The John James senate election needs to be challenged.

It seems this software has been adding zeroes to the end of Biden’s totals and switching thousands of Trump votes to Biden. This will be a mess with SCOTUS likely declaring several states invalidated. Then what?

Hand recounts...
The balance of power in the Senate is now up for grabs with both seats in Georgia open for runoff elections. The Democrats will pour hundreds of millions into those races to swamp out the Republican candidates. The John James/Gary Peters election in Michigan was very suspicious and should be challenged given the history of Michigan election shenanigans.

Trump hasn't given up yet................. Trump is never more alive than when they count him out........
The balance of power in the Senate is now up for grabs with both seats in Georgia open for runoff elections. The Democrats will pour hundreds of millions into those races to swamp out the Republican candidates. The John James/Gary Peters election in Michigan was very suspicious and should be challenged given the history of Michigan election shenanigans.
Keep cope alive

The balance of power in the Senate is now up for grabs with both seats in Georgia open for runoff elections. The Democrats will pour hundreds of millions into those races to swamp out the Republican candidates. The John James/Gary Peters election in Michigan was very suspicious and should be challenged given the history of Michigan election shenanigans.

Could he be the victim of this software glitch ?
Or some other Michigan Democrat late night shenanigans.
You do know it would have been much easier for Democrats to swing a far less number of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin in 2016 right??

Yet you believe all of this conspiracy shit now ??

By the way, with the genius and the power that you give Democrats -- why didn't they just swing the Senate elections in their favor too??
The balance of power in the Senate is now up for grabs with both seats in Georgia open for runoff elections. The Democrats will pour hundreds of millions into those races to swamp out the Republican candidates. The John James/Gary Peters election in Michigan was very suspicious and should be challenged given the history of Michigan election shenanigans.

Could he be the victim of this software glitch ?
Or some other Michigan Democrat late night shenanigans.
You do know it would have been much easier for Democrats to swing a far less number of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin in 2016 right??

Yet you believe all of this conspiracy shit now ??

By the way, with the genius and the power that you give Democrats -- why didn't they just swing the Senate elections in their favor too??

Those are all great points.

But as I knew this would happen.

And people are going to conflate errors with graft.

it's that dirty now.

The election morons needed to be on top of their game.
The balance of power in the Senate is now up for grabs with both seats in Georgia open for runoff elections. The Democrats will pour hundreds of millions into those races to swamp out the Republican candidates. The John James/Gary Peters election in Michigan was very suspicious and should be challenged given the history of Michigan election shenanigans.

Could he be the victim of this software glitch ?
Or some other Michigan Democrat late night shenanigans.
You do know it would have been much easier for Democrats to swing a far less number of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin in 2016 right??

Yet you believe all of this conspiracy shit now ??

By the way, with the genius and the power that you give Democrats -- why didn't they just swing the Senate elections in their favor too??

Those are all great points.

But as I knew this would happen.

And people are going to conflate errors with graft.

it's that dirty now.

The election morons needed to be on top of their game.
Or maybe Biden just won
The balance of power in the Senate is now up for grabs with both seats in Georgia open for runoff elections. The Democrats will pour hundreds of millions into those races to swamp out the Republican candidates. The John James/Gary Peters election in Michigan was very suspicious and should be challenged given the history of Michigan election shenanigans.

Could he be the victim of this software glitch ?
Or some other Michigan Democrat late night shenanigans.
You do know it would have been much easier for Democrats to swing a far less number of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin in 2016 right??

Yet you believe all of this conspiracy shit now ??

By the way, with the genius and the power that you give Democrats -- why didn't they just swing the Senate elections in their favor too??

Those are all great points.

But as I knew this would happen.

And people are going to conflate errors with graft.

it's that dirty now.

The election morons needed to be on top of their game.
Or maybe Biden just won

And he'll enjoy having his election called a fraud (for no good reason) for four years.
The balance of power in the Senate is now up for grabs with both seats in Georgia open for runoff elections. The Democrats will pour hundreds of millions into those races to swamp out the Republican candidates. The John James/Gary Peters election in Michigan was very suspicious and should be challenged given the history of Michigan election shenanigans.

Could he be the victim of this software glitch ?
Or some other Michigan Democrat late night shenanigans.
You do know it would have been much easier for Democrats to swing a far less number of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin in 2016 right??

Yet you believe all of this conspiracy shit now ??

By the way, with the genius and the power that you give Democrats -- why didn't they just swing the Senate elections in their favor too??

Because they only cared about making sure Trump lost and they were in a hurry to make up enough votes to beat Trump......putting out thousands of fake ballots in a hurry, using idiot democrat party stooges meant they didn't have the time to do entire ballot picks........that is why they didn't let the republicans see the ballots they brought in after 1 a.m. you doofus...
How could James be the winner before they counted the votes ?

I don't know if you are following this......a software glitch in a Michigan county gave 6000 Trump votes to biden....they just found it and had to recount those them back to Trump....that same software was used in the other 42 counties in Michigan.......and several other states....

Trump hasn't conceded the election......until he does, it isn't even close to being over....
How could James be the winner before they counted the votes ?

I don't know if you are following this......a software glitch in a Michigan county gave 6000 Trump votes to biden....they just found it and had to recount those them back to Trump....that same software was used in the other 42 counties in Michigan.......and several other states....

Trump hasn't conceded the election......until he does, it isn't even close to being over....

Fucking A.

It flipped a county commissioner seat when the mistake was corrected.

All we want are assurances those same mistakes (not fraud) don't exist elsewhere.
By the way, with the genius and the power that you give Democrats -- why didn't they just swing the Senate elections in their favor too??
Democrats put their fingers on the scale where it was easiest to do. It wasn't across the board but there is enough evidence that recounts need to happen and ballots need to be examined. To say that "all is well" with the 2020 election process and results is naive at a minimum. And since when does media declare the winner of the US Presidency? Did the Democrats just make that rule too?
By the way, with the genius and the power that you give Democrats -- why didn't they just swing the Senate elections in their favor too??
Democrats put their fingers on the scale where it was easiest to do. It wasn't across the board but there is enough evidence that recounts need to happen and ballots need to be examined. To say that "all is well" with the 2020 election process and results is naive at a minimum. And since when does media declare the winner of the US Presidency? Did the Democrats just make that rule too?

I hope Trump wins.......and should he win, the decision to call biden the winner will make their bitter, angry tears so much tastier...I prefer mine over ice...
By the way, with the genius and the power that you give Democrats -- why didn't they just swing the Senate elections in their favor too??
Democrats put their fingers on the scale where it was easiest to do. It wasn't across the board but there is enough evidence that recounts need to happen and ballots need to be examined. To say that "all is well" with the 2020 election process and results is naive at a minimum. And since when does media declare the winner of the US Presidency? Did the Democrats just make that rule too?
More cope
By the way, with the genius and the power that you give Democrats -- why didn't they just swing the Senate elections in their favor too??
Democrats put their fingers on the scale where it was easiest to do. It wasn't across the board but there is enough evidence that recounts need to happen and ballots need to be examined. To say that "all is well" with the 2020 election process and results is naive at a minimum. And since when does media declare the winner of the US Presidency? Did the Democrats just make that rule too?
More cope View attachment 412779

Keep telling yourself biden won.....and if Trump wins, we will talk again...

Before I became a novelist I was an accountant. In auditing you look for red flags. That’s weird bits in the data that suggest something shifty is going on. You flag those weird things so you can delve into them further. One flag doesn’t necessarily mean there’s fraud. Weird things happen. A few flags mean stupidity or dishonesty. But a giant pile of red flags means that there’s bad shit going on and people should be in jail.

Except for in politics, where apparently all you have to do to dismiss a bunch of red flag is be a democrat and mumble something about “fascist voter suppression” then you can do all sorts of blatant crime and get off.

I’ve been trying to keep up with the firehose of information about what’s going on during this clusterfuck of an election. Last night I was on Facebook talking about the crazy high, 3rd world dictatorship level voter turnout levels in the deep blue areas of these swing states was very suspicious. Somebody gas lighted me about how “I’d have to do better than that”, so this was my quick reply, listing off the questionable bullshit I could think of off the top of my head:

The massive turn out alone is a red flag.

But as for doing better…

The late night spikes that were enough to close all the Trump leads are a red flag.

The statistically impossible breakdown of the ratios of these vote dumps is a red flag.

The ratios of these dumps being far better than the percentages in the bluest of blue cities, even though the historical data does not match, red flag.

The ratios of these vote dumps favoring Biden more in these few battlegrounds than the ratio for the rest of the country (even the bluest of the blue) red flag.

Biden outperforming Obama among these few urban vote dumps, even though Trump picked up points in every demographic group in the rest of the country, red flag.

The poll observers being removed. Red flag.

The counters cheering as GOP observers are removed, red flag.

The fact that the dem observers outnumber the GOP observers 3 to 1, red flag (and basis of the first lawsuit filed)

The electioneering at the polls (on video), red flag.

The willful violation of the court order requiring the separation of ballots by type, red flag.

USPS whistleblower reporting to the Inspector General that today they were ordered to backdate ballots to yesterday, red flag.

The video of 2 AM deliveries of what appear to be boxes of ballots with no chain of custody or other observers right before the late night miracle spikes, red flag.

Any of those things would be enough to trigger an audit in the normal world. This many flags and I’d be giggling in anticipation of catching some thieves.

And it isn’t that I have to do better. I’m just an gen pop observer who happens to be a retired auditor with a finely tuned bullshit detector. This is going to the courts.


So now I want to delve into some of these some more. The problem is that there’s a ton of info swirling around, some good, some crap. It doesn’t help that reporters are usually dishonest or not very bright and absolute trash at presenting data. Part of our problem is Big Tech is actively stomping on stories that make their guy look bad. (while compiling these I discovered that several of the links I’d looked at yesterday had been vanished by Facebook or Twitter)

For the last four years half the country was all “Trump is illegitimate! He’s not my president! He stole the election!” so on and so forth, and that was all based upon nebulous ideas about “Russian Interference”, The Russian Interference mostly boiled down to them buying ads on Facebook, or having fake bots trolling on Twitter last time. This time the actual giant megacorporations, Facebook, Twitter, and Google themselves have actively censored stories in order to protect their candidate. So you think after this pile of suspicious election clusterfucks that makes the game look totally rigged, the other half of the country is going to accept Joe Biden as legitimate? Oh hell no.

When you are auditing you see mistakes happen all the time. Humans make errors. Except in real life, mistakes usually go in different directions. When all the mistakes go in the same direction and benefit the same parties, they probably aren’t mistakes. They’re malfeasance.

Let’s go back a bit to before election day to see why people would be suspicious that the game has been rigged.

Most of the mainstream polls were utter garbage, off by what I believe to be the largest amounts ever in all of American history. Of course, this thing that surely demoralized the right and helped the left raise funds was just an innocent sampling error rather than a purposeful sampling bias… uh huh.

Then in the weeks leading up to the election, Big Tech and the media had a concentrated censorship effort to stop what was probably the juiciest October Surprise in modern history. But them silencing major newspapers and US Senators was just a mistake in their innocent efforts to “fact check”.

Then on election day, states like Florida that were obviously swinging hard for Trump with no possible mathematical way for Biden to come back, the news wouldn’t call for Trump. States where it was still clearly up in the air just based on even the most cursory of statistical analysis (Arizona) they called for Biden ASAP. But that was just innocent mistakes, and not an attempt to set the narrative of inevitable Biden victory by major media.

It seems this software has been adding zeroes to the end of Biden’s totals and switching thousands of Trump votes to Biden. This will be a mess with SCOTUS likely declaring several states invalidated. Then what?

If it were me, I'd say hold the election again. No mail in votes. Everyone will have to go to the polls.

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