The Housing Mess = More economic disaster thanks to Democrats!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Anybody who cant see that.......... at the heart of the housing crisis is both the Community Reinvestment Act AND Fannie/Freeddie is either a mental case or an intellectual phoney.

What happened with subsequent risky investments from banks was facilitated BY GOVERNMENT sticking their nose in the marketplace............100% certainty. Anytime the government gets projects itself into the market, the majority get fcukked over.

George Will: How we got into this housing mess

George Will • Washington Post • Published: July 03. 2011 2:00AM

The louder they talked about the disadvantaged, the more money they made. And the more the financial system tottered.
Who were they? Most explanations of the financial calamity have been indecipherable to people not fluent in the language of "credit default swaps" and "collateralized debt obligations." The calamity has lacked human faces. No more.

Put on asbestos mittens and pick up "Reckless Endangerment," the scalding new book by Gretchen Morgenson, a New York Times columnist, and Joshua Rosner, a housing finance expert. They will introduce you to James A. Johnson, an emblem of the administrative state that liberals admire.
The book's subtitle could be: "Cry 'Compassion' and Let Slip the Dogs of Cupidity." Or: "How James Johnson and Others (Mostly Democrats) Made the Great Recession." The book is another cautionary tale about government's terrifying self-confidence. It is, the authors say, "a story of what happens when Washington decides, in its infinite wisdom, that every living, breathing citizen should own a home."

The 1977 Community Reinvestment Act pressured banks to relax lending standards to dispense mortgages more broadly across communities. In 1992, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston purported to identify racial discrimination in the application of traditional lending standards to those, Morgenson and Rosner write, "whose incomes, assets, or abilities to pay fell far below the traditional homeowner spectrum."

In 1994, Bill Clinton proposed increasing homeownership through a "partnership" between government and the private sector, principally orchestrated by Fannie Mae, a "government-sponsored enterprise" (GSE). It became a perfect specimen of what such "partnerships" (e.g., General Motors) usually involve: Profits are private, losses are socialized

There was a torrent of compassion-speak: "Special care should be taken to ensure that standards are appropriate to the economic culture of urban, lower-income, and nontraditional consumers." "Lack of credit history should not be seen as a negative factor." Government having decided to dictate behavior that markets discouraged, the traditional relationship between borrowers and lenders was revised. Lenders promoted reckless borrowing, knowing they could offload risk to purchasers of bundled loans, and especially to Fannie Mae. In 1994, subprime lending was $40 billion. In 1995, almost one in five mortgages was subprime. Four years later, such lending totaled $160 billion.

As housing prices soared, many giddy owners stopped thinking of homes as retirement wealth and started using them as sources of equity loans — up to $800 billion a year. This fueled incontinent consumption.

Under Johnson, an important Democratic operative, Fannie Mae became, Morgenson and Rosner say, "the largest and most powerful financial institution in the world." Its power derived from the unstated certainty that the government would be ultimately liable for Fannie's obligations. This assumption and other perquisites were subsidies to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac worth an estimated $7 billion a year. They retained about a third of this.Morgenson and Rosner report that in 1998, when Fannie Mae's lending hit $1 trillion, its top officials began manipulating the company's results to generate bonuses for themselves. That year, Johnson's $1.9 million bonus brought his compensation to $21 million. In nine years, Johnson received $100 million.
Fannie Mae's political machine dispensed campaign contributions, gave jobs to friends and relatives of legislators, hired armies of lobbyists (even paying lobbyists not to lobby against it), paid academics who wrote papers validating the homeownership mania, and spread "charitable" contributions to housing advocates across the congressional map.

By 2003, the government was involved in financing almost half — $3.4 trillion — of the home-loan market. Not coincidentally, by summer 2005, almost 40 percent of new subprime loans were for amounts larger than the value of the properties.

Morgenson and Rosner find few heroes, but two are Marvin Phaup and June O'Neill. These "digit-heads" and "pencil brains" (a Fannie Mae spokesman's idea of argument) with the Congressional Budget Office resisted Fannie Mae pressure to kill a report critical of the institution.

"Reckless Endangerment" is a study of contemporary Washington, where showing "compassion" with other people's money pays off in the currency of political power, and currency. Although Johnson left Fannie Mae years before his handiwork helped produce the 2008 bonfire of wealth, he may be more responsible for the debacle and its still-mounting devastations — of families, endowments, etc. — than any other individual. If so, he may be more culpable for the peacetime destruction of more wealth than any individual in history.

Morgenson and Rosner report. You decide.

Liberals are experts at one thing in life: destroying other peoples wealth, including the average Joe's. We all pay for their fcukk ups.....brought to us in the name of leveling the playing field for all!!! While assholes like me have to allow the bank in to check under my pillow to get a mortgage approved.........after working in the same organization for 25 years......millions of others just gotta come in and sign on the dotted line to get a 200K or 300K mortgage.

Sure buys lots and lots of votes doesnt it???
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I don't like the angle of saying this is one party or the other - that will quickly dissolve the discussion into yet another futile rock throwing thread that goes nowhere.

Rather I prefer to show this as yet another example of the very long line of examples showing why big government is ALWAYS a bad thing.
oH.........ALMOST FORGOT.................

I wonder if Barney Frank has finally figured out that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are in trouble?
Anybody who cant see that.......... at the heart of the housing crisis is both the Community Reinvestment Act AND Fannie/Freeddie is either a mental case or an intellectual phoney.

you are dead right but lets not forget the Federal Reserve. To buy and bid up the prices of all those homes for all those years they had to print the money to make it possible. They too were a huge part of the liberal scam.
I don't like the angle of saying this is one party or the other - that will quickly dissolve the discussion into yet another futile rock throwing thread that goes nowhere.

Rather I prefer to show this as yet another example of the very long line of examples showing why big government is ALWAYS a bad thing.

yes but when we get in the voting booth the choice is one party or another.

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