The highest-end audio

I bought a functioning radio from Walmart and an antenna from Autozone, and hooked up the mess to the factory speakers in my car. After all that effort, I still can't tune the radio to anything worth listening to. It's all Catholic junk radio on the air.
My budget would be $10K but since I want to stay married, let's say $5K.
In layman's terms: you'll get a better sound out of $2k equipment and $3k room treatment then you would get out of $5k equipment.

That's a load of crap, GT. You'll get better sound if you buy the best equipment you can afford and put it in a room without serious intrinsic problems, then set up your speakers properly to minimize room interaction, then add whatever other treatments you need to control nodes and reverberation, etc., which can be done as cheaply or as expensively as one wants to do depending on how fancy you want to be.
My budget would be $10K but since I want to stay married, let's say $5K.
In layman's terms: you'll get a better sound out of $2k equipment and $3k room treatment then you would get out of $5k equipment.

That's a load of crap, GT. You'll get better sound if you buy the best equipment you can afford and put it in a room without serious intrinsic problems, then set up your speakers properly to minimize room interaction, then add whatever other treatments you need to control nodes and reverberation, etc., which can be done as cheaply or as expensively as one wants to do depending on how fancy you want to be.
No professional mixes music in an untreated room. Not even one.

Just shaddapp dude.

Where did I ever say a word about an untreated room, fuckwad? I said to treat the room as needed, which you don't even know until you set everything up then run a sound analysis with the proper test equipment. Do you really know anything about acoustics, chum? I helped design the sound system and acoustics for this place, not a stupid home mixing studio.

My budget would be $10K but since I want to stay married, let's say $5K.
In layman's terms: you'll get a better sound out of $2k equipment and $3k room treatment then you would get out of $5k equipment.

That's a load of crap, GT. You'll get better sound if you buy the best equipment you can afford and put it in a room without serious intrinsic problems, then set up your speakers properly to minimize room interaction, then add whatever other treatments you need to control nodes and reverberation, etc., which can be done as cheaply or as expensively as one wants to do depending on how fancy you want to be.
My budget would be $10K but since I want to stay married, let's say $5K.
In layman's terms: you'll get a better sound out of $2k equipment and $3k room treatment then you would get out of $5k equipment.

That's a load of crap, GT. You'll get better sound if you buy the best equipment you can afford and put it in a room without serious intrinsic problems, then set up your speakers properly to minimize room interaction, then add whatever other treatments you need to control nodes and reverberation, etc., which can be done as cheaply or as expensively as one wants to do depending on how fancy you want to be.
No professional mixes music in an untreated room. Not even one.

Just shaddapp dude.

Where did I ever say a word about an untreated room, fuckwad? I said to treat the room as needed, which you don't even know until you set everything up then run a sound analysis with the proper test equipment. Do you really know anything about acoustics, chum? I helped design the sound system and acoustics for this place, not a stupid home mixing studio.

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You're just being a douche bag at this point.

I told him to treat his room.

You said thats horsecrap.

Now you're saying you never said not to treat a room.

You're just hot air and we don't need to turn this into a debate threat to satisfy your odd fetish with being an asshole. There's probably different rules for this subforum for exactly what you're doing here. Just go somewhere else. You're obviously just being a dickhead.
Monitoring is implied in the fact that they're monitors. And Synthaholic also later elucidated that.

Oh really? So when I bought a Hitachi video monitor for my bedroom, I must have been planning on making my bedroom a video editing room? And all the people who have bought Spendor, Harbeth, Wilson and other brands of monitor speakers down through the years originally intended for pro monitoring all must have been planning to use them in recording studios?

DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA what the meaning of a "monitor" is? Or Are you just so fucking ignorant because you plucked a few strings and played around with home mixing so ASSUME everyone must be limited by YOUR definitions?

I use a pair of modified monitors myself right now. A monitor by design is intended to offer minimal colourations, which in itself makes them attractive for ANYONE serious about sound quality.

And as to what Synth LATER elucidated to, that is irrelevant-- -- by then you were already shooting your mouth off to me and trying to continuously change the subject.
Monitoring is implied in the fact that they're monitors. And Synthaholic also later elucidated that.

Oh really? So when I bought a Hitachi video monitor for my bedroom, I must have been planning on making my bedroom a video editing room? And all the people who have bought Spendor, Harbeth, Wilson and other brands of monitor speakers down through the years originally intended for pro monitoring all must have been planning to use them in recording studios?

DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA what the meaning of a "monitor" is? Or Are you just so fucking ignorant because you plucked a few strings and played around with home mixing so ASSUME everyone must be limited by YOUR definitions?

I use a pair of modified monitors myself right now. A monitor by design is intended to offer minimal colourations, which in itself makes them attractive for ANYONE serious about sound quality.

And as to what Synth LATER elucidated to, that is irrelevant-- -- by then you were already shooting your mouth off to me and trying to continuously change the subject.
Have a fun time yelling at the clouds and debating with yourself dude.
I told him to treat his room. You said thats horsecrap.

YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT. DO YOU EVEN FUCKING READ? I said it was horsecrap about your claim that you are better off spending 2K on gear and 3K on treatments than all 5K on gear.

You must have a gerbil for a brain. Do a lot of drugs? Do you even have any degrees in sound or audio engineering? Electronics? Any professional experience? Do you own any sound analysis gear? WHO THE FUCK would tell someone they are better off with THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS in sound treatment for a room without even seeing the room, the intended speakers first and running a spectrum analyzer?
I told him to treat his room. You said thats horsecrap.

YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT. DO YOU EVEN FUCKING READ? I said it was horsecrap about your claim that you are better off spending 2K on gear and 3K on treatments than all 5K on gear.

You must have a gerbil for a brain. Do a lot of drugs? Do you even have any degrees in sound or audio engineering? Electronics? Any professional experience? Do you own any sound analysis gear? WHO THE FUCK would tell someone they are better off with THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS in sound treatment for a room without even seeing the room, the intended speakers first and running a spectrum analyzer?
Have a fine time screaming at the clouds.
Monitoring is implied in the fact that they're monitors. And Synthaholic also later elucidated that.

Oh really? So when I bought a Hitachi video monitor for my bedroom, I must have been planning on making my bedroom a video editing room? And all the people who have bought Spendor, Harbeth, Wilson and other brands of monitor speakers down through the years originally intended for pro monitoring all must have been planning to use them in recording studios?

DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA what the meaning of a "monitor" is? Or Are you just so fucking ignorant because you plucked a few strings and played around with home mixing so ASSUME everyone must be limited by YOUR definitions?

I use a pair of modified monitors myself right now. A monitor by design is intended to offer minimal colourations, which in itself makes them attractive for ANYONE serious about sound quality.

And as to what Synth LATER elucidated to, that is irrelevant-- -- by then you were already shooting your mouth off to me and trying to continuously change the subject.
Have a fun time yelling at the clouds and debating with yourself dude.

^^^^^ IDIOT
I knew a highly regarded audio engineer who always ran his mixes out to his car to listen on it's stock stereo. Because that's what most people were listening to his mixes on. It just makes sense.

View attachment 414682

Oh Dude, you slay me!
Car stereos now as the arbiter of whether your
recordings and mixes were done right!
Mastering Engineers check multiple sources for translation, yes - that's how it works. Typically, they favor the sources where the most consumers will be hearing the material. They even reference ear buds that come with your cell-phone.

I don't know why you're mocking synthaholic for elucidating a very basic aspect of music mix/mastering. That's really weird!
Because he’s another moron who thinks he knows it all. I guess all the top studios around the world who pay that kind of money for these speakers are all dumbasses who should really be taking the advice of an anonymous wingnut on the internet with a bunch of speakers in his living room.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Because he’s another moron who thinks he knows it all. I guess all the top studios around the world who pay that kind of money for these speakers are all dumbasses who should really be taking the advice of an anonymous wingnut on the internet with a bunch of speakers in his living room.

Hey Synth, I've explained my position ad naueum. I really don't care what you buy. Since you made clear long after you started your misrepresented thread that you intend to use these speakers for your little recording studio and they are EQed for that purpose, while I'd never recommend or use them in a home playback environment as my ears are already sensitive enough to the odd harmonic distortions of solid state as it is much less digitally processed class D or H amplifiers, I'm sure they would work more than well enough for you.

My only point in commenting here was that for $20K, you can do better, or as well for a lot less. But like I said, I'm interested in pushing the envelop to SAVE MONEY as I'm the one paying for it. All these top studios you love so much don't need to care because they WRITE THAT COST OFF and pass it on to the consumer.

But you shitheads just don't get that.

As to people who think they know it all, I certainly don't know it all but learned what I DO know by listening to others who knew more willing to teach. Your kind never listen because you DO think you already know it all, demonstrated by your words here because you've dicked around plucking strings and diddling with some small gear in your home brew studio. Have fun with that.
What about good home recording equipment? I've been messing around with NCH music software and recording my own stuff on an iPhone6 voice memo app. :)I'm thinking there's better stuff than that. Any recommendations?
Here are three winners, and they're free:

Freac audio converter
Bandlab (with the now-free Cakewalk software)
What about good home recording equipment? I've been messing around with NCH music software and recording my own stuff on an iPhone6 voice memo app. :)I'm thinking there's better stuff than that. Any recommendations?
Here are three winners, and they're free:

Freac audio converter
Bandlab (with the now-free Cakewalk software)
Thanks I'll send this list to my piano student. I already bought the NCH software and I like it.
What about good home recording equipment? I've been messing around with NCH music software and recording my own stuff on an iPhone6 voice memo app. :)I'm thinking there's better stuff than that. Any recommendations?
Here are three winners, and they're free:

Freac audio converter
Bandlab (with the now-free Cakewalk software)
I'll post some more when I get time to grab links.
What about good home recording equipment? I've been messing around with NCH music software and recording my own stuff on an iPhone6 voice memo app. :)I'm thinking there's better stuff than that. Any recommendations?
Here are three winners, and they're free:

Freac audio converter
Bandlab (with the now-free Cakewalk software)
I'll post some more when I get time to grab links.
Also there's non-free...I use audition with waves bundles

MarathonMike all this shit really depends on what level of obsession you're looking to get into, really.

This a.m., I was going to post the "how-to" youtube videos for building your own acoustic panels. They're pretty easy, and all of the shit is at home depot. No specialty stores or anything like that.

Dipshit tube freak thought I was setting up to sell you something (lol), no - - this is just shit I love to discuss and love the process.

At minimum and without the measurements he's talking about - you'd cover your first reflection points. Since you don't want to fully deaden the room, a lot of folks choose diffusion in some spots versus absorption. I have diffusion on my back wall 1st reflection point and on my side-wall second reflection points.

My REW curves are pretty fuckin on point, too for a small room.

Past the 1st reflection points, it all depends on your room, its resonances and also(again) what level of obsession you want to throw into this.

Let me know what that smaller room is looking like, measurement wise, windows doors and any odd-shape wise too like an L in the room or anything.

The entrance to my room is a 4ft. hallway coming into the back right corner... for example and so I couldn't bass-trap that corner. Instead, I've got some high-end absorption blanket that I've put on a rounded ceiling curtain hanger, and I only pull it closed when I'm mixing. It's not ideal to have one corner different from the rest, but these are the lil things us home audio folks have to deal with.
@MarathonMike all this shit really depends on what level of obsession you're looking to get into, really.
Thanks GT I'll get you a drawing of the smaller room. The living room is prolly not the way to go. I wouldn't say I'm obsessive but now that I have the time I'm doing a lot more with music.
@MarathonMike all this shit really depends on what level of obsession you're looking to get into, really.
Thanks GT I'll get you a drawing of the smaller room. The living room is prolly not the way to go. I wouldn't say I'm obsessive but now that I have the time I'm doing a lot more with music.
If you're only going to sort of half-obsess about it, your room would be pretty damn solid just getting rid of the obvious reflection points. I'll wait for the room size, but I'm thinking side and back wall panels with a cloud panel overhead would be good enough - - and then bass traps in the corners (easier to buy those than build them, but would be your call really).

Those small room fixes will go a long long way, and you'll definitely see a HUMONGOUS improvement in how your mixes translate to places like the car and crap.
MarathonMike if you want me to fire you pics of my little home studio room, open up the ability for me to PM you - - it says youve got conversations blocked at the moment.
What about good home recording equipment? I've been messing around with NCH music software and recording my own stuff on an iPhone6 voice memo app. :)I'm thinking there's better stuff than that. Any recommendations?
Here are three winners, and they're free:

Freac audio converter
Bandlab (with the now-free Cakewalk software)
I'll post some more when I get time to grab links.
Dipshit tube freak thought I was setting up to sell you something (lol), no - - this is just shit I love to discuss and love the process.

GT, the only assholes here are YOU and the Syntholizer: And you've proven it in bristol fashion too dim to even realize it. I came here and simply tried to point out that in buying a prepackaged, self-powered speaker system that someone else had put together, complete with self contained crossovers, EQ and amplifiers, that you were paying the HIGHEST possible price as ideal consumers for someone else's idea for a ready-to-go prepacked solution!

THE POINT BEING that you were in effect AGREEING WITH ME with your classic cheap Yamahas all the while arguing against me-- that you could attain JUST AS MUCH if not more, if you were simply willing to shop around and find some good used speakers yourself, buy some DOD or dbx crossover networks, buy some good used amps, and do a little work and put it all together with a little knowledge and end up with sound every bit as good as the OPs $20,000 speakers, but for maybe just a couple grand instead. I know, I've done it many times. I've been putting sound systems together for about 45 years.

But instead of understanding that, you began talking of pink sweaters and yachts and other bullshit totally confusing an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT DISCUSSION about what the REAL high end was and what you could really spend on it--- if you want to, as per the OP's thread title.

But it wasn't enough that you guys made complete asses of yourself completely missing my points here, but then you went on to try to DENIGRATE someone for merely suggesting ways to SAVE MONEY! :lmao:

A LOT of money.

I'm probably the only person here with REAL pro sound experience in actually ENGINEERING solutions, but instead of listening to me, whether you guys want to do that work or save thousands or not, you've completely thrown up a wall of bullshit misreading me 180° while defending your right to spend as much money as possible on prepackaged consumer solutions because that's what all your buddies do and tell you to do as well. :auiqs.jpg: So OFF with you, fool! It's not my cash!

And that idiocy is exemplified in your suggestion that someone spend thousands on generic room treatment without so much as even knowing the room being used, the speakers, their placement and characteristics, or doing any measurements from the mixing position.

Call me names, but YOU are what we call in the industry a HACK.

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