The Hussein “demands” anti-Biden ad be pulled...

Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.

What was the lie?

Did Obama say it or not?

about joe biden? no.

like the ad was edited to portray? yes.

did the ad specifically state that obama was not talking about joe biden? no.

the lie was in the masquerade to dupe the viewer.
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Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Who is "the Hussein"? Didn't he get hanged in Baghdad years ago?
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A private citizen. I can also pay a lawyer to draft and send such a demand. In my country, private citizens can do this, unlike in your mother russia.
^^ Says the commie who is going to vote for a Marxist that praised the USSR and Cuba.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
Mueller, $35 MILLION, and 3 years of investigations say you are full of shit, liar.

No collusion.


the seizure of pauly walnut's assets were more - so thanx to mueller, we turned a profit!

good ol' bob.
Mueller, $35 MILLION, and 3 years of investigations say you are full of shit, liar.

No collusion.


Liar. Mueller found plenty of collusion. But then again collusion is not a criminal conspiracy.
You are full of shit.

Quote the part of the Mueller report saying Trump colluded with Russia.

You won't, you can't, because you are a lying sack of shit.
BlindBoo is one of the biggest leftwing maggot liars here. He is always full of shit.

Starts on page 66.

And? Nothing in the report about rigging an election. Just talk about Hillary emails being released. Which he called for in public all the time. Where’s the crime?

Collusion is not a crime. Calling for Russia to find Hillary's emails was not a crime. Willingly accepting Russian ill gotten gains was not a crime. Sending Russians polling data from various US districts was not a crime.
IM2 sez: "I see just fine. You have the problem."

Well my oh my, sez the spider to the fly. :laughing0301:

IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
Republicans-Bad time, eh?

Republicans fought to free the slaves from lives of obsequious service for free.

Republicans Won and so did blacks with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Eisenhower gave black children the right to equal education with white children in 1954 when he sent troops to protect a black girl in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Republicans passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments that protected Blacks and gave them the same rights as everybody else in 1865, 1868, and 1870. The Democrats opposed everything good that given black citizens up to and including 1960. The one and only reason President John F. Kennedy took Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's advice to change the Democrats' attitude toward blacks was to get all the black votes it could through lip service. Democrats started taking credit for everything Republicans did for the black people and many blacks threw their saving friends in the Republican Party under the bus for not voting for the something-for-nothing deal they got from the Democrats. The smarter ones didn't go for that nor the Roe v. Wade shit that decimated the black population.Today, more black babies are aborted than born.

Republicans didn't do shit. OK? I know what republicans have done to blacks, bitch. I am black. And I know why blacks left the republican party because my grandparents, aunts uncles, parents and other older blacks who left the republican party were alive during my mother fucking lifetime to explain to me why they did so. So white bitches like you can't tell me shit about what republicans did. Get it? Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous stories. Shove them up your ass or pussy, whatever gives you the most satisfaction because I'm not buying. Republicans ended the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments by decree of republican supreme court justices during the mother fucking civil rights cases of the 1880's and with a majority republican supreme court vote in Plessy v. Ferguson. Rutherford Hayes made a compromise with southern democrats to end reconstruction so he could become president. Eisenhower didn't do shit for black people. If you look at his overall record instead of using one example to lie, you'd know that. Furthermore he implemented the wetback boats program that rounded up our Hispanic brothers and sisters for no fucking reason. So don't tell me half or less than fucking half of what republicans have done like they've done so motherfucking much for black people.

For 100 years after slavery ended, this nation practiced apartheid under republican and democratic rule at every mother fucking level of government. So again shove your lies up your ass and bounce on them. Republicans have done nothing for blacks and don't want to do anything for us now but lie to get our vote and then proceed on gutting everything that has allowed us some semblance of equality.

So shut your white ass up trying to tell me what republicans have done. I know what republicans have done and furthermore I know what you sorry racist sons of bitches want to do right now.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
President Trump did not collude with Vladimir Putin and does not speak the Russian language, doll.

Yawn! Trump was supported by Putin who admitted to directing people to help trump win the presidency. No one was looking for collusion and the trump campaign had over 140 meetings with Russians. Had that been Hillary Clinton, you would be accusing her of all kinds of crimes like you tried with your remarks about the dossier. So just face that fact that trump is a crook and move on.
Link us up to your evidence, liar.


damn you're fucking lazy.

Mueller Report Shows Depth of Connections Between Trump Campaign and Russians
Mueller Report Shows Depth of Connections Between Trump Campaign and Russians

What the Mueller Report Says About Russian Contacts
By Eugene Kiely
Posted on April 18, 2019
What the Mueller Report Says About Russian Contacts

Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 272 contacts with Russia-linked operatives
open in PDF
Last Updated June 3, 2019
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 251 contacts with Russia-linked operatives
Sorry genius, sending a cease and desist request letter is precisely NOT censorship.
Who the hell is he to send such a demand? He’s a nobody. He’s a pathetic little Marxist who wishes all opposition to his ideology was silenced.
I didnt vote for him but he was presidential, loved by most, had the popular vote and respected by the whole world. Cant say the same about drumpf

Well that’s what’s important, “the rest of the world liked him”. Of course they liked him, he bent America over for them to take our jobs and make us weaker.

That's a lie. And apparently the majority of Americans who voted liked him. And he still gets higher approval ratings than trump.

Hey look everyone, more IQ2 lies

Today's rating:

Trump 51%
Barry Hussein 45%

President Trump > Barry Hussein.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

lol......... rasmussen is biased. gee, i wonder what a poll from MSNBC would show?
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Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Who is "the Hussein"? Didn't he get hanged in Baghdad years ago?
Your Messiah.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
The Civil Rights Act Democrats filibustered.

It took Republicans to break the racist Democrat filibuster. And you continue to support those racists. Birds of a feather.............

It was a coalition of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans that passed the CRA in 1964. The opposition came from the Rebel, former Slave States and current Banana Republican stronghold in the South.
Dimwingers filibustered it.

Your spin is pathetic.

Your ignorance of American History is telling. Did the filibuster work? Didn't the Democrat controlled Congress ultimately pass the bill or not? Didn't the entire block of Rebel States vote against it. Isn't that same block of states that are firmly in the hands of the Banana Republicans now?
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Who is "the Hussein"? Didn't he get hanged in Baghdad years ago?

The use Obamas middle name Hussein and then cry when they are called racists like we don't know what they are doing.
IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
Republicans-Bad time, eh?

Republicans fought to free the slaves from lives of obsequious service for free.

Republicans Won and so did blacks with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Eisenhower gave black children the right to equal education with white children in 1954 when he sent troops to protect a black girl in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Republicans passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments that protected Blacks and gave them the same rights as everybody else in 1865, 1868, and 1870. The Democrats opposed everything good that given black citizens up to and including 1960. The one and only reason President John F. Kennedy took Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's advice to change the Democrats' attitude toward blacks was to get all the black votes it could through lip service. Democrats started taking credit for everything Republicans did for the black people and many blacks threw their saving friends in the Republican Party under the bus for not voting for the something-for-nothing deal they got from the Democrats. The smarter ones didn't go for that nor the Roe v. Wade shit that decimated the black population.Today, more black babies are aborted than born.

Republicans didn't do shit. OK? I know what republicans have done to blacks, bitch. I am black. And I know why blacks left the republican party because my grandparents, aunts uncles, parents and other older blacks who left the republican party were alive during my mother fucking lifetime to explain to me why they did so. So white bitches like you can't tell me shit about what republicans did. Get it? Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous stories. Shove them up your ass or pussy, whatever gives you the most satisfaction because I'm not buying. Republicans ended the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments by decree of republican supreme court justices during the mother fucking civil rights cases of the 1880's and with a majority republican supreme court vote in Plessy v. Ferguson. Rutherford Hayes made a compromise with southern democrats to end reconstruction so he could become president. Eisenhower didn't do shit for black people. If you look at his overall record instead of using one example to lie, you'd know that. Furthermore he implemented the wetback boats program that rounded up our Hispanic brothers and sisters for no fucking reason. So don't tell me half or less than fucking half of what republicans have done like they've done so motherfucking much for black people.

For 100 years after slavery ended, this nation practiced apartheid under republican and democratic rule at every mother fucking level of government. So again shove your lies up your ass and bounce on them. Republicans have done nothing for blacks and don't want to do anything for us now but lie to get our vote and then proceed on gutting everything that has allowed us some semblance of equality.

So shut your white ass up trying to tell me what republicans have done. I know what republicans have done and furthermore I know what you sorry racist sons of bitches want to do right now.
You are quite the angry racist.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Who is "the Hussein"? Didn't he get hanged in Baghdad years ago?

The use Obamas middle name Hussein and then cry when they are called racists like we don't know what they are doing.
Using someone’s given name is racist?

How so?
Who the hell is he to send such a demand? He’s a nobody. He’s a pathetic little Marxist who wishes all opposition to his ideology was silenced.
I didnt vote for him but he was presidential, loved by most, had the popular vote and respected by the whole world. Cant say the same about drumpf

Well that’s what’s important, “the rest of the world liked him”. Of course they liked him, he bent America over for them to take our jobs and make us weaker.

That's a lie. And apparently the majority of Americans who voted liked him. And he still gets higher approval ratings than trump.

Hey look everyone, more IQ2 lies

Today's rating:

Trump 51%
Barry Hussein 45%

President Trump > Barry Hussein.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

lol......... rasmussen is biased. gee, i wonder what a poll from MSNBC would show?

There are conservatives like Max Boot who clamor for a return to Obama. So nostriljuice and his opinion have no merit.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
Republicans-Bad time, eh?

Republicans fought to free the slaves from lives of obsequious service for free.

Republicans Won and so did blacks with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Eisenhower gave black children the right to equal education with white children in 1954 when he sent troops to protect a black girl in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Republicans passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments that protected Blacks and gave them the same rights as everybody else in 1865, 1868, and 1870. The Democrats opposed everything good that given black citizens up to and including 1960. The one and only reason President John F. Kennedy took Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's advice to change the Democrats' attitude toward blacks was to get all the black votes it could through lip service. Democrats started taking credit for everything Republicans did for the black people and many blacks threw their saving friends in the Republican Party under the bus for not voting for the something-for-nothing deal they got from the Democrats. The smarter ones didn't go for that nor the Roe v. Wade shit that decimated the black population.Today, more black babies are aborted than born.

Republicans didn't do shit. OK? I know what republicans have done to blacks, bitch. I am black. And I know why blacks left the republican party because my grandparents, aunts uncles, parents and other older blacks who left the republican party were alive during my mother fucking lifetime to explain to me why they did so. So white bitches like you can't tell me shit about what republicans did. Get it? Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous stories. Shove them up your ass or pussy, whatever gives you the most satisfaction because I'm not buying. Republicans ended the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments by decree of republican supreme court justices during the mother fucking civil rights cases of the 1880's and with a majority republican supreme court vote in Plessy v. Ferguson. Rutherford Hayes made a compromise with southern democrats to end reconstruction so he could become president. Eisenhower didn't do shit for black people. If you look at his overall record instead of using one example to lie, you'd know that. Furthermore he implemented the wetback boats program that rounded up our Hispanic brothers and sisters for no fucking reason. So don't tell me half or less than fucking half of what republicans have done like they've done so motherfucking much for black people.

For 100 years after slavery ended, this nation practiced apartheid under republican and democratic rule at every mother fucking level of government. So again shove your lies up your ass and bounce on them. Republicans have done nothing for blacks and don't want to do anything for us now but lie to get our vote and then proceed on gutting everything that has allowed us some semblance of equality.

So shut your white ass up trying to tell me what republicans have done. I know what republicans have done and furthermore I know what you sorry racist sons of bitches want to do right now.
You are quite the angry racist.

Fuck off. I'm tired of you racists lying about the republican party. And I'm tired of you racists acting like we have no right to be angry about your bullshit. And I am damn sure tired of a no intelligence maggot like you calling me a racist for opposing your racism. So you can take your little pissy attitude and shove that up your white ass too.
I didnt vote for him but he was presidential, loved by most, had the popular vote and respected by the whole world. Cant say the same about drumpf

Well that’s what’s important, “the rest of the world liked him”. Of course they liked him, he bent America over for them to take our jobs and make us weaker.

That's a lie. And apparently the majority of Americans who voted liked him. And he still gets higher approval ratings than trump.

Hey look everyone, more IQ2 lies

Today's rating:

Trump 51%
Barry Hussein 45%

President Trump > Barry Hussein.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

lol......... rasmussen is biased. gee, i wonder what a poll from MSNBC would show?

There are conservatives like Max Boot who clamor for a return to Obama. So nostriljuice and his opinion have no merit.

richard painter ... is a very outspoken (R) whose knows what a con trump is.... & he was the ethics adviser to george W.

imagine that - - - the ETHICS adviser to george W bush thinks trump is certifiable.
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Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

The ad is fake and a lie. So maybe Obama should sue for slander.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

The ad is fake and a lie. So maybe Obama should sue for slander.

\ ˈsü \
sued; suing
Definition of sue
(Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb
1a : to seek justice or right from (a person) by legal process specifically : to bring an action against
b : to proceed with and follow up (a legal action) to proper termination
2 archaic : to pay court or suit to : woo
3 obsolete : to make petition to or for
intransitive verb
1 : to take legal proceedings in court
2 : to make a request or application : plead —usually used with for or tosue for peace
3 : to pay court : woo he loved … but sued in vain— William Wordsworth

Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

The ad is fake and a lie. So maybe Obama should sue for slander.

\ ˈsü \
sued; suing
Definition of sue
(Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb
1a : to seek justice or right from (a person) by legal process specifically : to bring an action against
b : to proceed with and follow up (a legal action) to proper termination
2 archaic : to pay court or suit to : woo
3 obsolete : to make petition to or for
intransitive verb
1 : to take legal proceedings in court
2 : to make a request or application : plead —usually used with for or tosue for peace
3 : to pay court : woo he loved … but sued in vain— William Wordsworth

Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

The OP should have read the linked article before posting it:

"This unauthorized use of President Obama's name, image, likeness, voice and book passage is clearly intended to mislead the target audience of the ad into believing that the passage from the audiobook is a statement that was made by President Barack Obama during his presidency, when it was in fact made by a barber in a completely different context more than 20 years ago," stated the letter written by Patchen M. Haggerty."​

This ad is a dishonest misuse of President Obama's public image, persona, and intellectual work that is intended to mislead the public. The cease-and-desist letter is not "a brazen call for censorship."

Republicans seem to be very comfortable with dishonesty.

The passage was in his audiobook.


the passage was NOT about joe biden. but the ad mislead & was edited to make it seem obama was talking about joe biden.

thinking bipeds know that was a lie... troglodytes accept it as fact despite it be being fake news & propaganda as long as it helps donny.

The ad was talking about old white Democrats and their racist policies. Quid Pro Joe just happens to fit the bill.

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