The Indispensable HASBARA Discipline

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The official Hasbara-Manual reads: Please consult this manual before any debate with a critic of Israel:

Zionist Manual, how to defend Israel.

#1 Call the person an AntiSemite even if they are Jewish.

#2 Deny Palestinians exist, if they argue ( Salvador, North America, Algeria, Congo, Guatemala never has state-status, yet who would propose to confiscate their lands and property refer to #1

#3 Deflect blame to Hamas, if they further ask why the feud preceded Hamas refer to #1

#4 Suggest Palestinians deserve the harsh treatment Israel inflicts for electing Hamas: if the critic argues that the Israeli leadership financed and politically sponsored Islamic Hamas against the secular PLO, refer to #1

#5 Claim that Jews have an ancestral right to the land because they lived there thousands of years ago: if the critic suggests that the ancient Sephardic Jews were dark-skinned Hebrew tribes with no DNA relation to eastern European Khazarians refer to #1

#6 Deny that Palestine was ever a state: if the critic counters with the fact that a nation called Israel never existed refer to #1

#7 Mention that Sharon returned Gaza to the Palestinians, Yet Hamas continues to fire rockets...if the critic counters with the fact that IDF incursions and harassment actually increased after this fake withdrawal, or that Israel retains control of taxation...borders...mobility...imports/exports...resources, refer to #1

#8 Blame other Arab nations for not taking in the Palestinian refugees from 48...if the critic counters that it is not the responsibility of other nations to aid the ethnic-cleansing perpetrated by the Jews, and that Palestinians inhere a legal and ethical right of return, refer to #1

That's pretty funny. I support Israel but came to that conclusion w/o reading the manual. At the very least Israel is a place to keep Muslims burning their fighting spirit which is not my back yard.

#5 is a pretty legit point but every other one is almost bad enough to be funny. Its good to see both sides.

Do you have a link from a tame website to this manual? I like to think I can do better just with my previous statement.
The official Hasbara-Manual reads: Please consult this manual before any debate with a critic of Israel:

Zionist Manual, how to defend Israel.

#1 Call the person an AntiSemite even if they are Jewish.

#2 Deny Palestinians exist, if they argue ( Salvador, North America, Algeria, Congo, Guatemala never has state-status, yet who would propose to confiscate their lands and property refer to #1

#3 Deflect blame to Hamas, if they further ask why the feud preceded Hamas refer to #1

#4 Suggest Palestinians deserve the harsh treatment Israel inflicts for electing Hamas: if the critic argues that the Israeli leadership financed and politically sponsored Islamic Hamas against the secular PLO, refer to #1

#5 Claim that Jews have an ancestral right to the land because they lived there thousands of years ago: if the critic suggests that the ancient Sephardic Jews were dark-skinned Hebrew tribes with no DNA relation to eastern European Khazarians refer to #1

#6 Deny that Palestine was ever a state: if the critic counters with the fact that a nation called Israel never existed refer to #1

#7 Mention that Sharon returned Gaza to the Palestinians, Yet Hamas continues to fire rockets...if the critic counters with the fact that IDF incursions and harassment actually increased after this fake withdrawal, or that Israel retains control of taxation...borders...mobility...imports/exports...resources, refer to #1

#8 Blame other Arab nations for not taking in the Palestinian refugees from 48...if the critic counters that it is not the responsibility of other nations to aid the ethnic-cleansing perpetrated by the Jews, and that Palestinians inhere a legal and ethical right of return, refer to #1

See rules for Zone 2
The official Hasbara-Manual reads: Please consult this manual before any debate with a critic of Israel:

Zionist Manual, how to defend Israel.

#1 Call the person an AntiSemite even if they are Jewish.

#2 Deny Palestinians exist, if they argue ( Salvador, North America, Algeria, Congo, Guatemala never has state-status, yet who would propose to confiscate their lands and property refer to #1

#3 Deflect blame to Hamas, if they further ask why the feud preceded Hamas refer to #1

#4 Suggest Palestinians deserve the harsh treatment Israel inflicts for electing Hamas: if the critic argues that the Israeli leadership financed and politically sponsored Islamic Hamas against the secular PLO, refer to #1

#5 Claim that Jews have an ancestral right to the land because they lived there thousands of years ago: if the critic suggests that the ancient Sephardic Jews were dark-skinned Hebrew tribes with no DNA relation to eastern European Khazarians refer to #1

#6 Deny that Palestine was ever a state: if the critic counters with the fact that a nation called Israel never existed refer to #1

#7 Mention that Sharon returned Gaza to the Palestinians, Yet Hamas continues to fire rockets...if the critic counters with the fact that IDF incursions and harassment actually increased after this fake withdrawal, or that Israel retains control of taxation...borders...mobility...imports/exports...resources, refer to #1

#8 Blame other Arab nations for not taking in the Palestinian refugees from 48...if the critic counters that it is not the responsibility of other nations to aid the ethnic-cleansing perpetrated by the Jews, and that Palestinians inhere a legal and ethical right of return, refer to #1

That's pretty funny. I support Israel but came to that conclusion w/o reading the manual. At the very least Israel is a place to keep Muslims burning their fighting spirit which is not my back yard.

#5 is a pretty legit point but every other one is almost bad enough to be funny. Its good to see both sides.

Do you have a link from a tame website to this manual? I like to think I can do better just with my previous statement.

'a link for a tame website?" LOL!!! What's wrong does the standard Hasbara-protocol offend or foment laughter? It should to the extent that it seeds the fragile brains of so many putative 'defenders of Israel', who haven't the foggiest notion of what they even spout...if you do indeed 'support Israel' I regret to inform you that you support theft...killing women and children...making war on civilians and the moral/ethical cowardice and lies that virtually embody the state of Israel...
Your anger is all I need to experience to know Israel's in excellent shape.

Yet again more of the same weak strategies in place of an actual---DARE I SAY IT?---argument!! Try to convince yourselves that I am an angry frothing lunatic, it merely adds to your profile of empty nothingness...Please recall that Israel's 'excellent shape' is paid for by American taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of are no less than self-entitled parasites who occupy the biggest welfare-state on the planet...and then brag about your fictive 'rugged independence"...
Your anger is all I need to experience to know Israel's in excellent shape.

Yet again more of the same weak strategies in place of an actual---DARE I SAY IT?---argument!! Try to convince yourselves that I am an angry frothing lunatic, it merely adds to your profile of empty nothingness...Please recall that Israel's 'excellent shape' is paid for by American taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of are no less than self-entitled parasites who occupy the biggest welfare-state on the planet...and then brag about your fictive 'rugged independence"...
Please continue weeping and whining for your beloved IslamoNazi animals. Israel will contue to prosper and be strong and vibrant.

Thank you for flying air Internet Jihadi.
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