The Hussein “demands” anti-Biden ad be pulled...

It's simple and clear. Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans feel they are entitled to operate above all established norms, rules and laws.
The only one feeling entitled is your beloved Hussein. He feels entitled to shut criticism of Biden down. So he is going to bully a company (the TV station) to drop the ad.

The only thing Republicans feel “entitled to” is exercising First Amendment rights.

Nothing was said about Biden.

"This unauthorized use of President Obama's name, image, likeness, voice and book passage is clearly intended to mislead the target audience of the ad into believing that the passage from the audiobook is a statement that was made by President Barack Obama during his presidency, when it was in fact made by a barber in a completely different context more than 20 years ago,"

Trumpublicans feel they can manipulate and splice data from any source to develop a usable false narrative as a weapon against Democrats. Winning is everything to them, even if they have to lie, cheat, steal, coerce foreign governments, because for them, the end justifies the means.

The ad is about the Democrat history of plantation politics and racism, including the quotes shown. The Hussein’s passage from his book is right on point, even a black barber understood it.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Sorry genius, sending a cease and desist request letter is precisely NOT censorship.
what is it then?
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.

What was the lie?

Did Obama say it or not?
Since they didn't do that, there is no reason for them to think about it.
Keep those blinders fastened tight to the left, right and center of your spectacles, IM2.
I see just fine. You have the problem.
IM2 sez: "I see just fine. You have the problem."

Well my oh my, sez the spider to the fly. :laughing0301:

IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

So sharp, man. That's like being the smartest kids with Down syndrome.
IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
Republicans-Bad time, eh?

Republicans fought to free the slaves from lives of obsequious service for free.

Republicans Won and so did blacks with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Eisenhower gave black children the right to equal education with white children in 1954 when he sent troops to protect a black girl in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Republicans passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments that protected Blacks and gave them the same rights as everybody else in 1865, 1868, and 1870. The Democrats opposed everything good that given black citizens up to and including 1960. The one and only reason President John F. Kennedy took Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's advice to change the Democrats' attitude toward blacks was to get all the black votes it could through lip service. Democrats started taking credit for everything Republicans did for the black people and many blacks threw their saving friends in the Republican Party under the bus for not voting for the something-for-nothing deal they got from the Democrats. The smarter ones didn't go for that nor the Roe v. Wade shit that decimated the black population.Today, more black babies are aborted than born.

You have to hand it to Dems. How they continue to get blacks to vote for them is pretty amazing. Decades of allowing Dems to run their cities has lead them to have the highest rates of crime, drug use, imprisonments, homosexuality, HIV/AIDS, single parent homes, abortions, welfare dependency, unemployment, violence, illiteracy, high school dropouts, and murder rates.

But hey, the next old white Democrat running for President will change all that!

Promising free shit always works.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.

The President couldn’t force anyone to testify or not. But why should they testify? I thought there was “rock solid” evidence of a crime?

He did force people to not testify after they were subpoenaed. We all know why there was no trial in the senate so don't pretend like what happened was legitimate.

There was a trial, and he was acquitted of all charges. Exonerated for life.

You’re trying to claim it was “illegitimate” because the President didn’t prove himself guilty?

Besides, what was the actual Federal crime he was accused of breaking? Oh that’s right, there was none.

That was no trial. It was illegitimate because all the evidence was not allowed, nor where all the witnesses of the action allowed to testify. Look asshole, we both know good and well if democrats had pulled this stunt you would birth an asshole baby. So shut the fuck up trying to excuse what happened.

Pelosi should have held up the vote til all the evidence was in.

But, she needed it by Christmas, didn't she?
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.
And yet you Dimsocialist whine and cry when Trump calls out Fake News.:21:
Who the hell is he to send such a demand?
A private citizen. I can also pay a lawyer to draft and send such a demand. In my country, private citizens can do this, unlike in your mother russia.
^^ Says the commie who is going to vote for a Marxist that praised the USSR and Cuba.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.
Link to how Trump is working for Putin, liar?
Who the hell is he to send such a demand?
A private citizen. I can also pay a lawyer to draft and send such a demand. In my country, private citizens can do this, unlike in your mother russia.
^^ Says the commie who is going to vote for a Marxist that praised the USSR and Cuba.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
Mueller, $35 MILLION, and 3 years of investigations say you are full of shit, liar.

No collusion.

^^ Says the commie who is going to vote for a Marxist that praised the USSR and Cuba.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
President Trump did not collude with Vladimir Putin and does not speak the Russian language, doll.

Yawn! Trump was supported by Putin who admitted to directing people to help trump win the presidency. No one was looking for collusion and the trump campaign had over 140 meetings with Russians. Had that been Hillary Clinton, you would be accusing her of all kinds of crimes like you tried with your remarks about the dossier. So just face that fact that trump is a crook and move on.
Link us up to your evidence, liar.

Since they didn't do that, there is no reason for them to think about it.
Keep those blinders fastened tight to the left, right and center of your spectacles, IM2.
I see just fine. You have the problem.
IM2 sez: "I see just fine. You have the problem."

Well my oh my, sez the spider to the fly. :laughing0301:

IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.
The only thing sharp about you is the point on your head.
^^ Says the commie who is going to vote for a Marxist that praised the USSR and Cuba.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.

The President couldn’t force anyone to testify or not. But why should they testify? I thought there was “rock solid” evidence of a crime?

He did force people to not testify after they were subpoenaed. We all know why there was no trial in the senate so don't pretend like what happened was legitimate.
The House Clowns presented 13 witnesses and over 2800 documents.

Get a new lie, that one won't fly, liar.
Bernie lost 30 states in a primary by the vote of the citizens of those states. So just like everything else you said, you're wrong. We know what the russians did and it went farther than you say.

Kind of like how Hillary lost 30 states by the votes of the citizens in those states?

Since that didn't happen....

Still in denial, eh?

In denial of what?

That Hillary lost 30 states, like Bernie.
IM2 must have Googled the election results and found out Hillary lost 30 states. It must suck when your fake news narratives blow up in your face. He hasn’t shown his face since.
^^ Says the commie who is going to vote for a Marxist that praised the USSR and Cuba.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.

“Working for Putin”?

Do you know which President sent a message to Putin about being more “flexible”?

It's funny how dis9ngenous your motherfuckers are. trump worked with Putin. Obamas discussion ended up with him placing long range missiles in Poland against the wishes of the Russians.

President Trump worked with Putin to do what?

The most the Russians did, and it’s still not verified they did, was release some Hillary emails to Wiki. All it did was expose what we all knew, Dems were corrupt, bigoted assholes and they screwed over Bernie.

Bernie lost 30 states in a primary by the vote of the citizens of those states. So just like everything else you said, you're wrong. We know what the russians did and it went farther than you say.
Bernie was cheated out of 30 states.
I see just fine. You have the problem.
IM2 sez: "I see just fine. You have the problem."

Well my oh my, sez the spider to the fly. :laughing0301:

IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
The Civil Rights Act Democrats filibustered.

It took Republicans to break the racist Democrat filibuster. And you continue to support those racists. Birds of a feather.............
I see just fine. You have the problem.
IM2 sez: "I see just fine. You have the problem."

Well my oh my, sez the spider to the fly. :laughing0301:

IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.

And when Johnson signed the CRA he proclaimed it would keep the 'n-words' voting for Dims for decades. He was right. You are still on the Dimsocialist Plantation.

Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.

The President couldn’t force anyone to testify or not. But why should they testify? I thought there was “rock solid” evidence of a crime?

He did force people to not testify after they were subpoenaed. We all know why there was no trial in the senate so don't pretend like what happened was legitimate.

There was a trial, and he was acquitted of all charges. Exonerated for life.

You’re trying to claim it was “illegitimate” because the President didn’t prove himself guilty?

Besides, what was the actual Federal crime he was accused of breaking? Oh that’s right, there was none.

That was no trial. It was illegitimate because all the evidence was not allowed, nor where all the witnesses of the action allowed to testify. Look asshole, we both know good and well if democrats had pulled this stunt you would birth an asshole baby. So shut the fuck up trying to excuse what happened.
13 witnesses, over 2800 documents submitted.

You can spew the same lie 1000 times, liar. But it will still be a lie.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

Maybe whatever Biden has is catching because the asshole seems to think he's still president. LOL
IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.

A bill that was literally supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats.

Yup, you’re real sharp.

A bill that was supported by majorities in both parties and where southern republicans voted against it with southern democrats. Look son, this disingenuous bullshit you republicans keep trying to pull is long past dead.

YOUR racist party filibustered the CRA, and you are still on the Plantation the racist Johnson said you would be on.

What a rube you are.:21:

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