The inside story of "Russian" President Vladimir Putin’s conflict with the United States.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
how and when this putler´s empire will be stopped for good?
how and when this putler´s empire will be stopped for good?

Really good documentary on Putin. Masha Gessen is one of the commentators and her books are very good at explaining Putin and what Russia has become
THAT is Putin folks. If you haven't seen should
Has anyone checked this out?

It's a real eye opener
how and when this putler´s empire will be stopped for good?

Really good documentary on Putin. Masha Gessen is one of the commentators and her books are very good at explaining Putin and what Russia has become

THAT is Putin folks. If you haven't seen should

The dacha cooperative Ozero was founded on November 10, 1996[1] by Vladimir Smirnov (head), Vladimir Putin,[3] Vladimir Yakunin, Andrei Fursenko, Sergey Fursenko, Yury Kovalchuk, Viktor Myachin, and Nikolay Shamalov [ru].[4] The society united their dachas in Solovyovka, Priozersky District of Leningrad Oblast, on the eastern shore[a] of Lake Komsomolskoye on the Karelian Isthmus, near Saint Petersburg, Russia.[5][6]

Vladimir Putin returned from his KGB posting in Dresden in early 1990, prior to the formal establishment of the Ozero cooperative, and acquired property on the banks of Lake Komsomolskoye. His dacha burned down in 1996 but was rebuilt later that year.[3] Others bought more land around this area and built a number of villas close to each other to form a gated community.[7] A bank account linked to this cooperative association was opened, allowing money to be deposited and used by all account holders in accordance with the Russian law on cooperatives.[8]

By 2012 members of the Ozero cooperative had assumed top positions in Russian government and business and became very successful financially.[5][9][10]
Not sure why the above is important. Putin has plundered RUssia to the point where he is estimated to be the richest man in the world...although most of his wealth is in the bank accounts of the ever shifting oligarchs who curry his favor
Not sure why the above is important. Putin has plundered RUssia to the point where he is estimated to be the richest man in the world...although most of his wealth is in the bank accounts of the ever shifting oligarchs who curry his favor

The reason why Putin is so desperate to get rid of the Magnitsky Act is because he can't freely access his money as long as those sanctions are in place.
Not sure why the above is important. Putin has plundered RUssia to the point where he is estimated to be the richest man in the world...although most of his wealth is in the bank accounts of the ever shifting oligarchs who curry his favor

The reason why Putin is so desperate to get rid of the Magnitsky Act is because he can't freely access his money as long as those sanctions are in place.
Yup. They hit him personally...and his oligarch buddies
Not sure why the above is important. Putin has plundered RUssia to the point where he is estimated to be the richest man in the world...although most of his wealth is in the bank accounts of the ever shifting oligarchs who curry his favor

The reason why Putin is so desperate to get rid of the Magnitsky Act is because he can't freely access his money as long as those sanctions are in place.
Schumers home district where he lives has many Russian oligarchs stealing billions of dollars and billions more from social securiity, medicare and social welfare programs. They are ruthless. And control old Chucky.
Not sure why the above is important. Putin has plundered RUssia to the point where he is estimated to be the richest man in the world...although most of his wealth is in the bank accounts of the ever shifting oligarchs who curry his favor

The reason why Putin is so desperate to get rid of the Magnitsky Act is because he can't freely access his money as long as those sanctions are in place.
Schumers home district where he lives has many Russian oligarchs stealing billions of dollars and billions more from social securiity, medicare and social welfare programs. They are ruthless. And control old Chucky.
I assume you're referring to Brighton Beach. Do you have any actual evidence of Russians affecting Schumer's actions or financial ties to Russian emigres?

Because that sounds pretty thin
Regime change?

Never said a word about it. That IS Putin's "fear" according to the video though and the nun seems to be tuned into that intimately
THAT is Putin folks. If you haven't seen should

Why is that exactly, you want regime change in Russia so the oligarchs can be free again?


Regime change? Who said anything about regime change?

What we want is for Vladimir Putin to stay within the Russian borders, and to stop waging cyberwar throughout the world. If he smartens up and cuts it out, he'll be allowed to remain in power, but if he continues to meddle into other countries elections, and spread his propaganda and lies, Russia will be sanctioned back into the stone age, until somebody puts a bullet in his head and ends it..

Putin isn't rich enough or strong enough to fight anything but virtual wars. His one attempt at attacking US forces in Syria saw his entire force wiped out without a single casualty to the Americans. He's out manned, out equipped, and out trained. Today's Russia isn't the military might of the old USSR.

Russia is just a weak poor nation in Europe who has made itself an international outlaw, with their egregious behaviour against it's neighbours, and its cyber wars. Putin suffers from being a "short man". Puny, puffed up despot. If he stays in his lane, and keeps his nose clean, he'll die an old man in his bed.
Putin's fear of regime change is spelled out quite clearly in that Frontline video

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