The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana

The hottest day in history just occurred. The global average temperature was 17.18C, the hottest in the historical record.


Does this mean global warming is very real, and the rational people have been spot-on correct for the past 40 years? Yes.

Does this mean the denier cultists have been laughably wrong for the past decade? Yes.

If you want to put forth a "DERP! DERP! ALL THE DATA IS FAKED! DEEEEERRRRRRP!" conspiracy as a way to run from the hard data, you have to back it up, with something more than a link to a kook conspiracy website. Explain it in your own words, then link to primary data sources. If you won't, that's an admission you're making it all up.

If you'd like to claim the warming is all-natural, provide evidence for that. Don't just claim it. Back it up.

Needless to say, trolls will be instantly reported. Mods, please don't reward trolls by moving a thread to the Rubber Room after trolls overwhelm it, as the trolls always attempt to do.
The hottest day in history just occurred.

Somehow, I doubt that ...

Your belief in fiction doesn’t make it science.
The facts make it science.

You know, the facts that you're desperately trying to deflect from.

People don't have to do that when the facts back them up. You do feel a need to do that. Why?

That's one of the great things about being a liberal. We don't have to troll and deflect. To "win", we just point at reality, so we don't end up looking lying delusional cult imbeciles.

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