN you accuse me of changing the subject?

It's all typed and easy to refresh.
You are trying, right.

The rich get richer? So what, in many cases they provide the jobs. That tax cut made me richer, although I am not rich. Why do you even care what someone else makes.

Or, why should the rich not keep the money they make. Why can't all of us keep what we make?
April 2 2021
At least 55 of the largest corporations in America paid no federal corporate income taxes in their most recent fiscal year despite enjoying substantial pretax profits in the United States.
This continues a decades-long trend of corporate tax avoidance by the biggest U.S. corporations, and it appears to be the product of long-standing tax breaks preserved or expanded by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) as well as the CARES Act tax breaks enacted in the spring of 2020.
If these corporations pay no tax what difference does a tax break make, you claim they already don't pay taxes, which would be the result of the laws the swamp put in place years ago.

They pay no tax now, or before. So how does a tax cut benefit these corporations.

How about a link and a real explanation based on their books, to show if this is even true or for what reasons it is true.
Last edited:
You are trying, right.

The rich get richer? So what, in many cases they provide the jobs.
Why do companies need tax breaks to create jobs?

That tax cut made me richer, although I am not rich. Why do you even care what someone else makes.
I don't, I do care if they aren't paying taxes like the rest of us do.
Republicans WERE all fired up about who paid what in taxes for decades....................until Trump was installed in office.
Or, why should the rich not keep the money they make.
Many cases they do and.......................get tax refunds to boot.
Why can't all of us keep what we make?
Sure, just build your own roads, bridges, sidewalks, schools, libraries, sea ports, airports, etc.
If these corporations pay no tax what difference does a tax break make,
The $$$ doesn't go into the US Treasury, in many cases it comes out of it instead.
you claim they already don't pay taxes, which would be the result of the laws the swamp put in place years ago.
Yes, they were by the Trump swamp, the Reagan and both Bush's swamp's.

They pay no tax now, or before. So how does a tax cut benefit these corporations.
They don't pay their fair share, you pay the taxes, they don't.
How about a link and a real explanation based on their books, to show if this is even true or for what reasons it is true.
What/who's books?
The $$$ doesn't go into the US Treasury, in many cases it comes out of it instead.
The laws rules and regulations that allow this, if it does happen, were written before Trump came into office. Trump's tax cut is only for those that were paying 35%. You make the statement that corporations are not paying any tax. If the corporation did not pay any tax, Trumps' tax cut does not help them.

And for those corporations that pay 35%, why do they have to pay that much, why do any of us have to pay that much?
25% is still too much to pay, why should I have to pay a federal tax of 25%?

Why do you want me and corporations to pay so much in tax!
Why do companies need tax breaks to create jobs?

I don't, I do care if they aren't paying taxes like the rest of us do.
Republicans WERE all fired up about who paid what in taxes for decades....................until Trump was installed in office.

Many cases they do and.......................get tax refunds to boot.

Sure, just build your own roads, bridges, sidewalks, schools, libraries, sea ports, airports, etc.
we are speaking of federal taxes,

roads bridges that is gas tax

sidewalks schools libraries that is property tax

seaports and airports, should be private or state tax

So, like I said, you can not focus on one thing, we were speaking about a federal tax and now you make a statement like you believe that federal tax is suppose to pay for everything that other taxes are raised for.
The laws rules and regulations that allow this, if it does happen, were written before Trump came into office. Trump's tax cut is only for those that were paying 35%.
No, it wasn't, any company paying above 21% got their rates lowered to 21%.
You make the statement that corporations are not paying any tax. If the corporation did not pay any tax, Trumps' tax cut does not help them.
Never stated that I stated many.

And for those corporations that pay 35%, why do they have to pay that much, why do any of us have to pay that much?
25% is still too much to pay, why should I have to pay a federal tax of 25%?
For services the government provides.
Why don't you ask corporations how come you have to pay for the services they provide?
Move to a country with no taxes, let me know how that works out.
Why do you want me and corporations to pay so much in tax!

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