The Jewish School where Half the Pupils are Muslim


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
'But half the 247 pupils at the 40-year-old local authority-supported school are Muslim, and apparently the Muslim parents go through all sorts of hoops, including moving into the school’s catchment area, to get their children into King David to learn Hebrew, wave Israeli flags on independence day and hang out with the people some would have us believe that they hate more than anyone in the world.'

The Jewish School where Half the Pupils are Muslim
That's because the Jewish population around the world is declining, and if a school like this wants to survive they need non-Jews.
Judaism and Islam have many rituals and customs in common, including: circumcision, dietary laws, similar practices of ritual slaughter and burial customs. Both faiths extol -- indeed enjoin -- philanthropy, for which they have a common name: "tzedakah," in Hebrew, or "sadaqa," in Arabic. They have a common, moral imperative to perfect the world, and to offer succor to those in society who are most in need ("islah," in Arabic, and "tikkun olam," in Hebrew). As it says in both the Quranand Talmud, if you save one life, it is as though you have saved all of humanity.

In many countries around the world, both Jews and Muslims are minorities in multi-religious and multi-ethnic societies. While there have been relatively good times, and less good times, in the long history of Muslim-Jewish relations, only today, in the democratic and pluralistic societies of the West, can Jews and Muslims interact as equals. We have an unprecedented opportunity to talk and work together in the interests of both communities, and of the larger societies in which we live side by side.

Despite the good news above, we cannot ignore the sobering reality that both Jews and Muslims continue to endure discrimination and even persecution in many countries around the world -- including the relatively enlightened societies mentioned above. Attacks on both communities often take the form of incitement and hate crimes, coming from xenophobic forces that see both Jews and Muslims as sinister "outsiders." Yet, both faiths are also under pressure from so-called progressives -- especially in Europe -- who have put forward a barrage of misguided initiatives in legislatures and courts to ban some of the age-old Muslim and Jewish rituals mentioned above, including male circumcision and ritual slaughter.
Truly monotheistic idea of G-d.
Use of original languages for most to all prayer and readings.
Avoidance of human imagery in worship, places of worship, etc.
Dietary codes.
Use of chanting in most to all public prayer and much private prayer
Use of chanting in reading sacred texts.

in 2007 the Jewish community launched Children of Abraham, a Muslim-Jewish Dialogue initiative that has paired dozens of synagogues across North America with local mosques to learn about one another’s faiths and start important conversations about rifts and similarities between the two groups. And the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, headed by celebrity Russell Simmons and “celebrity rabbi” Mark Schneier, is just one of many groups promoting tolerance and understanding between Jews and Muslims;

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