The Japs Attacked Pearl Harbor - Dec. 7th. Everybody Remember ?

I worked from 1986 to Feb. of 1989 on Wheeler Army Airfield (now Wheeler Air Force Base) and our hangars were the same ones strafed by Zeros on that day, with some of the bullet holes still in the exterior walls of the hangars.

I think this day has largely been eclipsed by September 11th, but what makes this memorable is that it is the only time in our history, outside of our squabbles with England, that a foreign power has attacked this country.

Hate to break it to you, but there are countries all around the world that have similar days of remembrance, when American bombs and missiles rained down on them, too.

Wheeler was hit heavy. General Short was to say the least was for lack of a better word short sighted. In one fell swope Japan destroyed the U.S. Army Air Corps in Hawaii.

Totally agree on the U.S., we destroyed both Afghanistan and Iraq for other reason than to do so.
2 days from now is Dec 7th - the "day that will live in infamy", President Roosevelt described it. Thousands of Americans were killed, rivaled in size and horror only by 9/11. Attacks against the US of major magnitude on US soil are rare, and as such are unforgettable.

Why this is relevant now, is because just as it was with the Japs in 1941, it is exactly that way now with Hamas and others of their ilk, with the danger that they pose. The combination of the Israel-Hamas War, aid being given to Israel, US warships in the Mediterranean, and the wide open Mexican border is a powder keg of combustible ingredients. It opens up the strong possibility, if not probability, of chemical, biological, and/or nuclear attacks, in US cities, that could kill millions of Americans.

Making the whole situation worse is, instead of have a strong, protective president, inspiring fear & respect from enemies around the world (as it was with President Trump), we now have a weak, fearful, senile, idiot president, with his brains falling out of his head, thereby encouraging enemies to attack us.

The japanese made a fatal mistake bombing Pearl Harbor

They sealed their own fate and that of germany also

Without the attack on Pearl Harbor FDR could not have entered the war and hitler might have defeated russia
SO close....

2 days from now is Dec 7th - the "day that will live in infamy", President Roosevelt described it. Thousands of Americans were killed, rivaled in size and horror only by 9/11. Attacks against the US of major magnitude on US soil are rare, and as such are unforgettable.

Why this is relevant now, is because just as it was with the Japs in 1941, it is exactly that way now with Hamas and others of their ilk, with the danger that they pose. The combination of the Israel-Hamas War, aid being given to Israel, US warships in the Mediterranean, and the wide open Mexican border is a powder keg of combustible ingredients. It opens up the strong possibility, if not probability, of chemical, biological, and/or nuclear attacks, in US cities, that could kill millions of Americans.

Making the whole situation worse is, instead of have a strong, protective president, inspiring fear & respect from enemies around the world (as it was with President Trump), we now have a weak, fearful, senile, idiot president, with his brains falling out of his head, thereby encouraging enemies to attack us.

We must give a whole hearted thanks to Japan for the attack. Before that we were a bunch of fools for letting Hitler take over the world one country at a time. If Japan had not bombed us Hitler would have taken over the entire world.
We must give a whole hearted thanks to Japan for the attack. Before that we were a bunch of fools for letting Hitler take over the world one country at a time. If Japan had not bombed us Hitler would have taken over the entire world.
The Soviets would still have beaten Hitler - it would have just taken a little longer.

Whoever invented the nuclear bomb first was going to win the war. If the US had never entered the war due to Japan bombing Pearl Harbor, we would probably have not been so inspired to invent the bomb and we were just a nose hair in front of Hitler as it was. Russia would not have had the bomb before Hitler.
Whoever invented the nuclear bomb first was going to win the war. If the US had never entered the war due to Japan bombing Pearl Harbor, we would probably have not been so inspired to invent the bomb and we were just a nose hair in front of Hitler as it was. Russia would not have had the bomb before Hitler.
Even if we're talking May 1946, it is very unlikely the Germans would have had the bomb before the Soviets overran them.
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The japanese made a fatal mistake bombing Pearl Harbor

They sealed their own fate and that of germany also

Without the attack on Pearl Harbor FDR could not have entered the war and hitler might have defeated russia
I totally agree. And the US would no longer be the US.

We came very close to losing WWII

thanks to God we didnt
As much as there are a lot of bad memories and resentment toward Japan over Dec 7th, when you look back at it, Japan, unknowingly at the time, did the entire world a great favor because we were too stupid to enter the war until then.
Our intent on committing a majority of men and material to Europe was to not only defeat the Nazi's but to check the Soviets from overrunning Western Europe. The invasion of Russia had to have removed Stalin and his cronies by about the time of Pearl Harbor or Germany would not, and could not, defeat the Soviets.

Hitler gambled and lost, as most megalomaniacs do.
I think so

The Japanese were very stupid to attack Pearl Harbor when the could have conquered the Dutch East Indies and had all the natural resources they needed without war with the US

Hitler was equally stupid to declare war on the US when he could have delayed our entry for at least a year

That might have made the difference in the outcome
Hitler was equally stupid to declare war on the US when he could have delayed our entry for at least a year
We were already sending Russia massive amounts of aid. It would have ended with IS-2 tanks in Cherbourg stopping at the coast.

But yes, Japan was stupid. None of that had to happen.

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