The "Inflation Reduction Act" is really the "Green New Deal" and adds $2Trillion to the Debt (Poll)

Who would make a better president, Joe Biden or Joe Manchin or Donald Trump?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Joe Manchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • Someone else, see my post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
When the US has a $32T Debt and a Budget Deficit approaching $2T a year, the "IRA" is adding to that Deficit and Debt, and adding to inflation, not reducing it.

“Make no mistake, the IRA is exactly the kind of legislation that in normal political times both political parties would proudly embrace because it is about putting the interests of Americans and West Virginians first," he said in a Wednesday statement. "Going forward I will push back on those who seek to undermine this significant legislation for their respective political agenda, and that begins with my unrelenting fight against the Biden administration’s efforts to implement the IRA as a radical climate agenda instead of implementing the IRA that was passed into law."

Should the Inflation Reduction Act be Repealed? Since it adds to inflation, and is actually the "Green New Deal".
Should Biden be impeached for not following the "all of the above energy policies", only supporting "green energy"?
Who would make a better president, Joe Biden or Joe Manchin?
When the US has a $32T Debt and a Budget Deficit approaching $2T a year, the "IRA" is adding to that Deficit and Debt, and adding to inflation, not reducing it.

“Make no mistake, the IRA is exactly the kind of legislation that in normal political times both political parties would proudly embrace because it is about putting the interests of Americans and West Virginians first," he said in a Wednesday statement. "Going forward I will push back on those who seek to undermine this significant legislation for their respective political agenda, and that begins with my unrelenting fight against the Biden administration’s efforts to implement the IRA as a radical climate agenda instead of implementing the IRA that was passed into law."

Should the Inflation Reduction Act be Repealed? Since it adds to inflation, and is actually the "Green New Deal".
Should Biden be impeached for not following the "all of the above energy policies", only supporting "green energy"?
Who would make a better president, Joe Biden or Joe Manchin?
Klobuchar and Kasich is my ideal ticket.
Moderates who would work across the aisle.

Don't get me wrong. Klobuchar has the charisma of large rock and Kasich isn't much better but they both have records of getting things done and not indulging in the nonsensical spectacles we see from both sides lately.

Who would you pick?
Moderates who would work across the aisle.

Don't get me wrong. Klobuchar has the charisma of large rock and Kasich isn't much better but they both have records of getting things done and not indulging in the nonsensical spectacles we see from both sides lately.

Who would you pick?
I don't agree .. they are both has-beens and won't be considered as viable candidates -- just like we saw in the past. The playing field is too young for anyone to make an informed decision.
I don't agree .. they are both has-beens and won't be considered as viable candidates -- just like we saw in the past. The playing field is too young for anyone to make an informed decision.
Certainly they are not viable.

Americans seem to want to be entertained by politicians so we get entertainers elected to office instead of serious policy people. Policy is rarely discussed anymore.

A couple of low key drab people who want to work across the aisle and accomplish legislation wouldn't stand a chance.

White House adviser John Podesta said Wednesday that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), despite its name, is "all about" rolling back the carbon pollution that has been "driving the climate crisis."

Speaking from the briefing room at the White House, Podesta, who was selected by President Biden to serve as senior adviser to the president for clean energy innovation and implementation in September 2022, discussed the Biden administration's green energy efforts related to climate change.

Speaking on the subject of climate disasters on the measure's one-year anniversary, Podesta insisted that the IRA is working to eliminate carbon pollution.

"To stop these disasters from getting even worse, we have to cut the carbon pollution that's driving the climate crisis," he said. "And that's what the Inflation Reduction Act is all about."

There is no "climate crisis".
Carbon Dioxide does not cause climate change.
Man does not cause climate change.
There is no scientific consensus that carbon causes climate change.
Climate Change is a political tool that is used to scare the dumb left-wing crackpots.
The greedy corrupt Democrat Party's "inflation reduction act" was a another $$TRILLION DOLLAR$$ looting spree.
BTW Podesta is a lying POS and a crxxpy pedo mxthxr fxckxr.
Look up Podesta's art collection.
And isn't it just build back better pretty much rebranded as the inflation reduction act?
The Inflation Reduction act, over a trillion dollars for green energy. I bet Biden gets paid a million dollars a speech when he leaves office. It is a great thing the Democrats have done for their rich friends. I wish I was getting a cut of that first trillion.

Maybe I still have a chance at getting some of that Green Clean Cash, they say it will cost $200 trillion.

Everybody that is rich will get richer with their cut.

Seems like the only person against giving away this kind of money, is Trump. For my cut of a trillion dollars, it will be hard not to call Trump crooked.
It slows growth to the point where they are ready to party when they see 1-2% growth.

Uncle RICO's crew has fucked-up the economy to the point a major overhaul will be needed.....There's no quick fix now and severe austarity measures will have to be put into place.

Toss in the ever increasing .gov regulations since the dems schlepped-in and you have the likes of car manufactures basically working for the .gov now, which further slows growth to that of a Euro-trash country.

The dem's house of cards will start to come down around their ears come the end of September when all that money they got through the dem congress with the Turtle's/neocon help dries up.

A election cycle .gov shutdown?....I say go for it.

Joe Biden used his infamous whisper to declare his Inflation Reduction Act 'is working'.
In a packed event in the East Room at the White House, Biden claimed his law increased the number of jobs, decreased the inflation rate, and cut the deficit. He even got in an ice cream reference.
'I'm not here to declare victory on the economy,' he said. 'We have more work to do.'

Spending on green energy, subsidizing green energy does increase jobs. Remember, these are the most inefficient way to produce electricity so you need millions of them, instead of one power plant. Millions more and a million times bigger to produce nothing will require a lot of people.

Joe Biden used his infamous whisper to declare his Inflation Reduction Act 'is working'.
In a packed event in the East Room at the White House, Biden claimed his law increased the number of jobs, decreased the inflation rate, and cut the deficit. He even got in an ice cream reference.
'I'm not here to declare victory on the economy,' he said. 'We have more work to do.'

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Yep. His inflation reduction act is doing all those things.

Glad you finally see it.
The Inflation Reduction act, over a trillion dollars for green energy. I bet Biden gets paid a million dollars a speech when he leaves office. It is a great thing the Democrats have done for their rich friends. I wish I was getting a cut of that first trillion.

Maybe I still have a chance at getting some of that Green Clean Cash, they say it will cost $200 trillion.

Everybody that is rich will get richer with their cut.

Seems like the only person against giving away this kind of money, is Trump. For my cut of a trillion dollars, it will be hard not to call Trump crooked.
Certainly not suggesting he won't be getting paid for speeches, but ya gotta wonder what companies would be paying big bucks to hear this blabbering fool speak.
Certainly not suggesting he won't be getting paid for speeches, but ya gotta wonder what companies would be paying big bucks to hear this blabbering fool speak.
How did Obama make $200 million since leaving office. The bribe, the payoff, comes after. They dont want to hear what the politicians say, it is just a payoff.
Certainly they are not viable.

Americans seem to want to be entertained by politicians so we get entertainers elected to office instead of serious policy people. Policy is rarely discussed anymore.

A couple of low key drab people who want to work across the aisle and accomplish legislation wouldn't stand a chance.
Boring isn't going to work for Americans .. with the electorate being low-information voters who know more about sports and pop culture -- any type of celebrity that runs will typically garner the attention of the electorate.
When the US has a $32T Debt and a Budget Deficit approaching $2T a year, the "IRA" is adding to that Deficit and Debt, and adding to inflation, not reducing it.

“Make no mistake, the IRA is exactly the kind of legislation that in normal political times both political parties would proudly embrace because it is about putting the interests of Americans and West Virginians first," he said in a Wednesday statement. "Going forward I will push back on those who seek to undermine this significant legislation for their respective political agenda, and that begins with my unrelenting fight against the Biden administration’s efforts to implement the IRA as a radical climate agenda instead of implementing the IRA that was passed into law."

Should the Inflation Reduction Act be Repealed? Since it adds to inflation, and is actually the "Green New Deal".
Should Biden be impeached for not following the "all of the above energy policies", only supporting "green energy"?
Who would make a better president, Joe Biden or Joe Manchin?

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