The Intelligence Of The Anti-Faith Secular Humanists Will Vanish.

Why even bother going to college? Grandpa knows what anyone needs to know.
There is a difference between knowledge and living so that one becomes the best version of themselves. Even PhD knowledge of history or science can't build character.
Of course it does. Having to focus on something hard for a long time that will be peer reviewed builds character for sure.
"Intelligence" and "secular humanism" are mutually exclusive.

That has nothing to do with religion or the Judeo-Christion God...It's that they're nihilists, and nihilism is one of the most anti-intellectual things I can think of.
By implication of logic, wouldn't a nihilist be an atheist?
Self-worship and worship of The State -both things the secular humanists/nihilists do- aren't strictly ashiest.....Though there's little doubt that the SHs do claim atheism.
Ok, but what I am asking is if nihilists are a sub set of atheists. Seems to made they would be. Such that I could say that all nihilists are atheists but not all atheists are nihilists.
Of course it does. Having to focus on something hard for a long time that will be peer reviewed builds character for sure.
And here we are amongst our peers!!!

I believe that that is what religion really is - the practice of exercises for the maintenance of dignity; which is relative to the organization(s) that the individual seeks community and approval - right???
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Typical Trump like post espousing the benefits of religion with absolutely no proof that it even exists. Trump made a career of that kind of BS!
Typical atheist, with Trump derangement syndrome, comment espousing errors in his arguments. Religion exists. Supernatural entities do not. Religion is not the belief and worship of supernatural entities, although the typically organized religions perpetuate traditional allegorical references to such to guard principles of thought.

You get this through that thick skull of yours: you have dogma! You believe in things that you cannot prove to be worthy of their intended virtue. Starting with the organization of subjects of knowledge, which is needed for the proper deliberation of arguments. Next is a derivative of the organization of knowledge and that is government. Get a proper and reliable standard of knowledge and then you have the better separation of government; and that leads to true social justice - why aren't you there, yet? Waiting for the Christians to lead the way???
Do "things" like existence, reality, truth, logic, information, musical progressions, mathematical truths, physical truths, chemical truths, etc. exist independent of man?
Do "things" like existence, reality, truth, logic, information, musical progressions, mathematical truths, physical truths, chemical truths, etc. exist independent of man?
I do not believe that truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics exist independent of human existence.
Do "things" like existence, reality, truth, logic, information, musical progressions, mathematical truths, physical truths, chemical truths, etc. exist independent of man?
I do not believe that truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics exist independent of human existence.
So man created or invented them instead of discovered them?

Did Einstein invent E=MC^2?
Do "things" like existence, reality, truth, logic, information, musical progressions, mathematical truths, physical truths, chemical truths, etc. exist independent of man?
I do not believe that truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics exist independent of human existence.
That makes you a secular humanist, I think.

And you're wrong.

All of these things would still exist even if the human race did not exist.
"Intelligence" and "secular humanism" are mutually exclusive.

That has nothing to do with religion or the Judeo-Christion God...It's that they're nihilists, and nihilism is one of the most anti-intellectual things I can think of.
By implication of logic, wouldn't a nihilist be an atheist?
Self-worship and worship of The State -both things the secular humanists/nihilists do- aren't strictly ashiest.....Though there's little doubt that the SHs do claim atheism.
Ok, but what I am asking is if nihilists are a sub set of atheists. Seems to made they would be. Such that I could say that all nihilists are atheists but not all atheists are nihilists.
IMO, if you worship yourself or The State you're not an atheist, strictly defined.....Though atheism itself is as dogmatic as any religion, so there's also that.
Do "things" like existence, reality, truth, logic, information, musical progressions, mathematical truths, physical truths, chemical truths, etc. exist independent of man?
I do not believe that truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics exist independent of human existence.
Nothing exists until it is observed.
Do "things" like existence, reality, truth, logic, information, musical progressions, mathematical truths, physical truths, chemical truths, etc. exist independent of man?
I do not believe that truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics exist independent of human existence.
So man created or invented them instead of discovered them?
Did Einstein invent E=MC^2?
I think Einstein discovered or theorized the existence of a formerly unknown phenomenon; and from that, he was able to define it in mathematical terms so as to be able to use it, and confirm the existence of the phenomenon.

Einstein did not invent the mathematics of the famous formula. The formula is the use of the invention of mathematics to interpret the phenomenon so as to be able to apply the phenomenon in applications - nuclear reactors, and bombs.
Do "things" like existence, reality, truth, logic, information, musical progressions, mathematical truths, physical truths, chemical truths, etc. exist independent of man?
I do not believe that truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics exist independent of human existence.
That makes you a secular humanist, I think.

And you're wrong.

All of these things would still exist even if the human race did not exist.
I do not believe that truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics exist independent of human existence.
really -

luny must be deaf ...

That makes you a secular humanist, I think.

And you're wrong.

All of these things would still exist even if the human race did not exist.
they as theists must believe humanist in terms of humanity not nature and they certainly are not - secular.
JAG Writes:
I recently wrote a letter to my grandson that said:
Happy Birthday. You will want many more Happy Birthdays and the path
to get them is to feed your mind and heart daily on the truths in the Bible
the word of God and then stay far away from the pseudo-intellectual God-haters
[Romans 1:28-32] who bad-mouth God and Christianity -- vultures they are,
and they sit perched, waiting hungry, throughout secularized academia
hoping to gobble down young Christians who are not solidly and strongly
grounded in the truths of the Holy Bible the word of God.

You'll run into 'em. They have the smell of death and unbelief on them. You
will soon be entering the house of so-called "higher education" aka the University
where your mind will be exposed to the sinful evil unbelief of the Secular Humanists
who are a self-worshiping gaggle of Academic Pseudo-intellectual Philosophical
Talking Heads who do not have enough wisdom to escape the perish of
John 3:16. Don't listen to their anti-faith gobbledygook. Tune out their
anti-Christian balderdash. They have not earned the right to your ear. Ignore
them as being 00.00.

Yes of course memorize their intellectualized bovine excreta long enough to
ace-out [A+} their tests, then forget their anti-Christian blather with a glad
heart as it reverberates happily on out of your mind into oblivion. Remember,
these anti-faith anti-Christian pseudo-intellectuals with Ph.D's, at say age
40 [who live to be say age 100] have only 720 months before they will become
either worm feces or ashes [if they are cremated], or animal feces if they are
eaten by animals [for example lost in Yellowstone National Park -- it does happen],
or oceanic creatures feces [think Titanic]. One of these 4 ends awaits them
all -- unless they make arrangements, prior to their croaking, with a taxidermist
to have their carcasses stuffed and mounted on a wall or perhaps placed in a
spare chair in Uncle Voltaire's spare bedroom --otherwise its either an Ashes
or Future Feces end for them all. So? So don't listen to Future Feces tell you
that Christianity is not true. Ignore them and get away from them and their
Boiled-Egg-Rotten-Egg-Bad-Breath Unbelief. They belong to their father the
devil [John 8:44] and they want you to join them in Hell because misery loves

Remember to remember when you are sitting in the university classroom and
that anti-faith anti-Christian professor with a Ph.D is telling you that faith is not
a valid path to truth -- remember that you are listening to Future Feces blathering
on and on -- Future Worm Feces.

And remember that Christianity, unlike Secular Humanism, has a bright cheerful
Happy Ending:
"I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will live, even
though they die, and whoever lives by believing in Me will never die."__The Lord
Jesus [John 11:25-26].

And keep this always in your mind as well.
"I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will
have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world. __The Lord Jesus
{John 16:33].

And regarding the anti-faith anti-Christian Secular Humanists Academic Philosophical
Pseudo-Intellectual Talking Heads, remember this:
God says,
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
__The Apostle Paul quoting Isaiah 29:14

God Bless.
April 1, 2021
"Have Faith in God"__The Lord Jesus [Mark 11:22] . . . .

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever
believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

To be precise regarding the certain end of the anti-faith anti-Christian
Secular Humanists Academic Philosophical Pseudo-Intellectual Talking
Heads: There is a 5th possibility for the end of their carcasses:
{1} Worm Feces [AKA Annelida Defecation]
{2} Animal Feces
{3} Oceanic Creatures Feces
{4} Ashes [if cremated]
{5} Cryonics
LOL. Here on #5 they become the Ultimate Freezer Burn.
How so?
Well, try keeping a rib-eye steak in the freezer for 50 years.
What would that look like!


What Christian denomination do you belong to, Jag?
I would have shortened the message a bit, but otherwise, the advice is sound coming from a loving grandfather to a much beloved grandson.
I agree, especially about the loving part. Knowing and remembering how energetic college students are, I might have foregone warnings about others in favor of action passages. Who is the grandson most like? Does he have a "well-trained tongue"; the Beatitudes and Commandments also suggest courses of action; Jonah is great, a person who needs a bit of a push to do what he is called upon to do.

Jonah is a comic novella about xenophobia.

" What Christian denomination do you belong to, Jag? "___Surada

I'm a Protestant. In the traditions of Baptist and Reformed Presbyterian.


JAG Writes:
I recently wrote a letter to my grandson that said:
Happy Birthday. You will want many more Happy Birthdays and the path
to get them is to feed your mind and heart daily on the truths in the Bible
the word of God and then stay far away from the pseudo-intellectual God-haters
[Romans 1:28-32] who bad-mouth God and Christianity -- vultures they are,
and they sit perched, waiting hungry, throughout secularized academia
hoping to gobble down young Christians who are not solidly and strongly
grounded in the truths of the Holy Bible the word of God.

You'll run into 'em. They have the smell of death and unbelief on them. You
will soon be entering the house of so-called "higher education" aka the University
where your mind will be exposed to the sinful evil unbelief of the Secular Humanists
who are a self-worshiping gaggle of Academic Pseudo-intellectual Philosophical
Talking Heads who do not have enough wisdom to escape the perish of
John 3:16. Don't listen to their anti-faith gobbledygook. Tune out their
anti-Christian balderdash. They have not earned the right to your ear. Ignore
them as being 00.00.

Yes of course memorize their intellectualized bovine excreta long enough to
ace-out [A+} their tests, then forget their anti-Christian blather with a glad
heart as it reverberates happily on out of your mind into oblivion. Remember,
these anti-faith anti-Christian pseudo-intellectuals with Ph.D's, at say age
40 [who live to be say age 100] have only 720 months before they will become
either worm feces or ashes [if they are cremated], or animal feces if they are
eaten by animals [for example lost in Yellowstone National Park -- it does happen],
or oceanic creatures feces [think Titanic]. One of these 4 ends awaits them
all -- unless they make arrangements, prior to their croaking, with a taxidermist
to have their carcasses stuffed and mounted on a wall or perhaps placed in a
spare chair in Uncle Voltaire's spare bedroom --otherwise its either an Ashes
or Future Feces end for them all. So? So don't listen to Future Feces tell you
that Christianity is not true. Ignore them and get away from them and their
Boiled-Egg-Rotten-Egg-Bad-Breath Unbelief. They belong to their father the
devil [John 8:44] and they want you to join them in Hell because misery loves

Remember to remember when you are sitting in the university classroom and
that anti-faith anti-Christian professor with a Ph.D is telling you that faith is not
a valid path to truth -- remember that you are listening to Future Feces blathering
on and on -- Future Worm Feces.

And remember that Christianity, unlike Secular Humanism, has a bright cheerful
Happy Ending:
"I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will live, even
though they die, and whoever lives by believing in Me will never die."__The Lord
Jesus [John 11:25-26].

And keep this always in your mind as well.
"I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will
have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world. __The Lord Jesus
{John 16:33].

And regarding the anti-faith anti-Christian Secular Humanists Academic Philosophical
Pseudo-Intellectual Talking Heads, remember this:
God says,
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
__The Apostle Paul quoting Isaiah 29:14

God Bless.
April 1, 2021
"Have Faith in God"__The Lord Jesus [Mark 11:22] . . . .

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever
believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

To be precise regarding the certain end of the anti-faith anti-Christian
Secular Humanists Academic Philosophical Pseudo-Intellectual Talking
Heads: There is a 5th possibility for the end of their carcasses:
{1} Worm Feces [AKA Annelida Defecation]
{2} Animal Feces
{3} Oceanic Creatures Feces
{4} Ashes [if cremated]
{5} Cryonics
LOL. Here on #5 they become the Ultimate Freezer Burn.
How so?
Well, try keeping a rib-eye steak in the freezer for 50 years.
What would that look like!


What Christian denomination do you belong to, Jag?
I would have shortened the message a bit, but otherwise, the advice is sound coming from a loving grandfather to a much beloved grandson.
I agree, especially about the loving part. Knowing and remembering how energetic college students are, I might have foregone warnings about others in favor of action passages. Who is the grandson most like? Does he have a "well-trained tongue"; the Beatitudes and Commandments also suggest courses of action; Jonah is great, a person who needs a bit of a push to do what he is called upon to do.

Jonah is a comic novella about xenophobia.

" What Christian denomination do you belong to, Jag? "___Surada

I'm a Protestant. In the traditions of Baptist and Reformed Presbyterian.



I thought you were probably Baptist. Thanks.
  • Thanks
Reactions: JAG
Do "things" like existence, reality, truth, logic, information, musical progressions, mathematical truths, physical truths, chemical truths, etc. exist independent of man?
I do not believe that truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics exist independent of human existence.
So man created or invented them instead of discovered them?
Did Einstein invent E=MC^2?
I think Einstein discovered or theorized the existence of a formerly unknown phenomenon; and from that, he was able to define it in mathematical terms so as to be able to use it, and confirm the existence of the phenomenon.

Einstein did not invent the mathematics of the famous formula. The formula is the use of the invention of mathematics to interpret the phenomenon so as to be able to apply the phenomenon in applications - nuclear reactors, and bombs.
So if man created or invented truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics then man can make them be anything he wants, right?

He could say that if A=B and B=C then C does not equal A. Right? Because that phenomenon isn't discovered like Einstein's E=MC^2, right? It's man made logic. Man can make logic say anything he wants it to say. Because logic does not exist as a phenomenon unto itself. Man doesn't discover logical truths, man creates and invents logical truths, right?
Do "things" like existence, reality, truth, logic, information, musical progressions, mathematical truths, physical truths, chemical truths, etc. exist independent of man?
I do not believe that truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics exist independent of human existence.
Nothing exists until it is observed.
Nothing is made manifest until it is known through mind.

"...It is primarily physicists who in recent times have expressed most clearly and forthrightly this pervasive relationship between mind and matter, and indeed at times the primacy of mind. Arthur Eddington in 1928 wrote, “the stuff of the world is mind‑stuff ... The mind‑stuff is not spread in space and time.... Recognizing that the physical world is entirely abstract and without ‘actuality’ apart from its linkage to consciousness, we restore consciousness to the fundamental position . . .”

Von Weizsacker in 1971 states as “a new and, I feel, intelligible interpretation of quantum theory” what he calls his “Identity Hypothesis: Consciousness and matter are different aspects of the same reality.”

I like most of all Wolfgang Pauli’s formulation, from 1952: “To us . . . the only acceptable point of view appears to be the one that recognizes both sides of reality -- the quantitative and the qualitative, the physical and the psychical -- as compatible with each other, and can embrace them simultaneously . . . It would be most satisfactory of all if physis and psyche (i.e., matter and mind) could be seen as complementary aspects of the same reality.”

What this kind of thought means essentially is that one has no more basis for considering the existence of matter without its complementary aspect of mind, than for asking that elementary particles not also be waves.

As for this seeming a strange viewpoint for a scientist -- at least until one gets used to it -- as in so many other instances, what is wanted is not so much an acceptable concept as an acceptable rhetoric. If I say, with Eddington, “the stuff of the world is mind‑stuff,” that has a metaphysical ring. But if I say that ultimate reality is expressed in the solutions of the equations of quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, and quantum field theory -- that sounds like good, modern physics. Yet what are those equations, indeed what is mathematics, but mind‑stuff? -- virtually the ultimate in mind‑stuff and for that reason deeply mysterious..."

"Intelligence" and "secular humanism" are mutually exclusive.

That has nothing to do with religion or the Judeo-Christion God...It's that they're nihilists, and nihilism is one of the most anti-intellectual things I can think of.
By implication of logic, wouldn't a nihilist be an atheist?
Self-worship and worship of The State -both things the secular humanists/nihilists do- aren't strictly ashiest.....Though there's little doubt that the SHs do claim atheism.
Ok, but what I am asking is if nihilists are a sub set of atheists. Seems to made they would be. Such that I could say that all nihilists are atheists but not all atheists are nihilists.
IMO, if you worship yourself or The State you're not an atheist, strictly defined.....Though atheism itself is as dogmatic as any religion, so there's also that.
That's a good point. You can know what something is by what it does.
So if man created or invented truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics then man can make them be anything he wants, right?

He could say that if A=B and B=C then C does not equal A. Right? Because that phenomenon isn't discovered like Einstein's E=MC^2, right? It's man made logic. Man can make logic say anything he wants it to say. Because logic does not exist as a phenomenon unto itself. Man doesn't discover logical truths, man creates and invents logical truths, right?

No, no, no. Societies make agreements as to what things are, and they assign designations for them so we try to avoid the problem that you are trying to describe. You unwittingly recognized this here:
IMO, if you worship yourself or The State you're not an atheist, strictly defined.....Though atheism itself is as dogmatic as any religion, so there's also that.
That's a good point. You can know what something is by what it does.
- you are committing some logic fallacies.
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IMO, if you worship yourself or The State you're not an atheist, strictly defined.....Though atheism itself is as dogmatic as any religion, so there's also that.
That's a good point. You can know what something is by what it does.

Atheism is no more dogmatic than theism. Atheism is not a religion - it is a political doctrine that opposes theist-based doctrine for the basis of public policy.

Atheists have some dogmatic beliefs, but they are not what theists can detect.

Atheists' belief that "atheism is the non-belief in gods," is incorrect. Atheism is a political doctrine that opposes theist-based doctrine as the basis for public policy.

Atheists also dogmatically believe in the almighty United States Constitution, which is an erroneous organization for republic government of for a society as diverse and sophisticated that the nation has evolved to.

Atheists also dogmatically believe that religion is belief and worship of god." It is not. Religion is the practice of exercises that maintain dignty.
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So if man created or invented truth, logic, musical progressions, and mathematics then man can make them be anything he wants, right?

He could say that if A=B and B=C then C does not equal A. Right? Because that phenomenon isn't discovered like Einstein's E=MC^2, right? It's man made logic. Man can make logic say anything he wants it to say. Because logic does not exist as a phenomenon unto itself. Man doesn't discover logical truths, man creates and invents logical truths, right?

No, no, no. Societies make agreements as to what things are, and they assign designations for them so we try to avoid the problem that you are trying to describe. You unwittingly recognized this here:
IMO, if you worship yourself or The State you're not an atheist, strictly defined.....Though atheism itself is as dogmatic as any religion, so there's also that.
That's a good point. You can know what something is by what it does.
- you are committing some logic fallacies.
So societies can determine that A=B and B=C then C does not equal A?

Seems to me that man discovered that A=B and B=C then C=A as a logical truth.
IMO, if you worship yourself or The State you're not an atheist, strictly defined.....Though atheism itself is as dogmatic as any religion, so there's also that.
That's a good point. You can know what something is by what it does.

Atheism is no more dogmatic than theism. Atheism is not a religion - it is a political doctrine that opposes theist-based doctrine for the basis of public policy.

Atheists have some dogmatic beliefs, but they are not what theists can detect.

Atheists' belief that "atheism is the non-belief in gods," is incorrect. Atheism is a political doctrine that opposes theist-based doctrine as the basis for public policy.

Atheists also dogmatically believe in the almighty United States Constitution, which is an erroneous organization for republic government of for a society as diverse and sophisticated that the nation has evolved to.

Atheists also dogmatically believe that religion is belief and worship of god." It is not. Religion is the practice of exercises that maintain dignty.

"Atheism is not a religion"___PL

Atheism functions like a religion for all practical purposes.
Here is one example of that:

Henry is an Atheist.
There is nothing Higher in Henry's world than Henry.
Henry is his own Supreme Being.
Henry is his own god.
The name of Henry's god is Henry.
The name of Henry's religion is Henryism.
The Religion Of Henryism.
Therefore Henry also practices the Religion Of Atheism
because Henry has a god named Henry.


I don't have any desire to pursue this subject.
I just posted that as "food for thought" for ya.

By the way there is even the church of atheism -- you can google it
and pull it up.




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