The IRS reminds Americans earning over $600 on PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App transactions to report their earnings

this is a new tax! geez…and it’s a targeting small business
True. The Democrat Socialists are trying to destroy small businesses. We saw that when they allowed Target and Walmart to stay open but not the little Mom-n-Pop shop that sells newspapers, candies, and sundries.
He tried to tell you that this was NOT about making sure the rich and decent-sized businesses don’t get away without paying their due. Otherwise, why did Biden lower the cut-off from $20,000 all the way down to $600?

I NEVER said it was.
You should not be able to hide income
The rest of us have to make up for it
Joe lied again. He sure is getting his pound of flesh from the working class not in privileged situations and people on incomes that do not rise or rise little compared to inflation.
Trump supporters said xiden would do this. Trump supporters told you this demafasict piece of legislation was about the war on the working class

yet you ignored it

And they make the same excuses when I complain about what his new 7.8 trillion in debt will end up costing.
I NEVER said it was.
So what was it about then? To make sure moderate-income people don’t get away with not paying $60 more on their taxes? What about all the “rich” he said he was going to make “pay their fair share”? WHY lower the cut-off all the way from $20k to $600?
So what was it about then? To make sure moderate-income people don’t get away with not paying $60 more on their taxes? What about all the “rich” he said he was going to make “pay their fair share”? WHY lower the cut-off all the way from $20k to $600?

What's it all about? As a few of us randomly note, there is very little difference in the two parties.
And they make the same excuses when I complain about what his new 7.8 trillion in debt will end up costing.
So why did Biden expand the welfare state? Now we have people with children who refuse to get a job getting the child tax “credit”.

He wants to drive small businesses out of business and enable non-working people to get by without having to take a job. And this is DURING a labor shortage! The rule should be: not a penny of welfare, including food stamps, unless you work at least 20 hours a week (With exceptions for mothers with a child under 6).
What's it all about? As a few of us randomly note, there is very little difference in the two parties.
Republicans aren’t declaring war on small business with all these extra regulations and handing out so much welfare that businesses can’t find employees.
So why did Biden expand the welfare state? Now we have people with children who refuse to get a job getting the child tax “credit”.

He wants to drive small businesses out of business and enable non-working people to get by without having to take a job. And this is DURING a labor shortage! The rule should be: not a penny of welfare, including food stamps, unless you work at least 20 hours a week (With exceptions for mothers with a child under 6).

And watch the rate of abortions sky rocket.
Republicans aren’t declaring war on small business with all these extra regulations and handing out so much welfare that businesses can’t find employees.

7.8 trillion in debt is a war on the country in general.
7.8 trillion in debt is a war on the country in general.
So Dems should make it worse by handing out even more money and going into unnecessary debt? Cut off the welfare to lazy entitled people who won’t lower themselves to a $17 an hour job at Target.
So why did Biden expand the welfare state? Now we have people with children who refuse to get a job getting the child tax “credit”.

He wants to drive small businesses out of business and enable non-working people to get by without having to take a job. And this is DURING a labor shortage! The rule should be: not a penny of welfare, including food stamps, unless you work at least 20 hours a week (With exceptions for mothers with a child under 6).
Our President wants small businesses ness to pay taxes just like the rest of us do
So Dems should make it worse by handing out even more money and going into unnecessary debt? Cut off the welfare to lazy entitled people who won’t lower themselves to a $17 an hour job at Target.

All of it made it worse. All of it.

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