The Howard Stern DJ


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism dialogue parody inspired by Quick Change and Greedy and alludes to the satirism-influence of Howard Stern (on commerce-culture).



GOD: The world is ruled by America.
SATAN: That's because of Hollywood and Wall Street!
GOD: America control's humanity's daydreams...
SATAN: That's only because Americans make the best 'toys.'
GOD: The United Nations should discuss the marketing of war-toys.
SATAN: Water-pistols are popular in America during the hot summer.
GOD: Imagine a bank-robber (e.g., Butch Cassidy) becomes an idol.
SATAN: That happens because of federalism frustrations (e.g., Great Depression).
GOD: If Wall Street crashes, people will call America 'foolish.'
SATAN: That's because of the instinct to 'downsize' capitalism.
GOD: How do you fight fire with fire?
SATAN: Capitalism raises up profiteers to the level of gods.
GOD: Yes, Bill Gates, etc.
SATAN: What if Butch Cassidy became a folk-hero?
GOD: That would be no different than Robin Hood!
SATAN: Could Robin Hood be a god?
GOD: Only in a society yearning to rebel...
SATAN: Maybe we can balance rebelliousness with fashion.
GOD: How?
SATAN: We could market 'everyday heroism.'
GOD: You mean schoolteachers, firefighters, priests, etc.?
SATAN: Precisely. Capitalism makes room for all kinds of 'heroes.'
GOD: I suppose that's the message/point of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?!
SATAN: I foresee a bank-robber in a Trump-mask carrying a water-pistol.
GOD: Such a 'daredevil' would be a socialism propaganda-artist.
SATAN: In that case, we should bless 'revolutionary creativity.'
GOD: Let's hope Howard Stern is funny...


This is a capitalism dialogue parody inspired by Quick Change and Greedy and alludes to the satirism-influence of Howard Stern (on commerce-culture).



GOD: The world is ruled by America.
SATAN: That's because of Hollywood and Wall Street!
GOD: America control's humanity's daydreams...
SATAN: That's only because Americans make the best 'toys.'
GOD: The United Nations should discuss the marketing of war-toys.
SATAN: Water-pistols are popular in America during the hot summer.
GOD: Imagine a bank-robber (e.g., Butch Cassidy) becomes an idol.
SATAN: That happens because of federalism frustrations (e.g., Great Depression).
GOD: If Wall Street crashes, people will call America 'foolish.'
SATAN: That's because of the instinct to 'downsize' capitalism.
GOD: How do you fight fire with fire?
SATAN: Capitalism raises up profiteers to the level of gods.
GOD: Yes, Bill Gates, etc.
SATAN: What if Butch Cassidy became a folk-hero?
GOD: That would be no different than Robin Hood!
SATAN: Could Robin Hood be a god?
GOD: Only in a society yearning to rebel...
SATAN: Maybe we can balance rebelliousness with fashion.
GOD: How?
SATAN: We could market 'everyday heroism.'
GOD: You mean schoolteachers, firefighters, priests, etc.?
SATAN: Precisely. Capitalism makes room for all kinds of 'heroes.'
GOD: I suppose that's the message/point of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?!
SATAN: I foresee a bank-robber in a Trump-mask carrying a water-pistol.
GOD: Such a 'daredevil' would be a socialism propaganda-artist.
SATAN: In that case, we should bless 'revolutionary creativity.'
GOD: Let's hope Howard Stern is funny...


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Why are you associating Howard stern with this?
A lot of people who hit the work lottery and end up making $500k or more a year feel lucky. If this one thing didn’t happen and they never got that first promotion they may have been stuck in middle management forever. Or what if they never got their foot in the door? No guarantee they’d be as successful if they got hired at another company.

I myself have been a superstar at some companies but fired from other companies. Our personal experiences shape our perceptions

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