The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

Again, we have one trying to pretend that "Hottest global average in recorded history" is just weather.

Come on, come up with a new suckass arguement. That one was already used.

What is causing the current fast warming?
No, its the FACT that you are doing nothing but spouting bullshit and using totally unreliable “data” and whining when you get called out for it. For simple minded peons like you, it’s called weather.
And, I .. and several others ... have asked, politely, how this "since the beginning of history" temperature record was established.
And I've demonstrated how it's an irrelevant question, since my challenge works just as well if you start in 1979. And I've also demonstrated how wildly dishonest it is for you to demand I spend hours typing up something that you don't give a shit about, as demonstated by you ignoring the link.

In response, you run. In front of the whole board, not seeming to care about the humiliation.

I'll keep trying, just to watch you keep running.

What's causing the current fast warming?

Go on, run again. It's what you do. It's all you do.
No, its the FACT that you are doing nothing but spouting bullshit and using totally unreliable “data”
Why do you say the data is unreliable?

Remember, I'm a liberal. That means you can't whine out "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" and expect me to believe it, as a you could with another conservative. I demand facts and data. Where is it?

For simple minded peons like you, it’s called weather.
No, the entire globe over a long time span isn't weather. It's climate. That's kind of the definition of the word.
And I've demonstrated how it's an irrelevant question, since my challenge works just as well if you start in 1979.

You could go back and amend your headline. But, somehow, the hottest day since 1979 doesn't quite have the same sound of doom and disaster, does it?

I see. So by your standards, most of science is "just a guess".

Hint: That's what error bars are for.
Well yes any reputable scientist will tell you the same thing. One thing that is known for sure however is that the Earth's average temperature at one point in the distant past was much higher than it is now. At one point it was much lower than it is now. I know you think you've latched on to something with the rapid warming theory but it's still only a theory. Fear not The world is slowly but surely abandoning hydrocarbons.
It may very well be that will have to begin building our dwellings partially underground in the near future.

The hottest day in history just occurred. The global average temperature was 17.18C, the hottest in the historical record.


Does this mean global warming is very real, and the rational people have been spot-on correct for the past 40 years? Yes.

Does this mean the denier cultists have been laughably wrong for the past decade? Yes.

If you want to put forth a "DERP! DERP! ALL THE DATA IS FAKED! DEEEEERRRRRRP!" conspiracy as a way to run from the hard data, you have to back it up, with something more than a link to a kook conspiracy website. Explain it in your own words, then link to primary data sources. If you won't, that's an admission you're making it all up.

If you'd like to claim the warming is all-natural, provide evidence for that. Don't just claim it. Back it up.

Needless to say, trolls will be instantly reported. Mods, please don't reward trolls by moving a thread to the Rubber Room after trolls overwhelm it, as the trolls always attempt to do.
We are still feeling it too. Humid as hell out there, my A/C requires twice the time on. I rarely turn it on, but I do so more for the sake of my dog than myself
That's not the topic, troll.

I’m not a troll and what I asked is indeed part of the discussion, despite your frantic effort to deflect. :itsok:
Address the topic, or get off the thread.
I am addressing the topic. Stop trying to stage direct shit which you’d prefer not to address. You go ahead and be a spineless worm on your own time.
And again, no sealioning.

Oh. That’s cute. You’ve learned a new word. :itsok:
There's no liar more contemptible than the sealion.

Zzz. You’re a very contemptible coward.

So, back to my very much on topic question. As the line from The Silence of the Lambs puts it: “thrill me with your acumen.”

How reliable is proxy data? How do you know? Indeed, are we talking about multiple proxies? Do they have differing levels of reliability?
Well yes any reputable scientist will tell you the same thing.
Any reputable scientist will tell you science is just guessing? Really? I don't think so.

One thing that is known for sure however is that the Earth's average temperature at one point in the distant past was much higher than it is now.
And there's the "Climate changed naturally in the past, so it's impossible for humans to change climate" argument. All the bad arguments are coming out.
That doesn't change the simple fact that those "bad" stations give the same results as the pristine stations, which debunks your theory that warming is due to bad stations.

Oh, Anthony Watts knows much less about climate than me, and he's a paid political shill. If you're quoting him, you've just completely annihilated your credibility, permanently.

And sadly for you, since this isn't WUWT, you can't simply censor anyone who disagrees with you. What does it say about your hero, that he does instantly censor anyone who disagrees?
You just shot any hope of ever having credibility.
How reliable is proxy data? How do you know? Indeed, are we talking about multiple proxies? Do they have differing levels of reliability?
I provided a link on that.

You refused to read it.

Just as you'd refuse to read my magnum opus is I did spend a day creating it. I hope you don't embarrass yourself by pretending otherwise.

That's how everyone knows you're trolling and lying. You don't want data. You just want to harrass me, and deflect from the topic. You're a troll, and a very obvious one.
Why do you say the data is unreliable?

Remember, I'm a liberal. That means you can't whine out "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" and expect me to believe it, as a you could with a conservatives. I demand data. Where is it?

No, the entire globe over a long time span isn't weather. It's climate. That's kind of the definition of the word.
That’s funny. Liar mamooth demands proof while providing none of his own. You’re a liberal, meaning you don’t understand what you’re lying about. Just bleat out whatever your Dim masters tell you to. Your shit is shit because professionals say so, as has been pointed out to you. Seems you forget your own people stating weather isn’t climate. Now explain those really cold days that happen every winter.
I provided a link on that.

You refused to read it.

Just as you'd refuse to read my magnum opus is I did spend a day creating it. I hope you don't embarrass yourself by pretending otherwise.

That's how everyone knows you're trolling and lying. You don't want data. You just want to harrass me, and deflect from the topic. You're a troll, and a very obvious one.
And there's the "Climate changed naturally in the past, so it's impossible for humans to change climate" argument.

There is the "Climate changed naturally many, many times in the past so how can we be sure that the same thing isn't happening again?" argument.
You just shot any hope of ever having credibility.
You're denying that Watts gets paid to be an inept propagandist?

Or that his site is an alt-right cesspool?

Or that he instacensors any dissenting voices? (except for the token Nick Stokes, and who knows, even he may be banned now.)

We used to play a game. We'd just post some simple facts on WUWT, and see who could get banned the fastest. It always happened.
I provided a link on that.

You refused to read it.

Just as you'd refuse to read my magnum opus is I did spend a day creating it. I hope you don't embarrass yourself by pretending otherwise.

That's how everyone knows you're trolling and lying. You don't want data. You just want to harrass me, and deflect from the topic. You're a troll, and a very obvious one.
Your vanity doesn’t make you right or convince anyone of your credentials.
There is the "Climate changed naturally many, many times in the past so how can we be sure that the same thing isn't happening again?" argument.
Finally, a good question.

We know the current warming isn't natural because ...

1. The sun is cooling.
2. The orbital factors are pushing us towards another ice age.
3. We see stratospheric cooling, which has no known natural cause, but which is predicted by AGW theory.
4. We see an increase in downwelling backradiation, which has no known natural cause, but which is predicted by AGW theory.
5. We see outgoing longwave decreasing in the greenhouse gas emission bands, which has no known natural cause, but is predicted by AGW theory.

Those are all direct measurements, no models involved. The success of the models is just icing on the cake.

So, we know the current warming isn't natural because the hard data indicates it's not natural.

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