The idea that abortion should be left up to the states is a stupid arbitrary position republicans embrace purely for political reasons

Popular vote of what ? You make no fkin* sense. You can’t even tell us what the gop won the popular vote of. How the fk can anyone Google it ?
LOL, youre such an inferior debater. You are also incredibly stupid for not doing a simple Google search to just see for yourself. Instead you sat here looking like a fucking idiot for 3 days. :laugh:
Now you’re claiming the popular vote is ONLY in the congressional races, right ?
Bro, what the fuck is wrong with you? The GOP won the popular vote in BOTH the House (Congressmen) AND Senate (Senators)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many god damn times must i tell you this common knowledge that is easily Googleable? Jesus fucking Christ man. :cuckoo:
Remember, it was your claim that repugs had more popular votes…..
You still neglect the govenor races and all state races n every ballot. BTW, Hillary won the popular vote over Trump.
I dont need to read your article. Ive read MANY articles on this, and not ones that slant my way politically. You are the only person in the entire world who doesnt know that the GOP won the popular vote in the 2022 midterms.
Blah blah blah….wtf cares what four guys argue about at the pub.
is there something in the constitution that makes this known? No of course not. Republicans in office are simply conveniently embracing this idea to soften their stances post Roe being overturned. They are such cowards. They will say anything to help their chances in an election. How does anyone justify voting them? They don’t have any actual principles.

Hell, as much as I am pro-choice, I at least give credit to Graham and Pence for having a genuine principled stance on issue before an election. The rest of them though? Spineless, international embarrassments.
Yes House Republicans have used the abortion issue as fodder for years.
Yes House Democrats have used the abortion issue as fodder for years.

Get it?
If you don't... you are a blind sheep.
Sounds like you’re anti capitalism. Is that right ? Didn’t you say that corporations are people and have many of the same rights ? MSM are examples of capitalism at work. Its the state run news companies in fascist regimes that aren’t truthful. Are you anti capitalism ?
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You are the only person in the entire world who doesnt know that the GOP won the popular vote in the 2022 midterms.
You are an idiot. You have yet to show that republicans won “the popular vote in the midterms” . You have no reference.
they only show they won the popular vote in PARTS of the congressional elections. Maybe you’re too stupid to understand there were a plethora of other elections that both parties participated in. Maybe you’ll get it when we watch the results of the run offs in Georgia. Ha ha doubt it.
Bro, what the fuck is wrong with you? The GOP won the popular vote in BOTH the House (Congressmen) AND Senate (Senators)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many god damn times must i tell you this common knowledge that is easily Googleable? Jesus fucking Christ man. :cuckoo:
Hey bro. Do you actually go to the polls and VOTE ? Sounds like you didn’t. Did you read your ballot stupid ? Was the election ONLY about the senate and house ? Why do you keep making the bogus claim that the “GOP won the popular vote when you refuse to read my reference ? I read yours. It only refers to the popular vote in the congressional elections, not the popular vote IN ALL THE OTHER STATE AND NATIONAL ELECTIONS.…..IGNORAMUS.

You even claimed that because the house won more seats, that means that won the popular vote. So much for that logic.
the senate was tied. By your logic, thta idiotic idea is a clown issue and blow out of the water.
I dont need to read your article. Ive read MANY articles on this, and not ones that slant my way politically. You are the only person in the entire world who doesnt know that the GOP won the popular vote in the 2022 midterms.
So, you won’ t read my article ? Ha ha
guess you still stupid.
LOL, youre such an inferior debater. You are also incredibly stupid for not doing a simple Google search to just see for yourself. Instead you sat here looking like a fucking idiot for 3 days. :laugh:
I don’t debate with idiots. Why should I debate a buffoon ? I don’t debate people who don’t believe evolution, climate change, or capitalism but believe in fascism. That ‘s you.

Why are you still counting votes when you feel they are fake bozo ?
Sounds like you’re anti capitalism. Is that right ? Didn’t you say that corporations are people and have many of the same rights ? MSM are examples of capitalism at work. Its the state run news companies in fascist regimes that aren’t truthful. Are you anti capitalism ?
Hey I have NO problem with the MSM as capitalists! Zero. They sell negative news. FACTs which I DEAL with unlike you with your "guesses"!
FACTS: News advertising sells because of negative news...
News coverage of current affairs is predominantly negative.
Cross-national evidence of a negativity bias in psychophysiological reactions to News coverage of current affairs is predominantly negative.
It is more likely that negativity in news is a product of a human tendency to be more...
Now with that fact would you agree that news is negative and that sells advertising?
BUT the point I'm making which evidently you totally ignored with the two articles attached again below because YOU should read it more carefully than your documented 8.5 second attention span... FACT:The Human Attention Span [INFOGRAPHIC] | Wyzowl

Now again because of your attention span.... MSM donated 96% to Hillary, spent 4 years with 92% negative Trump news, THEN donated 90% to Biden in 2020. FACTS and that's the objective. Helping people like you be more skeptical when you read/watch MSM news!
is there something in the constitution that makes this known? No of course not. Republicans in office are simply conveniently embracing this idea to soften their stances post Roe being overturned. They are such cowards. They will say anything to help their chances in an election. How does anyone justify voting them? They don’t have any actual principles.

Hell, as much as I am pro-choice, I at least give credit to Graham and Pence for having a genuine principled stance on issue before an election. The rest of them though? Spineless, international embarrassments.
Irony plus ten
Hey stupid….that still doesn’t mean the gop had more popular votes idiot, simply because they won more seats in the house. The only way you know I who had the most popular votes in the house, is to add the totals for each party in all the districts that had elections. And then, you only know who had the most popular votes IN THE HOUSE STUPID. IDIOT, IT HAS almost NOTHING TO DO-WITH THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF SEATS WON DUFUS.

Where is your reference. I’ll show you how stupid you are.
So you contend with NO documentation that congressional seats are won by what means, electoral college? Hmmm according to these experts the ONLY place popular votes can be over ruled by electoral votes is for the President.
FACTS:The Electoral College is the process we use to elect the U.S. president. Established in the U.S. Constitution, its purpose is to spread the power to elect the president across all 50 states. It was designed to ensure that the more populous states didn't overpower the smaller states when choosing the nation's leader.
So this means the electoral college is ONLY USED for Presidential elections.
FACTS: There have been five United States presidential elections in which the successful presidential candidate did not receive a plurality of the popular vote, including the 1824 election, which was the first U.S. presidential election where the popular votewas recorded.[1] In these cases, the successful candidate secured less of the national popular vote than another candidate who received more votes, either a majority, more than half the vote, or a plurality of the vote.[2][3]
So do you understand? Presidential races can win the popular vote but the actual election is done by the electoral college.
So contrary to your comment the house/senate seats had " had more popular votes idiot"
Truly an idiotic statement! Use the Internet before you make dumb ass comments!
That is why abortion was a constitutional right
No. False - abortion was never, will never, and could never be a Constitutional right.

Thankfully Dobbs corrected that incredible, insane error.

Please read the document and note the absence of any text referring to abortion or anything related.

You are referring of course to the tyrannical doctrine of hallucinating whatever the fuck the court wants into the document and then incorporating their hallucinations against the states. As Blackmun and his stooges did in Roe. Rest in Piss, Blackmun, you scum.
So contrary to your comment the house/senate seats had " had more popular votes idiot"
YOU ARE THE dufus. Thinking that a popular vote win translates into a congressional win, which we will prove in the senate run off in Georgia does not, is stooopid.

For one thing dufus, in 10 MORE races the gop candidate ran UNOPPOSED by a dem in the house . . So in 10 more races, no votes were added to the total for Dems while they were for repugnants. That doesn’t happen for president, iggy.

There are other factors but chew on that one ludicrous.
It seems you are unable to think of more then one thing at a time. Typical Humper.

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