The Jersey Devil: Forest Folklore


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature or cryptid said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey, United States. The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many different variations. The common description is that of a kangaroo-like creature with the head of a goat, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail. It has been reported to move quickly and often is described as emitting a "blood-curdling scream" (source of information: Wikipedia).

There have been many theories, some pseudo-scientific, others purely folkloric, about the origins and patterned behaviour of the Jersey Devil. Theories range from "It may be a deviant Neanderthal" to "It may be a purely original species derived from evolutionary oddity and perhaps even hell."

Perhaps the Jersey Devil represents a human fascination with territorialism, environment adaptation unpredictability, and pseudo-science imagination.

For a society that celebrates folkloric creatures such as the Irish Leprechaun, magical fairies, and unicorns in literature, children's fables, and culture festivals, the Jersey Devil should serve as a reminder of the endlessly intriguing uncertainties associated with tedious organic life taxonomy.

The rich aspects of the Pine Barrens as well suggest that the Jersey Devil may be a paragon of 'netherworld' or 'spirit-world' paranoia.

The standard stories tell of this cryptic creature being born to a human mother as an unlucky beast of a child and then eerily escaping and fleeing into the woods and disappearing until reports/rumors arose of a strange other-worldly creature roaming around the forest and stalking passerby.


Jersey Devil


The Family Acres

Have you ever wondered what a sample exchange between someone who researches cryptic creatures (such as the Jersey Devil) and a sceptical family member or friend would be like?

There should be more society art about crypto-zoology.

American colleges and universities should feel comfortable presenting lectures (and even classes) on Animalia folklore.


"Dear Ab,

I am concerned that you seem to be devoting your energies into the study of this cryptic and eerie creature known as the Jersey Devil.

Your pursuits in cognitive psychology, Catholic spiritualism, fiction-writing, culinary arts, amateur golf, piano, and comic book cartoon art were adequately handsome to build your resume as a man-of-the-world and diligent student and priest. However, it seems now that you are directing your talents towards something rather strange and rather dangerous.

What do you really know about the Jersey Devil? If it is indeed a real creature that prowls the Pine Barrens, have you studied enough about safety variables for pursuing this reportedly hideous and wild creature?

Your family is concerned for you, and as your god-parent, I am eagerly awaiting your response, as I have already completed your solid and sturdy file for your MBA studies at Seton Hall.

Your buddy,

Eric (Roberts)"


"Dear Eric/Dad,

Your letter touched a heart-string. I don't want people to be concerned that my activities are bordering on the bizarre, especially those who care about me.

I am glad I studied at Dartmouth College and obtained a valuable A.B. in Cognitive Science, and I'm still keen on my interested in culinary arts (MBA at Seton Hall, restaurant business, etc.), comic book cartoon art, amateur golf, etc.

However, crypto-zoology is something I've been interested in ever since I was a child. I used to read mythology stories about Leprechauns (the Irish folkloric imp) and became fascinated with the geometric wonders of rainbows. I started studying myths and folklore about Atlantis, and when I began reading about the Jersey Devil, my interests in relevant cryptic-avatars in American comic books such as Sabretooth (Marvel Comics), an eerie man-beast who creates mayhem, crystallized.

I don't want people to feel uncomfortable with what I am doing/studying. I want you, Eric, and my wife, Patricia, to feel happy about why I am doing what I am doing.

So to that end, I will make you a promise. Every morning, I will have my Lucky Charms breakfast cereal (which features that cute Irish Leprechaun as its box spokesman) like a normal American citizen, and then I will continue my study of the Jersey Devil (and some other cryptics such as the Abominable Snowman), and IF I feel my studies are yielding no new insights for civilization, I will take up my pursuits in the restaurant business with you again.

In the meantime, let me share with you this profile page about Sabretooth, and maybe you will feel less shocked about what I am studying (and send Aunt Julia my love):

Sabretooth (comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your pal,





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