The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred


I remember when I was in high school, it got up to almost 120 for several days in a row one summer!!!!

People were literally going outside to fry eggs on the sidewalk and their cars!!!!
This one, out of ideas and desperate, resorts to the tried and true "Just make some shit up" denier tactic.
So wait. You’re not going to share with the class how reliable proxy data is, then?

Shoot. I was gonna bring the popcorn.
And here, we have a "DERP! IT WUZ HOT ONE DAY, SO GLOBAL WAEMING IS A HOAX" argument.

The denier trolls are putting forth their full arsenal of dimwitted deflection today.

Am I wrong, or is the entire premise of your post is that is was hot yesterday?

"The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred"

So, now, a single (or string) of hotter day in the past is a valid argument?

Perhaps you might want to step back from the ledge and question your own supposition.

Take your time, we'll wait.
That's not the topic, troll.

Address the topic, or get off the thread.

And again, no sealioning. There's no liar more contemptible than the sealion.


That aquatic mammal has a point ... if you make a public statement, you have to expect people to ask you to back it up.
Well, the deniers certainly have proven my point.

Not one of them will discuss the cause of the current fast warming. Instead, it's been a massive troll-and-deflect festival.

Yes, my prediction was right, but no, it wasn't a hard prediction to make.
You're not making any sense.

I'm pointing out that the 4% agrees spot on with the 96%, which makes claims that the 96% is wrong look cuckoo.
The 96% of corrupted data was produced by a Senior Fellow on weather and climate, and the study identified that 96% of temperature stations in the United States don't meet NOAA's own standards for placement .. I will trust a Senior Fellow on weather and climate over an anonymous Internet personality on a political discussion forum.

I suggest you read the study titled Corrupted Climate Stations: The Official U.S. Surface Temperature Record Remains Fatally Flawed.. and dispute the veteran Senior Fellow on climate.
Not one of them will discuss the cause of the current fast warming.

We have yet to establish that fast warming, current or otherwise, is actually happening.

You can't discuss cause until you've verified that an effect actually exists.
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The temperature record says the opposite.

If you're going to simply deny hard data, there's no point in having a discussion with you. You're literally in the same category as a flat earther.

And, I .. and several others ... have asked, politely, how this "since the beginning of history" temperature record was established.

A question that has been responded to with jeers of "imbecile", "cultist", "denier" ... but not with any actual answers.
The 96% of corrupted data was produced by a Senior Fellow on weather and climate, and the study identified that 96% of temperature stations in the United States don't meet NOAA's own standards for placement ..
That doesn't change the simple fact that those "bad" stations give the same results as the pristine stations, which debunks your theory that warming is due to bad stations.

Oh, Anthony Watts knows much less about climate than me, and he's a paid political shill. If you're quoting him, you've just completely annihilated your credibility, permanently.

And sadly for you, since this isn't WUWT, you can't simply censor anyone who disagrees with you. What does it say about your hero, that he does instantly censor anyone who disagrees?
GIRL: I think you are the most selfish human being on the planet.

BOY: Well that's just silly. Have you met everybody on the planet?

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