The idea that abortion should be left up to the states is a stupid arbitrary position republicans embrace purely for political reasons

No. False - abortion was never, will never, and could never be a Constitutional right.

Thankfully Dobbs corrected that incredible, insane error.

Please read the document and note the absence of any text referring to abortion or anything related.

So you know nothing of the 9th amendment.

You are referring of course to the tyrannical doctrine of hallucinating whatever the fuck the court wants into the document and then incorporating their hallucinations against the states. As Blackmun and his stooges did in Roe. Rest in Piss, Blackmun, you scum.
You mean the 7 Repub 2 Dem court that decided Rie v Wade?
Bro, what the fuck is wrong with you? The GOP won the popular vote in BOTH the House (Congressmen) AND Senate (Senators)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many god damn times must i tell you this common knowledge that is easily Googleable? Jesus fucking Christ man. :cuckoo:
WTF is wrong with YOU. You under performed by running a bunch of unopposed Humpers for congress, most of whom lost badly. Not only did 10 more run unopposed in the house seats, but many ran unopposed in their primary. Where seldom is there a third party candidate for president there often is for congress which makes the total count a ridiculous guideline for anything. But, keep thinking it means much and you’ll loose badly where Byden IS STILL AHEAD OF TRUMP IN POLLS.
is there something in the constitution that makes this known? No of course not. Republicans in office are simply conveniently embracing this idea to soften their stances post Roe being overturned. They are such cowards. They will say anything to help their chances in an election. How does anyone justify voting them? They don’t have any actual principles.

Hell, as much as I am pro-choice, I at least give credit to Graham and Pence for having a genuine principled stance on issue before an election. The rest of them though? Spineless, international embarrassments.
I'm a Constitutional Conservative. The Constitution does not mention abortion so the 10th Amendment applies.
is there something in the constitution that makes this known? No of course not. Republicans in office are simply conveniently embracing this idea to soften their stances post Roe being overturned. They are such cowards. They will say anything to help their chances in an election. How does anyone justify voting them? They don’t have any actual principles.

Hell, as much as I am pro-choice, I at least give credit to Graham and Pence for having a genuine principled stance on issue before an election. The rest of them though? Spineless, international embarrassments.
Are you kidding me? Graham is the most spineless, least principled lickspittle in the Senate.

Mike Pence hitched his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse in pursuit of his own political power. Pence locked his Bible away while his boss spent four years face-fucking every Christian principle. And every religious person who voted for Trump behaves as if Trump is the only Republican who would have appointed pro-life judges to the court. They are just that blind and stupid.

All the Republican candidates who had a federal abortion ban loud and proud on their campaign web sites took them down in the face of backlash.

And of course, after it came out that Herschel Walker tried to force two women to get abortions, the GOP doubled down on their support of him. The Republican vetting process is obviously non-existent. They just look for the stupidest possible warm bodies who will vote for bills the way they are told to vote.

As a result of this fricking clown show, every pro-abortion measure on state ballots in the mid terms passed, even in red states. And the red tsunami never materialized.

We are now in a situation where there is no major party which truly represents moral integrity and honesty.
The organization formerly known as the Republican Party is the living embodiment of Mark 8:36.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
So you’re alternative to the free press is four of your Humper buddies making decisions whom to vote for after watching Tucker at Fix News.
You are such an idiot obviously because YOU don't ever provide substantiation for your comments! Just dumb ass statements.
You've yet to refute the following information that just shows your attention span is 8.5 seconds, i.e. if it takes more than 8.5 seconds to read, you don't comprehend! So here is the 8.5 version!
The biased MSM donated 96% of their $$$ to Hillary. She lost they spent 92% of their negative regarding Trump. They then spent 90% of their donations to Biden. FACTS but something you ignore much like these idiots! In the famous words of
Lord John Whorfin: "Laugh while you can, monkey-boy."
Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension1984
YOU ARE THE dufus. Thinking that a popular vote win translates into a congressional win, which we will prove in the senate run off in Georgia does not, is stooopid.

For one thing dufus, in 10 MORE races the gop candidate ran UNOPPOSED by a dem in the house . . So in 10 more races, no votes were added to the total for Dems while they were for repugnants. That doesn’t happen for president, iggy.

There are other factors but chew on that one ludicrous.
It seems you are unable to think of more then one thing at a time. Typical Humper.
So you are telling me and the world that there is some other mechanism that if Walker GETS more votes, Warnock will still win?
Explain how that will happen.

Idiot! Bottom line. GEEZ how dumb you are!
The person with the most votes wins the election! No electoral college, zero... most votes!
It is irrelevant (meaning for your dumbness... has no bearing...) whether there were winners unopposed because in the end... dummy....
The winner is the one with the most votes! How much clearer can that be? NO electoral votes in non-presidential political elections!
Pretty damn clear that YOU don't comprehend that and you are trying as hard as your pea brain, to nuance it! There is nothing to nuance!
The House/Senate candidate
with the most votes, REGARDLESS if the candidate was unopposed WINS! GEEZ how much more clear can it be?
Here for your pea brain... The winner of any race
where people vote for their choice is the person with the most votes! GOT IT????
So you know nothing of the 9th amendment.

You mean the 7 Repub 2 Dem court that decided Rie v Wade?
Who is "Rie"? 13 words and you can't spell ROE and you ignore the little red dotted line! Everything else you say is ignored simply by YOUR ignorance of the little red dotted line! If you can't even pay attention than how is it you think?
Who is "Rie"? 13 words and you can't spell ROE and you ignore the little red dotted line! Everything else you say is ignored simply by YOUR ignorance of the little red dotted line! If you can't even pay attention than how is it you think?
Sure. Thanks for taking the time to add nothing.
Yawn. What a shocking right wing assessment.

Your media masters couldn't have said it better then themselves.

Good job soldier.
It's a fact. Do you understand why the left refers to the Constitution as a "living document"?
Are you kidding me? Graham is the most spineless, least principled lickspittle in the Senate.

Mike Pence hitched his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse in pursuit of his own political power. Pence locked his Bible away while his boss spent four years face-fucking every Christian principle. And every religious person who voted for Trump behaves as if Trump is the only Republican who would have appointed pro-life judges to the court. They are just that blind and stupid.

All the Republican candidates who had a federal abortion ban loud and proud on their campaign web sites took them down in the face of backlash.

And of course, after it came out that Herschel Walker tried to force two women to get abortions, the GOP doubled down on their support of him. The Republican vetting process is obviously non-existent. They just look for the stupidest possible warm bodies who will vote for bills the way they are told to vote.

As a result of this fricking clown show, every pro-abortion measure on state ballots in the mid terms passed, even in red states. And the red tsunami never materialized.

We are now in a situation where there is no major party which truly represents moral integrity and honesty.
Lol well definitely in general I think Graham is a spineless douche. As much as I despise him and this legislation he was pushing, it is at least being genuine about one’s principles regardless of the political situation.

I mean idk maybe I need a CAT scan. It doesnt sound right saying out loud lol
Probably because Republican appointed judges who dismissed 50 years of constitutional precedent.
If precedent is bad law, should it be overturned, or are you of the opinion that there is such a concept as "settled law"?
With Peter North as director of sex ed USA, abortion would no longer exist. Be careful where you aim
Sure. Thanks for taking the time to add nothing.
The point is if you can't pay attention to something as simple as the little red dotted line, why should I pay attention to whatever you are saying because as Nietzsche said, “the devil is in the details".
Oh and truthfully, when someone like you "thanks" with sarcasm that doesn't do any good. I'm at least doing what a lot of people would like to do that DO pay attention to the details. It took you as much time to write that comment as it would have in correcting your red dotted line error! What a waste!

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