The Hill says Texas cannot declare an “invasion” at its border

Under our laws, you must present yourself at a border check point to claim asylum. It does not state that you must be allowed into the country. Every person coming over at any other point is an illegal invader and can be returned to Mexico.

And if Texas posts No Trespassing Signs along the border and anyone violates the posting, they can be forced off the property and back into Mexico at gun point if necessary or taken into custody and prosecuted. And then we can bring back the chain gang and have them work for their room and board while awaiting trial.
The Affirmative Asylum Process

STEP 1: Arrive in the U.S.
STEP 2: Apply for Asylum
STEP 3: Fingerprinting and Background/Security Checks
STEP 4: Receive an Interview Notice
STEP 5: Interview

The Illegals follow NONE of the above.

Further, what are they seeking asylum FROM?
Bus them. Bus them to Ohio and then Ohio can bus them to Texas and then Texas can bus them to Virginia where Virginia can bus to Texas.

Or Texas can pass mandatory e-verify and most will leave on their own.
I like the British solution, send them all to Rwanda --- in our case, fly all illegals to Honduras or Guatemala. As soon as they are caught. That would stop it, after all. Why can't government be effective?? It was, under Trump.
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If so you can expect Hillary to become the Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party.
So many people are now talking about this. Here, certainly, but also mention of a possible Hillary re-run in news articles, a steady drip. The Dems just don't have a deep bench! Apart from the hopeless Biden and Harris, who have they got? Gavin Newsom is clearly running, and what a bad start he just made. And the rest ---- something very wrong with them, for the most part, a fake Mexican who is actually Irish, another who is openly homosexual --- they really just don't have anyone plausible to run.

So it has to be Hillary.
That isn't happening there.
Not yet, true, but the courts cleared it. Still, with today's collapse of the Johnson government, who knows if that sensible measure will survive.
It is an invasion, and they should take appropriate action to stop it.
The invasion of Texas is confirmed to be "real" by Texas Judge

SEE: Texas counties declare ‘invasion’ during border crisis: ‘We’re being invaded’

"We’re being invaded. The facts are there,” said Kinney County Judge Tully Shahan at a press conference in Brackettville, Texas. “This is real. We want America to know this is real. America doesn’t know what’s happening here.”

And the Biden Administration is not only encouraging the invasion, but also giving assistance to the invaders and bussing them into the interior of our country, which is a prosecutable offense: 8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens


I never thought I would live to see the day when American Citizens would stand idle and allow the United States to be invaded by millions of foreign nationals without a shot being fired.
So many people are now talking about this. Here, certainly, but also mention of a possible Hillary re-run in news articles, a steady drip. The Dems just don't have a deep bench! Apart from the hopeless Biden and Harris, who have they got? Gavin Newsom is clearly running, and what a bad start he just made. And the rest ---- something very wrong with them, for the most part, a fake Mexican who is actually Irish, another who is openly homosexual --- they really just don't have anyone plausible to run.

So it has to be Hillary.
At this point I have to agree with you. Perhaps some unknown will emerge or perhaps Michelle Obama will change her mind and decide to run.

I don't operate the system. As I said, I imagine the result would be you are charged with the misdemeanor and order deported.

I imagine that the illegals know that those in charge, ie Biden and his administration, are just going though the motions of pretending to protect America.

That is they say some shit about "asylum" that Biden's people give them a rubber stamp and invite them on in.

That is why the very idea of asking if the claims of an asylum seeker is true, or the idea of punishing them for lying, is so alien to you.

Because, it is just pretend. The reality is OPEN BORDERS. Because liberals don't give a fuck about this country or their fellow Americans.
2016 Obama's last year. 73,081 granted asylum.

2019 Trump was president and last year before Covid. 92,623 granted asylum.

Why would Trump do that if they all are lying?

Report to Congress on Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2021 - United States Department of State

Well done. YOu pivoted from not being able to even grasp the idea of a lying asylum seeker to immediately assuming that they are ALL lying, in seconds.

Excellent use of the false dichotomy logical fallacy.

Meanwhile in the real world, yeah. Tell me, are you proud to be an American?
Well done. YOu pivoted from not being able to even grasp the idea of a lying asylum seeker to immediately assuming that they are ALL lying, in seconds.

Excellent use of the false dichotomy logical fallacy.

Meanwhile in the real world, yeah. Tell me, are you proud to be an American?

I am. I am not so proud of many we put in charge though.
I am. I am not so proud of many we put in charge though.

Yeah. Very convincing the way you said "yes" But IMMEDIATELY felt a need to qualify it. ANd throw some shit at our leaders.

Ask me if I am proud to be an American.
The American People have your back Gov. Abbott... time to defend against the invasion

I think Governor Abbott has finally come to the conclusion that a vast majority of the American people are behind him on this issue and would not hesitate to defend him if push comes to shove. This situation is nothing like Governor George Wallace Attempting to Block Integration at the University of Alabama:

This is about the citizens of Texas, regardless of their color, suffering the devastating consequences of the Biden Administration filling Texas with millions of other country’s poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations when Texas has a housing shortage, and trouble caring for our own needy citizens.

The Democrat Party Leadership’s open border policy is destructive to the general welfare of the State of Texas and her citizens, not to mention how it is also destructive to the citizens all those other cities and towns where the Biden Administration is shipping these invaders in the dead of night.

I am absolutely sure the American People will have Governor Abbott’s back if the current Administration decides to do something stupid.


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves and put the KKK out of business. ___ Author unknown
SEE: Why Texas cannot declare an ‘invasion’ at the border

Well, isn’t this special? The Hill confidently asserts “There are legal and practical reasons why states cannot take immigration matters into their own hands. It is well-settled law that immigration enforcement is the jurisdiction of the federal government.”

The truth is, our federal constitution delegates to Congress a limited power “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization”, and nowhere in the federal Constitution does the word “immigration” appear.

The allowance to establish a uniform rule of naturalization is nothing more than providing the steps by which a foreign national may become a citizen of the United States. It is not a delegation of a power by which a State, and people therein, have surrendered their inalienable and preexisting right to self-defense, and that would include the preexisting power to protect against an invasion of its borders by foreign nationals.

In fact it is expressly stated in our federal Constitution that:

“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”

So, there is a specific exception clearly indicating a state may act on its own if invaded, or imminent danger exists as will not admit of delay.

Surely this wording preserves the preexisting power of a state and people therein, to defend against an invasion and/or other such “imminent danger”, and especially so if the federal government neglects and actually refused to be obedient to the terms of the Constitution and its guarantee that the federal government “shall” protect each of the States against “Invasion”.

The fact is, Congress cannot by legislative acts delegate enforceable powers to itself which the States have not expressly granted to Congress under the Constitution. And, nowhere in the federal Constitution does the word “immigration” appear. And so, The Hill’s assertion that Texas cannot declare an “invasion” at its border and protect itself from said invasion, is an assertion not substantiated by the text of the Constitution nor its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.

And with reference to the delegated power to establish a rule of naturalization, our very own Supreme Court summarized this limited power as follows: “Its sole object was to prevent one State from forcing upon all the others, and upon the general government, persons as citizens whom they were unwilling to admit as such.” PASSENGER CASES, 48 U. S. 283 (1849)

Finally, a review of the CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES, Rule of Naturalization, Feb. 3rd, 1790 confirms the delegated power to establish a rule of naturalization is very limited indeed and most certainly does not include an all-encompassing power over “immigration” nor a power to prohibit the various states from protecting against invasions.



The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people.
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