The Jews don't have a monopoly on being victims


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Even if you allow for the idea that the Jews have been persecuted, and even attempted to be genocided in the holocaust, it still doesn't follow that they have a complete monopoly on victimhood.

Read history. Millions and millions of non jews died in WW2. But do you see Germans, Poles, Russians, etc. continually proclaiming victimhood, trying to make others feel guilty, extorting, etc.?

No. They will put up monuments and then move on. The Jews should do the same. Whatever my opinions, I am not guilty of the holocaust, and I refuse any such association.
Even if you allow for the idea that the Jews have been persecuted, and even attempted to be genocided in the holocaust, it still doesn't follow that they have a complete monopoly on victimhood.

When and where was it ever claimed that they did?

Suffering isn't pizza,. if we get two slices it doesn't mean someone goes without. There's plenty of suffering to spread around.
OT reply as the OP writer is most likely just another uneducated bigot.

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen

Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing' by James Waller Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing (9780195189490): James Waller: Books

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Evil: read Stanley Milgram or check out this video:

The psychology of evil

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"It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak." Eric Hoffer

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