The IDIOT I ran across today

I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
1st off quit your prison guard job! You are around scum to much and it has you twitchy! When I was a child I lived in the middle of no where, I had two pistols and no holsters. I was walking around with a pistol or rifle in my hand most the time out on or near my own property. I had many conversations with hunters with gun in my hand. I would hear not see shots and go over and have a chat. Most people are not out to shoot you. You know how to shoot a gun, no reason for fear until it starts to be aimed. To much time with pieces of shit, the world is not that scary.
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
1st off quit your prison guard job! You are around scum to much and it has you twitchy! When I was a child I lived in the middle of no where, I had two pistols and no holsters. I was walking around with a pistol or rifle in my hand most the time out on or near my own property. I had many conversations with hunters with gun in my hand. I would hear not see shots and go over and have a chat. Most people are not out to shoot you. You know how to shoot a gun, no reason for fear until it starts to be aimed. To much time with pieces of shit, the world is not that scary.
First off, idiot, I haven't worked at the prison for years. Secondly you prove your idiot status. Thirdly, consummate your status by walking up to a cop with your gun in hand.
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
Why would you be intimidated by some individual exercising his second amendment right?
You're an idiot.
You are un-American and hate second amendment rights

If not, you would have given a fellow armed citizen a hug instead of being afraid of him
You can stop now. We already realize how stupid you are. You don't have to keep telling us.
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
1st off quit your prison guard job! You are around scum to much and it has you twitchy! When I was a child I lived in the middle of no where, I had two pistols and no holsters. I was walking around with a pistol or rifle in my hand most the time out on or near my own property. I had many conversations with hunters with gun in my hand. I would hear not see shots and go over and have a chat. Most people are not out to shoot you. You know how to shoot a gun, no reason for fear until it starts to be aimed. To much time with pieces of shit, the world is not that scary.
First off, idiot, I haven't worked at the prison for years. Secondly you prove your idiot status. Thirdly, consummate your status by walking up to a cop with your gun in hand.
Hey, ya attack me bitch! You are the dumb fuck shaking in his boots because some one is armed. You wanna walk around being scared of yourt own shadow like the little bitch you are go for it I hope you have a hundred grand saved. That is the retainer fee for when your bitch scared ass pulls his weapon and shoots some one because he is a scared little bitch. I have had more than one conversation with a cop with gun in my hand, more than one with game warden. I am not the idiot you are. Scared little bitches like you do not need to carry one.
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
Why would you be intimidated by some individual exercising his second amendment right?
You're an idiot.
You are un-American and hate second amendment rights

If not, you would have given a fellow armed citizen a hug instead of being afraid of him
You can stop now. We already realize how stupid you are. You don't have to keep telling us.
Like a typical gun owner, you pee your pants when you find someone else is armed
It's shocking to see just how sorry progressives are. It's almost like they are a different race.
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
1st off quit your prison guard job! You are around scum to much and it has you twitchy! When I was a child I lived in the middle of no where, I had two pistols and no holsters. I was walking around with a pistol or rifle in my hand most the time out on or near my own property. I had many conversations with hunters with gun in my hand. I would hear not see shots and go over and have a chat. Most people are not out to shoot you. You know how to shoot a gun, no reason for fear until it starts to be aimed. To much time with pieces of shit, the world is not that scary.
When he was a child....lmao.
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
1st off quit your prison guard job! You are around scum to much and it has you twitchy! When I was a child I lived in the middle of no where, I had two pistols and no holsters. I was walking around with a pistol or rifle in my hand most the time out on or near my own property. I had many conversations with hunters with gun in my hand. I would hear not see shots and go over and have a chat. Most people are not out to shoot you. You know how to shoot a gun, no reason for fear until it starts to be aimed. To much time with pieces of shit, the world is not that scary.
When he was a child....lmao.
Whats shocking is you call your self a conservitive but piss your pants when some one is armed. Your own dumb ass said he was asking about a property for sale. What tyhe fucker gunna get upset over the price and shoot ya? What a little bitch, Scared of your own shadow. Ya, as a kid I lived in the middle of nowhere shooting was the only thing I had to fucking do. There was nothing else till I got a basketball court. Unless I wanted to hang with mom. Fuck that she woulda put me to work. Plenty of crows and ground hogs to shoot though. Of course around my house there was no one I was going to run into in the woods I did not already know. That being said I ran into people I did not know with gun in hand down around deer creek all the time. I was never scared and was a child. We would talk about what we were shooting and I would typically walk away with a big dip of kodiak or a piece of gum from them. No one wanted to shoot each other. When you go out to places where you can fire a weapon, it is common to run into people who are there for same fucking thing dumb fuck! By your logic there should be a shoot out every time two hunting parties run into each other. Your a dumb fuck!
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
1st off quit your prison guard job! You are around scum to much and it has you twitchy! When I was a child I lived in the middle of no where, I had two pistols and no holsters. I was walking around with a pistol or rifle in my hand most the time out on or near my own property. I had many conversations with hunters with gun in my hand. I would hear not see shots and go over and have a chat. Most people are not out to shoot you. You know how to shoot a gun, no reason for fear until it starts to be aimed. To much time with pieces of shit, the world is not that scary.
When he was a child....lmao.
Whats shocking is you call your self a conservitive but piss your pants when some one is armed. Your own dumb ass said he was asking about a property for sale. What tyhe fucker gunna get upset over the price and shoot ya? What a little bitch, Scared of your own shadow. Ya, as a kid I lived in the middle of nowhere shooting was the only thing I had to fucking do. There was nothing else till I got a basketball court. Unless I wanted to hang with mom. Fuck that she woulda put me to work. Plenty of crows and ground hogs to shoot though. Of course around my house there was no one I was going to run into in the woods I did not already know. That being said I ran into people I did not know with gun in hand down around deer creek all the time. I was never scared and was a child. We would talk about what we were shooting and I would typically walk away with a big dip of kodiak or a piece of gum from them. No one wanted to shoot each other. When you go out to places where you can fire a weapon, it is common to run into people who are there for same fucking thing dumb fuck! By your logic there should be a shoot out every time two hunting parties run into each other. Your a dumb fuck!
Can't we just all get along? maybe you can protect me? You're not a queer are you?
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
1st off quit your prison guard job! You are around scum to much and it has you twitchy! When I was a child I lived in the middle of no where, I had two pistols and no holsters. I was walking around with a pistol or rifle in my hand most the time out on or near my own property. I had many conversations with hunters with gun in my hand. I would hear not see shots and go over and have a chat. Most people are not out to shoot you. You know how to shoot a gun, no reason for fear until it starts to be aimed. To much time with pieces of shit, the world is not that scary.
When he was a child....lmao.
Whats shocking is you call your self a conservitive but piss your pants when some one is armed. Your own dumb ass said he was asking about a property for sale. What tyhe fucker gunna get upset over the price and shoot ya? What a little bitch, Scared of your own shadow. Ya, as a kid I lived in the middle of nowhere shooting was the only thing I had to fucking do. There was nothing else till I got a basketball court. Unless I wanted to hang with mom. Fuck that she woulda put me to work. Plenty of crows and ground hogs to shoot though. Of course around my house there was no one I was going to run into in the woods I did not already know. That being said I ran into people I did not know with gun in hand down around deer creek all the time. I was never scared and was a child. We would talk about what we were shooting and I would typically walk away with a big dip of kodiak or a piece of gum from them. No one wanted to shoot each other. When you go out to places where you can fire a weapon, it is common to run into people who are there for same fucking thing dumb fuck! By your logic there should be a shoot out every time two hunting parties run into each other. Your a dumb fuck!
Can't we just all get along? maybe you can protect me? You're not a queer are you?
Protect you from what? I typically make friends in the woods. Nobody gunna shoot me out there. You can believe you run into me in the woods, you will walk away with my card for fishing charters. When I was younger,ikely get a card for my uncles hunting charters also! Wanna shoot an elk out of the badlands? My uncle will fly you in! Well not anymore he retired. Still has the plane though it just does not go to the badlands any more. We mainly fish these days. Only hunting I do recently is spring turkey. I do a little coyotte hunting also but realy just to get permision for spring turkey.
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
1st off quit your prison guard job! You are around scum to much and it has you twitchy! When I was a child I lived in the middle of no where, I had two pistols and no holsters. I was walking around with a pistol or rifle in my hand most the time out on or near my own property. I had many conversations with hunters with gun in my hand. I would hear not see shots and go over and have a chat. Most people are not out to shoot you. You know how to shoot a gun, no reason for fear until it starts to be aimed. To much time with pieces of shit, the world is not that scary.
When he was a child....lmao.
Whats shocking is you call your self a conservitive but piss your pants when some one is armed. Your own dumb ass said he was asking about a property for sale. What tyhe fucker gunna get upset over the price and shoot ya? What a little bitch, Scared of your own shadow. Ya, as a kid I lived in the middle of nowhere shooting was the only thing I had to fucking do. There was nothing else till I got a basketball court. Unless I wanted to hang with mom. Fuck that she woulda put me to work. Plenty of crows and ground hogs to shoot though. Of course around my house there was no one I was going to run into in the woods I did not already know. That being said I ran into people I did not know with gun in hand down around deer creek all the time. I was never scared and was a child. We would talk about what we were shooting and I would typically walk away with a big dip of kodiak or a piece of gum from them. No one wanted to shoot each other. When you go out to places where you can fire a weapon, it is common to run into people who are there for same fucking thing dumb fuck! By your logic there should be a shoot out every time two hunting parties run into each other. Your a dumb fuck!
Can't we just all get along? maybe you can protect me? You're not a queer are you?
Protect you from what? I typically make friends in the woods. Nobody gunna shoot me out there. You can believe you run into me in the woods, you will walk away with my card for fishing charters. When I was younger,ikely get a card for my uncles hunting charters also! Wanna shoot an elk out of the badlands? My uncle will fly you in! Well not anymore he retired. Still has the plane though it just does not go to the badlands any more. We mainly fish these days. Only hunting I do recently is spring turkey. I do a little coyotte hunting also but realy just to get permision for spring turkey.
So you are queer, got it.
1st off quit your prison guard job! You are around scum to much and it has you twitchy! When I was a child I lived in the middle of no where, I had two pistols and no holsters. I was walking around with a pistol or rifle in my hand most the time out on or near my own property. I had many conversations with hunters with gun in my hand. I would hear not see shots and go over and have a chat. Most people are not out to shoot you. You know how to shoot a gun, no reason for fear until it starts to be aimed. To much time with pieces of shit, the world is not that scary.
When he was a child....lmao.
Whats shocking is you call your self a conservitive but piss your pants when some one is armed. Your own dumb ass said he was asking about a property for sale. What tyhe fucker gunna get upset over the price and shoot ya? What a little bitch, Scared of your own shadow. Ya, as a kid I lived in the middle of nowhere shooting was the only thing I had to fucking do. There was nothing else till I got a basketball court. Unless I wanted to hang with mom. Fuck that she woulda put me to work. Plenty of crows and ground hogs to shoot though. Of course around my house there was no one I was going to run into in the woods I did not already know. That being said I ran into people I did not know with gun in hand down around deer creek all the time. I was never scared and was a child. We would talk about what we were shooting and I would typically walk away with a big dip of kodiak or a piece of gum from them. No one wanted to shoot each other. When you go out to places where you can fire a weapon, it is common to run into people who are there for same fucking thing dumb fuck! By your logic there should be a shoot out every time two hunting parties run into each other. Your a dumb fuck!
Can't we just all get along? maybe you can protect me? You're not a queer are you?
Protect you from what? I typically make friends in the woods. Nobody gunna shoot me out there. You can believe you run into me in the woods, you will walk away with my card for fishing charters. When I was younger,ikely get a card for my uncles hunting charters also! Wanna shoot an elk out of the badlands? My uncle will fly you in! Well not anymore he retired. Still has the plane though it just does not go to the badlands any more. We mainly fish these days. Only hunting I do recently is spring turkey. I do a little coyotte hunting also but realy just to get permision for spring turkey.
So you are queer, got it.
You must be a little bitch afraid of getting raped or shot. One tract mind. What grown assed man carries a 22?

Are you telling me this doesn’t happen all the time in Flyover Country?

Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck!

Redneck America at its finest

Are you telling me this doesn’t happen all the time in Flyover Country?

There was a time it was very common to meet other hunters in the woods. This is rare today. Not many people doing out side stuff. They are more likely to be on here or fucking with their phone. I am more likely to run into a game warden than other hunters these days. Pretty sad. Fishing is alot the same. On lake erie I run into many fisherman but on the smaller lakes I am more likely to chat with ODNR or game warden. The last five times I fished grand lake my boat was the only boat on the lake.
Two idiots packing firearms in a routine encounter
I went out with a neighbor to his lease so he could check some wells and so I could shoot my .22 revolver some more. We got there and he's working on one pump and this truck pulls up and a guy gets out and starts talking to my neighbor. Turns out he was lost and looking for a piece of land around here that was for sale. My neighbor told him where he was and all and he left. He never should have came on the property because it's posted and the gate was closed, but oh well. So he's gets finished and I shoot some and he does one last check on a pump and we head for the gate.

My neighbor opens the gate, drives through then gets out and closes and locks the gate while I wait in the truck. The same guy pulls up again about 15 feet or so from the truck I'm in and gets out to go talk to my neighbor again. This time I become concerned, very concerned and I get out of the truck and watch this idiot. He's carrying a revolver in his hand as he walks up to my neighbor! Stupid SOB! I'm on the passenger side of the truck and have no idea what's going on, but I make sure my coat is moved away and had my hand on my holstered 1911. Idiot couldn't see that. I thought for a second I was gonna have to shoot this idiot. But he just talked and held the gun by his side and finally got back is his truck! We left and I told my buddy that was about the stupidest SOB I've seen in a while. I was really upset by the idiots actions. I was very glad nothing happened, but why on earth would you walk up to a stranger with a gun drawn? WTF?
Why would you be intimidated by some individual exercising his second amendment right?
You're an idiot.
You are un-American and hate second amendment rights

If not, you would have given a fellow armed citizen a hug instead of being afraid of him

Walk right up and ask if you can touch his gun next time see how he reacts.
isnt open carry legal in texas?
If you don't know...don't comment.

For instance, you don't know that there is a HUGE difference between "Open Carry" and brandishing your firearm.

I have no issues with a person walking up to me with a firearm holstered in plain sight. I have a monumental problem with an idiot walking up to me with a firearm in their hand.

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