The Hidden Threat of Communism in America

Voting republican never made sense to me, I was a blue-collar worker for 45 years.
I never believed in tax cuts, even for working people, the quickest way to get in debt and it happened.
I come from a long line of Democrat union workers who worked in the Steel and Iron mills of Pennsylvania. I voted for Clinton and for Obama the first time around but was disappointed by their performance and voted against them on their second election.

But now the Democratic Party has went so batshit crazy that I doubt that I will ever vote for another Democrat in my lifetime.
Tax cuts make no sense? We were going deeper in debt before the tax cuts.
True, but not as fast as tax cuts put us in debt.
The tax cuts don't equal 1% in the increased spending
Trump signed a $2.3 trillion tax cut.
Expenditures were $4.1 trillion.
Revenue fell by $775 billion the first year.
so how do you equate keeping more of your money with being deeper in debt?
Sure, you can keep "more" of your $$$, you can keep all of "your" $$$.
Just take a pay cut of $7.00 an hour and try to continue paying your mortgage, vehicle payment, insurance, dining out, etc.
I come from a long line of Democrat union workers who worked in the Steel and Iron mills of Pennsylvania. I voted for Clinton and for Obama the first time around but was disappointed by their performance and voted against them on their second election.

But now the Democratic Party has went so batshit crazy that I doubt that I will ever vote for another Democrat in my lifetime.
Democrats are the batshit crazy ones?

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief," Trump said during his address Thursday.
"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket's red glare it had nothing but victory."

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas made an argument about climate change at a House subcommittee hearing Tuesday.
"I was informed by the immediate past director of NASA that they have found that the moon's orbit is changing slightly and so is the Earth's orbit around the sun," Gohmert said.
"We know there's been significant solar flare activity. And so, is there anything that the National Forest Service or BLM (Bureau of Land Management) can do to change the course of the moon's orbit or the Earth's orbit around the sun? Obviously, that would have profound effects on our climate."
Yes, the budget is huge because of swamp politicians running up the debt. We needed 16 years of Trump dynasty
We didn't deserve 16 days of the orange grifter's "dynasty" but republicans love stupid politicians, the dumber the better.

Trump IS the swamp.
We didn't deserve 16 days of the orange grifter's "dynasty" but republicans love stupid politicians, the dumber the better.

Trump IS the swamp.
You did not deserve the 11% Trump tax cut

The soldiers who did not die in Afghanistan under Trump, they don't deserve to live.

We don't deserve the truth about the FBI? Or our politicians?

We don't deserve the truth from the news.

You are a fool

The Hidden Threat of Communism in America

Like a small, unnoticed fire in the basement which can destroy your home, Communism is lurking in the shadows of our nation.

17 Sep 2021 ~~ By David Mills
Americans don’t know enough about communism to see it when it starts here. Writing in the Tablet, Mary Mycio notes that we have “a certain herd immunity to Nazism and fascism.” But not to communism.
The Soviet Union fell a long time ago, as people’s memories go. It fell almost 30 years ago. That means that no one under 45 or 50 will have any real memory of communism as a living force in the world. They know about Cuba because it’s close to us and about weird little places like North Korea. They don’t seem to think of China as a communist country. A few people try to say this, pointing to the state’s genocidal wars on its people, like the Uygurs. But few seem to care.
“After a generation of forgetting,” Mycio writes, “we have few cultural T-cells left to recognize coercive unanimity, punitive group think, and other warning signs when they appear in the body politic.” She lived in communist Ukraine and watched the Soviet Union fall after 70 years of tyranny. She wrote a book about the Chernobyl disaster, which exemplified the Soviet system. “Americans and others across the West,” she writes, “have simply forgotten about it all, or never learned about it in the first place.”
As far as I can tell, most people who think about communism at all don’t worry about it. They worry more about other people worrying about it.

Lewis and Acton Knew This​

C.S. Lewis knew this. Writing during World War II, he worried that the “masters’ running things wouldn’t go away when the war was over. “Those who wish for whatever reason to keep their fellow-citizens regimented longer than is necessary will certainly say they are doing so in the interests of security.” Bossy people will always have a good-sounding reason for continuing to boss people around.
So did Lord Acton, author of the famous line, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” And of a just as famous but not as well-known follow-up line: “Great men are almost always bad men.”
It’s a dark view of men in power, but then God Himself through the psalmist tells us not to put our trust in princes. The psalmist says not to do that because they die and their works will pass away, but we take from the whole of Scripture a warning against trusting people in power to serve us and the common good rather than themselves.
This is, as it happens, both a conservative and a leftist insight. Disciple of Edmund Burke or of Karl Marx, you know the modern state can’t be left on its own. It cannot be trusted always to act well nor to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. It must be watched, closely, and all the time.

My Kudos to Mr. Mills, he's described what has been openly hidden within America and infiltrated and woevn into our politics, media, and education of our young.
I can’t fully agree with the idea that it is hidden. They seem to be pretty much in our face with it.
They now call it “Progressivism” because it sounds nice and positive forward-sounding and doesn’t conjure up images of gulags and commissars. This is directly out of the Saul Alinsky playbook, “Rules for Radicals.”
A Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat, Barack Hussein Obama Jr., aka Barry Soetoro told us that under his administration beginning January 21, 2009, he would seek the "Fundamental Transformation of America" and in doing so destroy the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights in the process.
Now perhaps I might see it that way because I actually know what Communism is because I grew up when people were taught what communism was.
Oddly, the ideology of Marxist Socialist Communism is no longer hidden and is displayed daily openly within the halls of Congress by dedicated and card-carrying elected members of the Democratic Party.
See: Socialists in Congress with Ties to Communist Party USA
It’s so well hidden that it’s nonexistent. :uhoh3:
I can’t fully agree with the idea that it is hidden. They seem to be pretty much in our face with it.

Was my first reaction...GMTA.

We're now at the point that a "conspiracy theory" six months ago (think mandatory vax and vax passports) are today's headlines....A "conspiracy" presumes surreptitious action....But the authoritarians are right up in our faces, and not even coy about it anymore.
Who’s in your face as a self avowed communist?
You did not deserve the 11% Trump tax cut
Sure, these are the people who got 11%.

December 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier.

The president has spent many weekends of his presidency so far at the "Winter White House," where initiation fees cost $200,000, annual dues cost $14,000, and some of the most affluent members of society have the opportunity to interact with the president in a setting while many Americans cannot. This weekend, the president arrived after signing the most consequential legislation.
The soldiers who did not die in Afghanistan under Trump, they don't deserve to live.
We don't deserve the truth about the FBI? Or our politicians?
Yes, we do especially the ones trying to stall everything.

December 6 2021
A federal appeals court panel has thrown out former President Donald Trump’s effort to stop congressional Jan. 6 investigators from obtaining his White House records, delivering a forceful rejection of Trump’s effort to stymie the investigation of the attack on the Capitol.

February 17 2022
Former President Donald Trump must answer questions under oath in New York state’s civil investigation into his business practices, a judge ruled Thursday.
Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Trump and his two eldest children, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr., to comply with subpoenas issued in December by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

We don't deserve the truth from the news.
And talk show host.

May 30 2021
Conservatives are increasingly relying on a courtroom defense that they don't know what they're talking about and everyone knows it,.

That defense, dubbed the 'No Reasonable Person' defense, has been made by a string of prominent conservatives, including Sidney Powell, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson.
It argues that 'no reasonable person' would believe the statements they make, which ostensibly gives them the right to say whatever they want—no matter how reckless or untrue.
The 'No Reasonable Person' defense is significant because it shows that conservative media stars and their networks, and even prominent conservative lawyers, are finally admitting that they are not reliable sources of facts: They are opportunists and entertainers, first and foremost,"
You are a fool
You're an idiot.
Just the way Trump likes his cult.

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Yep. Ask these folks to provide a specific definition of communism and they can't. Or won't.

A few days ago here, one of them told me the definition of communism is "stealing elections". Really.

The word scares them, so MAGA media uses it constantly. That's all this is about. The definition is irrelevant.
Is that what the CRT boogey man is ? Communist Re- education Tactics?
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December 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier.

?????? Yes, we all got richer, or kept more of our money with the reduction of the federal tax rate. I don't deserve my money, or my private property, the fruit of my labor.

You have a problem with people working and profiting from thier labor. The basis of Marxism says I have no rights to my labor.

You are an asshole, I need to work for you and the government, yes, asshole you are.
The president has spent many weekends of his presidency so far at the "Winter White House," where initiation fees cost $200,000, annual dues cost $14,000, and some of the most affluent members of society have the opportunity to interact with the president in a setting while many Americans cannot. This weekend, the president arrived after signing the most consequential legislation.

You could not interact with any President the way you infer we are not able to interact with Trump.

Mar Lago, a private club, no different then the Democrat's private clubs.

Mar Lago is not even in the top ten as far as private clubs go.

You have conjecture, no more
?????? Yes, we all got richer, or kept more of our money with the reduction of the federal tax rate. I don't deserve my money, or my private property, the fruit of my labor.
Sure, all those tax breaks you fucking Trumptards and teabaggers gave corporations, did they LOWER prices?
Fuck no, they didn't.

You fuck-nuts blame the government for something corporations are doing.
Federal gasoline taxes are 18 cents a gallon, that MUST be the reason the price has risen over a dollar.
You have a problem with people working and profiting from thier labor.
No, you dumbass.
Republicans do.
Reagan started the war on good paying union jobs and they decimated them.
The basis of Marxism says I have no rights to my labor.
See above, republicans are the spitting image.
You are an asshole, I need to work for you and the government, yes, asshole you are.
IMBECILES like you shouldn't be anywhere near a position of ANY authority.
You could not interact with any President the way you infer we are not able to interact with Trump.
Sure you could, with enough $$$.

June 21 2020
Trump campaign sent out an invitation for a megadollar fundraiser in Dallas on June 11.

The admission fee: $580,600. For this, you get dinner and a photo with Trump. Pricey? Well, this donation does cover a couple.

That’s right, for more than half a million bucks—with the money going to Trump’s campaign, the Republican National Committee, and an assortment of state GOP outfits—you can get a few seconds of face time with Trump and a pic to commemorate the moment.
Mar Lago, a private club, no different then the Democrat's private clubs.

Mar Lago is not even in the top ten as far as private clubs go.

You have conjecture, no more
Sure, all those tax breaks you fucking Trumptards and teabaggers gave corporations, did they LOWER prices?
You have a tough time focusing on one topic, hence I separated your rant into little pieces that show you are indeed a raving lunatic.

Like the "n" word democrats invented to demean African Americans I see you have new words to help with your hate against simple ordinary citizens.

Tax breaks, they sure helped keep prices low and long term make the USA a competitive country to do business in.

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