The Hussein “demands” anti-Biden ad be pulled...

I didnt vote for him but he was presidential, loved by most, had the popular vote and respected by the whole world. Cant say the same about drumpf

Well that’s what’s important, “the rest of the world liked him”. Of course they liked him, he bent America over for them to take our jobs and make us weaker.

That's a lie. And apparently the majority of Americans who voted liked him. And he still gets higher approval ratings than trump.

Hey look everyone, more IQ2 lies

Today's rating:

Trump 51%
Barry Hussein 45%

President Trump > Barry Hussein.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

lol......... rasmussen is biased. gee, i wonder what a poll from MSNBC would show?

There are conservatives like Max Boot who clamor for a return to Obama. So nostriljuice and his opinion have no merit.
Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
Republicans-Bad time, eh?

Republicans fought to free the slaves from lives of obsequious service for free.

Republicans Won and so did blacks with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Eisenhower gave black children the right to equal education with white children in 1954 when he sent troops to protect a black girl in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Republicans passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments that protected Blacks and gave them the same rights as everybody else in 1865, 1868, and 1870. The Democrats opposed everything good that given black citizens up to and including 1960. The one and only reason President John F. Kennedy took Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's advice to change the Democrats' attitude toward blacks was to get all the black votes it could through lip service. Democrats started taking credit for everything Republicans did for the black people and many blacks threw their saving friends in the Republican Party under the bus for not voting for the something-for-nothing deal they got from the Democrats. The smarter ones didn't go for that nor the Roe v. Wade shit that decimated the black population.Today, more black babies are aborted than born.

Republicans didn't do shit. OK? I know what republicans have done to blacks, bitch. I am black. And I know why blacks left the republican party because my grandparents, aunts uncles, parents and other older blacks who left the republican party were alive during my mother fucking lifetime to explain to me why they did so. So white bitches like you can't tell me shit about what republicans did. Get it? Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous stories. Shove them up your ass or pussy, whatever gives you the most satisfaction because I'm not buying. Republicans ended the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments by decree of republican supreme court justices during the mother fucking civil rights cases of the 1880's and with a majority republican supreme court vote in Plessy v. Ferguson. Rutherford Hayes made a compromise with southern democrats to end reconstruction so he could become president. Eisenhower didn't do shit for black people. If you look at his overall record instead of using one example to lie, you'd know that. Furthermore he implemented the wetback boats program that rounded up our Hispanic brothers and sisters for no fucking reason. So don't tell me half or less than fucking half of what republicans have done like they've done so motherfucking much for black people.

For 100 years after slavery ended, this nation practiced apartheid under republican and democratic rule at every mother fucking level of government. So again shove your lies up your ass and bounce on them. Republicans have done nothing for blacks and don't want to do anything for us now but lie to get our vote and then proceed on gutting everything that has allowed us some semblance of equality.

So shut your white ass up trying to tell me what republicans have done. I know what republicans have done and furthermore I know what you sorry racist sons of bitches want to do right now.
You are quite the angry racist.

Fuck off. I'm tired of you racists lying about the republican party. And I'm tired of you racists acting like we have no right to be angry about your bullshit. And I am damn sure tired of a no intelligence maggot like you calling me a racist for opposing your racism. So you can take your little pissy attitude and shove that up your white ass too.
Link to my racism?

Watch this...........the racist will throw a tantrum and not be able to bring a single example of racism by me.:21:
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Who is "the Hussein"? Didn't he get hanged in Baghdad years ago?

Well Barack Hussein Obama II has changed his name a few times. Whether he goes by Barry Soetoro, or Barack Obama, he’s always been a Hussein.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

Who is Hussein?

The guy who changed his name from Barry Soetoro to “Barack Hussein Obama”, the name of the Muslim man he barely knew. Funny how he worshipped such a loser, a Muslim who had multiple wives.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

Who is Hussein?

The guy who changed his name from Barry Soetoro to “Barack Hussein Obama”, the name of the Muslim man he barely knew. Funny how he worshipped such a loser, a Muslim who had multiple wives.

Don't know of any guy who changed his name from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama.

I am aware of President Obama- who was named Barack Hussein Obama when he was born- and did go by the nickname Barry for awhile.

Hey we have a loser in the White House right now who has had multiple wives........
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.
And yet you Dimsocialist whine and cry when Trump calls out Fake News.:21:

Here's the thing: Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges. Had Roger Stone testified truthfully to the FBI and Congress, and not threatened other witnesses, who knows what would have been found.

They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance, while Mitch McConnell blocks all legislation and sanctions against Russia for doing so.

Trump is still trying to prosecute members of the FBI, CIA, and NSA who investigated him. Undermining the rule of law, the courts, and jury tampering.

What about any of this is "fake news". Of course the Billionaire Media, whose owners are profiting mightily from a Trump Presidency are lying to you and touting the economy. Well the economy is about to get slapped around real good. And Trump has done nothing to prepare for it before last night.

"Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true"​
___A Prune.jpg

"Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges."​
___A Prune.jpg

"They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance,"​
___A Prune.jpg

You're mistaken.
Well that’s what’s important, “the rest of the world liked him”. Of course they liked him, he bent America over for them to take our jobs and make us weaker.

That's a lie. And apparently the majority of Americans who voted liked him. And he still gets higher approval ratings than trump.

Hey look everyone, more IQ2 lies

Today's rating:

Trump 51%
Barry Hussein 45%

President Trump > Barry Hussein.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

lol......... rasmussen is biased. gee, i wonder what a poll from MSNBC would show?

There are conservatives like Max Boot who clamor for a return to Obama. So nostriljuice and his opinion have no merit.

richard painter ... is a very outspoken (R) whose knows what a con trump is.... & he was the ethics adviser to george W.

imagine that - - - the ETHICS adviser to george W bush thinks trump is certifiable.

Imagine that, a SWAMP creature doesn't like an outsider showing the PEOPLE how effective a non SWAMP creature can be for the poor and middle class.
That's a lie. And apparently the majority of Americans who voted liked him. And he still gets higher approval ratings than trump.

Hey look everyone, more IQ2 lies

Today's rating:

Trump 51%
Barry Hussein 45%

President Trump > Barry Hussein.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

lol......... rasmussen is biased. gee, i wonder what a poll from MSNBC would show?

There are conservatives like Max Boot who clamor for a return to Obama. So nostriljuice and his opinion have no merit.

richard painter ... is a very outspoken (R) whose knows what a con trump is.... & he was the ethics adviser to george W.

imagine that - - - the ETHICS adviser to george W bush thinks trump is certifiable.

Imagine that, a SWAMP creature doesn't like an outsider showing the PEOPLE how effective a non SWAMP creature can be for the poor and middle class.

Trump is the swamp, the bayou, and the everglades. Trump has not been effective for the poor or middle class.
IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
Republicans-Bad time, eh?

Republicans fought to free the slaves from lives of obsequious service for free.

Republicans Won and so did blacks with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Eisenhower gave black children the right to equal education with white children in 1954 when he sent troops to protect a black girl in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Republicans passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments that protected Blacks and gave them the same rights as everybody else in 1865, 1868, and 1870. The Democrats opposed everything good that given black citizens up to and including 1960. The one and only reason President John F. Kennedy took Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's advice to change the Democrats' attitude toward blacks was to get all the black votes it could through lip service. Democrats started taking credit for everything Republicans did for the black people and many blacks threw their saving friends in the Republican Party under the bus for not voting for the something-for-nothing deal they got from the Democrats. The smarter ones didn't go for that nor the Roe v. Wade shit that decimated the black population.Today, more black babies are aborted than born.

Republicans didn't do shit. OK? I know what republicans have done to blacks, bitch. I am black. And I know why blacks left the republican party because my grandparents, aunts uncles, parents and other older blacks who left the republican party were alive during my mother fucking lifetime to explain to me why they did so. So white bitches like you can't tell me shit about what republicans did. Get it? Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous stories. Shove them up your ass or pussy, whatever gives you the most satisfaction because I'm not buying. Republicans ended the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments by decree of republican supreme court justices during the mother fucking civil rights cases of the 1880's and with a majority republican supreme court vote in Plessy v. Ferguson. Rutherford Hayes made a compromise with southern democrats to end reconstruction so he could become president. Eisenhower didn't do shit for black people. If you look at his overall record instead of using one example to lie, you'd know that. Furthermore he implemented the wetback boats program that rounded up our Hispanic brothers and sisters for no fucking reason. So don't tell me half or less than fucking half of what republicans have done like they've done so motherfucking much for black people.

For 100 years after slavery ended, this nation practiced apartheid under republican and democratic rule at every mother fucking level of government. So again shove your lies up your ass and bounce on them. Republicans have done nothing for blacks and don't want to do anything for us now but lie to get our vote and then proceed on gutting everything that has allowed us some semblance of equality.

So shut your white ass up trying to tell me what republicans have done. I know what republicans have done and furthermore I know what you sorry racist sons of bitches want to do right now.
someone needs a non racial hug.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.
And yet you Dimsocialist whine and cry when Trump calls out Fake News.:21:

Here's the thing: Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges. Had Roger Stone testified truthfully to the FBI and Congress, and not threatened other witnesses, who knows what would have been found.

They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance, while Mitch McConnell blocks all legislation and sanctions against Russia for doing so.

Trump is still trying to prosecute members of the FBI, CIA, and NSA who investigated him. Undermining the rule of law, the courts, and jury tampering.

What about any of this is "fake news". Of course the Billionaire Media, whose owners are profiting mightily from a Trump Presidency are lying to you and touting the economy. Well the economy is about to get slapped around real good. And Trump has done nothing to prepare for it before last night.

"Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true"​
View attachment 309153
"Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges."​
View attachment 309153
"They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance,"​
View attachment 309153
You're mistaken.

You're brainwashed. Everything trump has said was fake is true and everything trump has said is true is fake. Fact. Where are the convictions of McCabe? Comey? Brennan? Strozk? Page? Clapper? What about the deep state planting bugs in trump building in NYC? The illegals who voted in California? All that voter fraud? The illegal warrants? None of these things happened. But of course you guys are waiting for tne next investigator to say nothing happened so the next investigator can be named to investigate the same thing again so you can say how trump is investigating the corrupt democrats that no one seems to find.
Last edited:
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
Republicans-Bad time, eh?

Republicans fought to free the slaves from lives of obsequious service for free.

Republicans Won and so did blacks with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Eisenhower gave black children the right to equal education with white children in 1954 when he sent troops to protect a black girl in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Republicans passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments that protected Blacks and gave them the same rights as everybody else in 1865, 1868, and 1870. The Democrats opposed everything good that given black citizens up to and including 1960. The one and only reason President John F. Kennedy took Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's advice to change the Democrats' attitude toward blacks was to get all the black votes it could through lip service. Democrats started taking credit for everything Republicans did for the black people and many blacks threw their saving friends in the Republican Party under the bus for not voting for the something-for-nothing deal they got from the Democrats. The smarter ones didn't go for that nor the Roe v. Wade shit that decimated the black population.Today, more black babies are aborted than born.

Republicans didn't do shit. OK? I know what republicans have done to blacks, bitch. I am black. And I know why blacks left the republican party because my grandparents, aunts uncles, parents and other older blacks who left the republican party were alive during my mother fucking lifetime to explain to me why they did so. So white bitches like you can't tell me shit about what republicans did. Get it? Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous stories. Shove them up your ass or pussy, whatever gives you the most satisfaction because I'm not buying. Republicans ended the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments by decree of republican supreme court justices during the mother fucking civil rights cases of the 1880's and with a majority republican supreme court vote in Plessy v. Ferguson. Rutherford Hayes made a compromise with southern democrats to end reconstruction so he could become president. Eisenhower didn't do shit for black people. If you look at his overall record instead of using one example to lie, you'd know that. Furthermore he implemented the wetback boats program that rounded up our Hispanic brothers and sisters for no fucking reason. So don't tell me half or less than fucking half of what republicans have done like they've done so motherfucking much for black people.

For 100 years after slavery ended, this nation practiced apartheid under republican and democratic rule at every mother fucking level of government. So again shove your lies up your ass and bounce on them. Republicans have done nothing for blacks and don't want to do anything for us now but lie to get our vote and then proceed on gutting everything that has allowed us some semblance of equality.

So shut your white ass up trying to tell me what republicans have done. I know what republicans have done and furthermore I know what you sorry racist sons of bitches want to do right now.
someone needs a non racial hug.

No, someone just needs to face their racism and shut the fuck up.
Sorry genius, sending a cease and desist request letter is precisely NOT censorship.
Who the hell is he to send such a demand? He’s a nobody. He’s a pathetic little Marxist who wishes all opposition to his ideology was silenced.
I didnt vote for him but he was presidential, loved by most, had the popular vote and respected by the whole world. Cant say the same about drumpf

Well that’s what’s important, “the rest of the world liked him”. Of course they liked him, he bent America over for them to take our jobs and make us weaker.
What jobs did trump back from overseas ?
A half million new manufacturing jobs, and 7 million new jobs overall. Thanks to tariffs more companies are keeping jobs here.
My ass. The unemployment rate kept on dropping since 2009. Tariffs cause the american consumer billions and we had to bail the farmers without our consent another billions of dollars. Look around your house tell me what's made in the USA since trump came in to office. Not in my house is all made in china.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Who is "the Hussein"? Didn't he get hanged in Baghdad years ago?

The use Obamas middle name Hussein and then cry when they are called racists like we don't know what they are doing.
Well since you make everything racist I don't care what you are doing either. and I know of no black person that runs around screaming I'M BLACK. so forgive me if I just consider you troll boy and move on.
Hey look everyone, more IQ2 lies

Today's rating:

Trump 51%
Barry Hussein 45%

President Trump > Barry Hussein.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

lol......... rasmussen is biased. gee, i wonder what a poll from MSNBC would show?

There are conservatives like Max Boot who clamor for a return to Obama. So nostriljuice and his opinion have no merit.

richard painter ... is a very outspoken (R) whose knows what a con trump is.... & he was the ethics adviser to george W.

imagine that - - - the ETHICS adviser to george W bush thinks trump is certifiable.

Imagine that, a SWAMP creature doesn't like an outsider showing the PEOPLE how effective a non SWAMP creature can be for the poor and middle class.

Trump is the swamp, the bayou, and the everglades. Trump has not been effective for the poor or middle class.
Trump gave the poor and middle class a tax cut. Their wages are rising faster than high income earners.

Unemployment for blacks and Latinos is at all time lows. What do you want him to do? Be specific.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.
And yet you Dimsocialist whine and cry when Trump calls out Fake News.:21:

Here's the thing: Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges. Had Roger Stone testified truthfully to the FBI and Congress, and not threatened other witnesses, who knows what would have been found.

They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance, while Mitch McConnell blocks all legislation and sanctions against Russia for doing so.

Trump is still trying to prosecute members of the FBI, CIA, and NSA who investigated him. Undermining the rule of law, the courts, and jury tampering.

What about any of this is "fake news". Of course the Billionaire Media, whose owners are profiting mightily from a Trump Presidency are lying to you and touting the economy. Well the economy is about to get slapped around real good. And Trump has done nothing to prepare for it before last night.

"Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true"​
View attachment 309153
"Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges."​
View attachment 309153
"They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance,"​
View attachment 309153
You're mistaken.

Try reading the Mueller Report, the Senate Report, and Reports from the National Security Agency of the United States. The ONLY people telling you they didn't are Trump and Putin, and their propaganda machines.
Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
Republicans-Bad time, eh?

Republicans fought to free the slaves from lives of obsequious service for free.

Republicans Won and so did blacks with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Eisenhower gave black children the right to equal education with white children in 1954 when he sent troops to protect a black girl in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Republicans passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments that protected Blacks and gave them the same rights as everybody else in 1865, 1868, and 1870. The Democrats opposed everything good that given black citizens up to and including 1960. The one and only reason President John F. Kennedy took Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's advice to change the Democrats' attitude toward blacks was to get all the black votes it could through lip service. Democrats started taking credit for everything Republicans did for the black people and many blacks threw their saving friends in the Republican Party under the bus for not voting for the something-for-nothing deal they got from the Democrats. The smarter ones didn't go for that nor the Roe v. Wade shit that decimated the black population.Today, more black babies are aborted than born.

Republicans didn't do shit. OK? I know what republicans have done to blacks, bitch. I am black. And I know why blacks left the republican party because my grandparents, aunts uncles, parents and other older blacks who left the republican party were alive during my mother fucking lifetime to explain to me why they did so. So white bitches like you can't tell me shit about what republicans did. Get it? Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous stories. Shove them up your ass or pussy, whatever gives you the most satisfaction because I'm not buying. Republicans ended the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments by decree of republican supreme court justices during the mother fucking civil rights cases of the 1880's and with a majority republican supreme court vote in Plessy v. Ferguson. Rutherford Hayes made a compromise with southern democrats to end reconstruction so he could become president. Eisenhower didn't do shit for black people. If you look at his overall record instead of using one example to lie, you'd know that. Furthermore he implemented the wetback boats program that rounded up our Hispanic brothers and sisters for no fucking reason. So don't tell me half or less than fucking half of what republicans have done like they've done so motherfucking much for black people.

For 100 years after slavery ended, this nation practiced apartheid under republican and democratic rule at every mother fucking level of government. So again shove your lies up your ass and bounce on them. Republicans have done nothing for blacks and don't want to do anything for us now but lie to get our vote and then proceed on gutting everything that has allowed us some semblance of equality.

So shut your white ass up trying to tell me what republicans have done. I know what republicans have done and furthermore I know what you sorry racist sons of bitches want to do right now.
someone needs a non racial hug.

No, someone just needs to face their racism and shut the fuck up.
That would be you.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.
And yet you Dimsocialist whine and cry when Trump calls out Fake News.:21:

Here's the thing: Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges. Had Roger Stone testified truthfully to the FBI and Congress, and not threatened other witnesses, who knows what would have been found.

They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance, while Mitch McConnell blocks all legislation and sanctions against Russia for doing so.

Trump is still trying to prosecute members of the FBI, CIA, and NSA who investigated him. Undermining the rule of law, the courts, and jury tampering.

What about any of this is "fake news". Of course the Billionaire Media, whose owners are profiting mightily from a Trump Presidency are lying to you and touting the economy. Well the economy is about to get slapped around real good. And Trump has done nothing to prepare for it before last night.

"Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true"​
View attachment 309153
"Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges."​
View attachment 309153
"They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance,"​
View attachment 309153
You're mistaken.

Try reading the Mueller Report, the Senate Report, and Reports from the National Security Agency of the United States. The ONLY people telling you they didn't are Trump and Putin, and their propaganda machines.
You really are dumb.
"A half million new manufacturing jobs, and 7 million new jobs overall. Thanks to tariffs more companies are keeping jobs here."

Trump has created fewer jobs than Obama ands with a strong economy he was handed.
The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
Republicans-Bad time, eh?

Republicans fought to free the slaves from lives of obsequious service for free.

Republicans Won and so did blacks with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Eisenhower gave black children the right to equal education with white children in 1954 when he sent troops to protect a black girl in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Republicans passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments that protected Blacks and gave them the same rights as everybody else in 1865, 1868, and 1870. The Democrats opposed everything good that given black citizens up to and including 1960. The one and only reason President John F. Kennedy took Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's advice to change the Democrats' attitude toward blacks was to get all the black votes it could through lip service. Democrats started taking credit for everything Republicans did for the black people and many blacks threw their saving friends in the Republican Party under the bus for not voting for the something-for-nothing deal they got from the Democrats. The smarter ones didn't go for that nor the Roe v. Wade shit that decimated the black population.Today, more black babies are aborted than born.

Republicans didn't do shit. OK? I know what republicans have done to blacks, bitch. I am black. And I know why blacks left the republican party because my grandparents, aunts uncles, parents and other older blacks who left the republican party were alive during my mother fucking lifetime to explain to me why they did so. So white bitches like you can't tell me shit about what republicans did. Get it? Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous stories. Shove them up your ass or pussy, whatever gives you the most satisfaction because I'm not buying. Republicans ended the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments by decree of republican supreme court justices during the mother fucking civil rights cases of the 1880's and with a majority republican supreme court vote in Plessy v. Ferguson. Rutherford Hayes made a compromise with southern democrats to end reconstruction so he could become president. Eisenhower didn't do shit for black people. If you look at his overall record instead of using one example to lie, you'd know that. Furthermore he implemented the wetback boats program that rounded up our Hispanic brothers and sisters for no fucking reason. So don't tell me half or less than fucking half of what republicans have done like they've done so motherfucking much for black people.

For 100 years after slavery ended, this nation practiced apartheid under republican and democratic rule at every mother fucking level of government. So again shove your lies up your ass and bounce on them. Republicans have done nothing for blacks and don't want to do anything for us now but lie to get our vote and then proceed on gutting everything that has allowed us some semblance of equality.

So shut your white ass up trying to tell me what republicans have done. I know what republicans have done and furthermore I know what you sorry racist sons of bitches want to do right now.
someone needs a non racial hug.

No, someone just needs to face their racism and shut the fuck up.
That would be you.

Wrong answer nostriljuice.

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