The IDIOT I ran across today

I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?

Hindsight is always a real bitch in these kinds of situations, with the aftermath nothing but replaying the events and agonizing over what should or should not have been done. I'm with you on your concerns, all the way. Let's just agree, foremost, about how good the outcome was. That said, at least you were ready to defend your neighbor. Had you slapped leather and pointed your weapon at the trespasser, the situation might have escalated. Then again, the trespasser might have outright killed you neighbor if he'd been out there alone. Either way the guy with the gun in hand, the trespasser, was definitely in the wrong and is lucky you didn't shoot him. Next time consider going out there with another buddy or two along for the ride and at least one long gun.

Around here it's the "river people" you've got to watch out for. I've been fishing on state owned property that bordered theirs and the SOBs have shot at me and over my head just for coming within proximity to their dope or meth operations, I guess. But the flathead catfishing is so good in that one spot it's worth the risk.
I don't understand the scenario. You complain that a guy walks up to you while you were plinking with a .22? Why shouldn't he? You were the guy with the gun and you are complaining because you thought you might have to shoot a stranger? WTF?
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?

Most likely was going to pop your friend and you may not realize it he saw the gun you had and changed his mind.
He didn't see my gun.
I don't understand the scenario. You complain that a guy walks up to you while you were plinking with a .22? Why shouldn't he? You were the guy with the gun and you are complaining because you thought you might have to shoot a stranger? WTF?
I never said anything of the sort. If you could read you can see where I was sitting in the truck.
I don't understand the scenario. You complain that a guy walks up to you while you were plinking with a .22? Why shouldn't he? You were the guy with the gun and you are complaining because you thought you might have to shoot a stranger? WTF?
So, you see the holes in this fable too?
I don't understand the scenario. You complain that a guy walks up to you while you were plinking with a .22? Why shouldn't he? You were the guy with the gun and you are complaining because you thought you might have to shoot a stranger? WTF?
So, you see the holes in this fable too?
Wow! You liars just can't help it can you. Twist, lie, distort.
I don't understand the scenario. You complain that a guy walks up to you while you were plinking with a .22? Why shouldn't he? You were the guy with the gun and you are complaining because you thought you might have to shoot a stranger? WTF?

He should of had it holstered.
They were on private property so it was perfectly fine to shoot.
This was just some guy who showed up twice,the last time with a gun in his hand.
Alarm bells would have been going off in my head as well.
I don't understand the scenario. You complain that a guy walks up to you while you were plinking with a .22? Why shouldn't he? You were the guy with the gun and you are complaining because you thought you might have to shoot a stranger? WTF?

He should of had it holstered.
They were on private property so it was perfectly fine to shoot.
This was just some guy who showed up twice,the last time with a gun in his hand.
Alarm bells would have been going off in my head as well.
His statement is completely false.
I dunno why he'd brandish his weapon like that. Especially seeing as he was technically trespassing.
I don't understand the scenario. You complain that a guy walks up to you while you were plinking with a .22? Why shouldn't he? You were the guy with the gun and you are complaining because you thought you might have to shoot a stranger? WTF?
So, you see the holes in this fable too?
Wow! You liars just can't help it can you. Twist, lie, distort.
You're the one that wrote it, squirmy.
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
Ya live in Texas, that's explanation enough..........
He had OK plates...

That's OK, the Clutter Family were from Kansas.
you're little squirt gun, eh?

TMI. What's this? Your 3rd stupid post about tiny guns?
You seem to have some kind of hang up on itty bitty tiny "guns"....

We really don't need to hear your subconscious admissions or shortcomings.
I don't understand the scenario. You complain that a guy walks up to you while you were plinking with a .22? Why shouldn't he? You were the guy with the gun and you are complaining because you thought you might have to shoot a stranger? WTF?
So, you see the holes in this fable too?
Wow! You liars just can't help it can you. Twist, lie, distort.
You're the one that wrote it, squirmy.
Why do you lie, scumbag? Anyone can read the OP and see that I said I was in the truck. Why do you lie?

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