The Klan is back

How brave of the KKK to want to make come back, based on BLM....which is 70% women. Nigga's with dicks....their bangin your fuckin daughters, they're shackin up with their wives, they're dating their granddaughters....I mean, the last people the KKK need to harrass is black men...they're on YOUR SIDE, IN YOUR FAMILIES...AT YOUR DINNER TABLE AND FAMILY REUNIONS...EMBRACE THEM, DON'T HATE THEM...THE LOVE YOU WHITE MF'S!!
Are you under professional care?
If not you should be.
Really? You can't even watch a fuckin commercial without some nigga and a white bitch in it...and I'm crazy? Face it pal, nigga's love you white fuck heads, the Klan needs to focus on rabbits and puppies, the scourge on our society!!

One of the few things I agree with you on. Turn on the TV, white woman, black guy, white woman, black guy on and on and on and onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !

While black men sell you out, white women sell us out.
They will never have the power they did back when they were the militant arm of the Democratic Party.
They will never have the power they did back when they were the militant arm of the Democratic Party.

Actually they had the most power here -- an entire state, where an estimated one-third of the male population was Klan ...

--- this was by far their most influential period.
I've always felt the feds should declare the KKK a terrorist group, and then arrest or destroy them all.

HOWEVER, while I would never join such a group, I now am concerned enough about what is going on in this country today, that I feel there is the need for at least a group like the NAACP that advocates or seeks to protect my people when necessary.
In the coming years it's likely that whites will need more than ever to band together.

Even though the KKK has its beginning in the Democrat Party, why do you demand the United States Constitution must be shoved aside for your prejudiced goals?
They will never have the power they did back when they were the militant arm of the Democratic Party.

Actually they had the most power here -- an entire state, where an estimated one-third of the male population was Klan ...

--- this was by far their most influential period.

Gosh! And in a Yankee State no less!
I've always felt the feds should declare the KKK a terrorist group, and then arrest or destroy them all.

HOWEVER, while I would never join such a group, I now am concerned enough about what is going on in this country today, that I feel there is the need for at least a group like the NAACP that advocates or seeks to protect my people when necessary.
In the coming years it's likely that whites will need more than ever to band together.

Even though the KKK has its beginning in the Democrat Party, why do you demand the United States Constitution must be shoved aside for your prejudiced goals?

Again for the shortbus kids --- the Klan does not "have its beginning in the Democrat Party [sic]". Or in any party. Neither the original one nor the recreation. Posting the same myth over and over on the internet doesn't change the history books.

You must be a special kind of illiterate.
As you know, the Ku Klux Klan was created as a radical branch of the Democrat Party.

Wrong. Even if there were such a thing as a "Democrat Party" [sic] --- still wrong.

The Klan was created (1865) by six ex-Confederate soldiers. Not one of them had any known political affiliation or ever dabbled in politics

That one lasted less than a decade, but the bigger, farther reaching one was re-created (1915) by a salesman/huckster/minister (Simmons) looking to milk money off the national xenophobia. He too had no known political affiliation, nor did he ever dabble in politics.

Want links? I got a ton of 'em. But even the OP article in this thread mentions the origins.

Yeah, I know the name was changed from the Democrat Party but it does annoy you grasping at straws to legitimize your destructive goals.

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, through federal enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They will never have the power they did back when they were the militant arm of the Democratic Party.

Actually they had the most power here -- an entire state, where an estimated one-third of the male population was Klan ...

--- this was by far their most influential period.

Gosh! And in a Yankee State no less!

They had elected officials in Colorado at the same time. And Oregon. And California.

The Klan was never a political organization but when it did spread as big as it got it used Republicans, Democrats, whatever worked in that time and place. It's a deliberate ignorance to paint it as "political". The Klan was in effect the American Taliban.

They were explicitly Christian terrorist in ideology, basing their beliefs on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[65] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time on, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible," and believe that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[66] Their cross-burnings were conducted not only to intimidate targets, but to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the lighting ritual was steeped in Christian symbolism, including the saying of prayers and singing of Christian hymns.[67] Many modern Klan organizations, such as the Knights Party, USA, continue to focus on the Christian supremacist message, asserting that there is a "war" on to destroy "western Christian civilization." (QuickWiki)

Though similar to the pagan fire festivals of central Europe during the middle ages, the Klan's cross burnings in the 1920s were invariably constrained by a strict Christian ritual. The ceremony opened with a prayer by the "Kludd", or Klavern minister. The multitude then sang "Onward Christian Soldiers."

... Bathed in warmth, left arms oustretched toward the blazing icon and voices raised in "The Old Rugged Cross," Klansmen felt as in one body. -- The Fiery Cross: The Ku Klux Klan in America
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How brave of the KKK to want to make come back, based on BLM....which is 70% women. Nigga's with dicks....their bangin your fuckin daughters, they're shackin up with their wives, they're dating their granddaughters....I mean, the last people the KKK need to harrass is black men...they're on YOUR SIDE, IN YOUR FAMILIES...AT YOUR DINNER TABLE AND FAMILY REUNIONS...EMBRACE THEM, DON'T HATE THEM...THE LOVE YOU WHITE MF'S!!
Are you under professional care?
If not you should be.
Really? You can't even watch a fuckin commercial without some nigga and a white bitch in it...and I'm crazy? Face it pal, nigga's love you white fuck heads, the Klan needs to focus on rabbits and puppies, the scourge on our society!!

One of the few things I agree with you on. Turn on the TV, white woman, black guy, white woman, black guy on and on and on and onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !

While black men sell you out, white women sell us out.

What's stopping white guys from dipping it in the chocolate?
They will never have the power they did back when they were the militant arm of the Democratic Party.

Actually they had the most power here -- an entire state, where an estimated one-third of the male population was Klan ...

--- this was by far their most influential period.

You need to read a little more about Stevenson. A few bribed Republicans does not make it a Republican Klan. From the end of the Civil Wat all the way into the 60's the KKK was definitely a Democratic party club.
They will never have the power they did back when they were the militant arm of the Democratic Party.

Actually they had the most power here -- an entire state, where an estimated one-third of the male population was Klan ...

--- this was by far their most influential period.

Gosh! And in a Yankee State no less!

They had elected officials in Colorado at the same time. And Oregon. And California.

The Klan was never a political organization but when it did spread as big as it got it used Republicans, Democrats, whatever worked in that time and place. It's a deliberate ignorance to paint it as "political". The Klan was in effect the American Taliban.

They were explicitly Christian terrorist in ideology, basing their beliefs on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[65] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time on, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible," and believe that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[66] Their cross-burnings were conducted not only to intimidate targets, but to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the lighting ritual was steeped in Christian symbolism, including the saying of prayers and singing of Christian hymns.[67] Many modern Klan organizations, such as the Knights Party, USA, continue to focus on the Christian supremacist message, asserting that there is a "war" on to destroy "western Christian civilization." (QuickWiki)

Though similar to the pagan fire festivals of central Europe during the middle ages, the Klan's cross burnings in the 1920s were invariably constrained by a strict Christian ritual. The ceremony opened with a prayer by the "Kludd", or Klavern minister. The multitude then sang "Onward Christian Soldiers."

... Bathed in warmth, left arms oustretched toward the blazing icon and voices raised in "The Old Rugged Cross," Klansmen felt as in one body. -- The Fiery Cross: The Ku Klux Klan in America

not all Muslims are terrorists, and neither are all Klan members.

So what if someone is a racist, as long as they don't harm another person or violate their civil rights? If you want to stand in a corner and scream that you hate n*ggers, you're an idiot, but this is the USA, free speech isn't denied to idiots.
As you know, the Ku Klux Klan was created as a radical branch of the Democrat Party.

Wrong. Even if there were such a thing as a "Democrat Party" [sic] --- still wrong.

The Klan was created (1865) by six ex-Confederate soldiers. Not one of them had any known political affiliation or ever dabbled in politics

That one lasted less than a decade, but the bigger, farther reaching one was re-created (1915) by a salesman/huckster/minister (Simmons) looking to milk money off the national xenophobia. He too had no known political affiliation, nor did he ever dabble in politics.

Want links? I got a ton of 'em. But even the OP article in this thread mentions the origins.

Yeah, I know the name was changed from the Democrat Party but it does annoy you grasping at straws to legitimize your destructive goals.

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, through federal enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No moron -- it wasn't "changed from" anything.

From your own link:
>> The first Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by six veterans of the Confederate Army.[17]

From the same link, quoting historian Elaine Franz Parsons:

"Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own."


Special kind of moron.
They will never have the power they did back when they were the militant arm of the Democratic Party.

Actually they had the most power here -- an entire state, where an estimated one-third of the male population was Klan ...

--- this was by far their most influential period.

You need to read a little more about Stevenson. A few bribed Republicans does not make it a Republican Klan. From the end of the Civil Wat all the way into the 60's the KKK was definitely a Democratic party club.

The Klan didn't even EXIST for that entire period. When William Simmons restarted the thing in 1915 it had been defunct for 40 years.

Dumbass armchair historian can't even do basic homework...

Nor was that "a few bribed Republicans", it was the entire state, up to and including the governor.

No, that doesn't make it a "Republican Klan", even if you add Clarence Morley and Rice Means from Colorado, George Baker in Oregon and almost the entire city council in Anaheim. As I already pointed out, the Klan was not a political organization but when it tried to gain influence in that field it used whatever means and whatever political party would work. But at its base it was never a political orgnaization -- it was a vigilante moral police force.
They will never have the power they did back when they were the militant arm of the Democratic Party.

Actually they had the most power here -- an entire state, where an estimated one-third of the male population was Klan ...

--- this was by far their most influential period.

Gosh! And in a Yankee State no less!

They had elected officials in Colorado at the same time. And Oregon. And California.

The Klan was never a political organization but when it did spread as big as it got it used Republicans, Democrats, whatever worked in that time and place. It's a deliberate ignorance to paint it as "political". The Klan was in effect the American Taliban.

They were explicitly Christian terrorist in ideology, basing their beliefs on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[65] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time on, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible," and believe that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[66] Their cross-burnings were conducted not only to intimidate targets, but to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the lighting ritual was steeped in Christian symbolism, including the saying of prayers and singing of Christian hymns.[67] Many modern Klan organizations, such as the Knights Party, USA, continue to focus on the Christian supremacist message, asserting that there is a "war" on to destroy "western Christian civilization." (QuickWiki)

Though similar to the pagan fire festivals of central Europe during the middle ages, the Klan's cross burnings in the 1920s were invariably constrained by a strict Christian ritual. The ceremony opened with a prayer by the "Kludd", or Klavern minister. The multitude then sang "Onward Christian Soldiers."

... Bathed in warmth, left arms oustretched toward the blazing icon and voices raised in "The Old Rugged Cross," Klansmen felt as in one body. -- The Fiery Cross: The Ku Klux Klan in America

not all Muslims are terrorists, and neither are all Klan members.

So what if someone is a racist, as long as they don't harm another person or violate their civil rights? If you want to stand in a corner and scream that you hate n*ggers, you're an idiot, but this is the USA, free speech isn't denied to idiots.

I didn't even post anything about "free speech". Learn to read.
They will never have the power they did back when they were the militant arm of the Democratic Party.

Actually they had the most power here -- an entire state, where an estimated one-third of the male population was Klan ...

--- this was by far their most influential period.

Gosh! And in a Yankee State no less!

They had elected officials in Colorado at the same time. And Oregon. And California.

The Klan was never a political organization but when it did spread as big as it got it used Republicans, Democrats, whatever worked in that time and place. It's a deliberate ignorance to paint it as "political". The Klan was in effect the American Taliban.

They were explicitly Christian terrorist in ideology, basing their beliefs on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[65] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time on, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible," and believe that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[66] Their cross-burnings were conducted not only to intimidate targets, but to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the lighting ritual was steeped in Christian symbolism, including the saying of prayers and singing of Christian hymns.[67] Many modern Klan organizations, such as the Knights Party, USA, continue to focus on the Christian supremacist message, asserting that there is a "war" on to destroy "western Christian civilization." (QuickWiki)

Though similar to the pagan fire festivals of central Europe during the middle ages, the Klan's cross burnings in the 1920s were invariably constrained by a strict Christian ritual. The ceremony opened with a prayer by the "Kludd", or Klavern minister. The multitude then sang "Onward Christian Soldiers."

... Bathed in warmth, left arms oustretched toward the blazing icon and voices raised in "The Old Rugged Cross," Klansmen felt as in one body. -- The Fiery Cross: The Ku Klux Klan in America

not all Muslims are terrorists, and neither are all Klan members.

So what if someone is a racist, as long as they don't harm another person or violate their civil rights? If you want to stand in a corner and scream that you hate n*ggers, you're an idiot, but this is the USA, free speech isn't denied to idiots.

I didn't even post anything about "free speech". Learn to read.

Speaking of learning to read (not to mention being honest) where the fuck did I say you said ANYTHING about free speech? I brought free speech into the conversation.
Actually they had the most power here -- an entire state, where an estimated one-third of the male population was Klan ...

--- this was by far their most influential period.

Gosh! And in a Yankee State no less!

They had elected officials in Colorado at the same time. And Oregon. And California.

The Klan was never a political organization but when it did spread as big as it got it used Republicans, Democrats, whatever worked in that time and place. It's a deliberate ignorance to paint it as "political". The Klan was in effect the American Taliban.

They were explicitly Christian terrorist in ideology, basing their beliefs on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[65] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time on, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible," and believe that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[66] Their cross-burnings were conducted not only to intimidate targets, but to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the lighting ritual was steeped in Christian symbolism, including the saying of prayers and singing of Christian hymns.[67] Many modern Klan organizations, such as the Knights Party, USA, continue to focus on the Christian supremacist message, asserting that there is a "war" on to destroy "western Christian civilization." (QuickWiki)

Though similar to the pagan fire festivals of central Europe during the middle ages, the Klan's cross burnings in the 1920s were invariably constrained by a strict Christian ritual. The ceremony opened with a prayer by the "Kludd", or Klavern minister. The multitude then sang "Onward Christian Soldiers."

... Bathed in warmth, left arms oustretched toward the blazing icon and voices raised in "The Old Rugged Cross," Klansmen felt as in one body. -- The Fiery Cross: The Ku Klux Klan in America

not all Muslims are terrorists, and neither are all Klan members.

So what if someone is a racist, as long as they don't harm another person or violate their civil rights? If you want to stand in a corner and scream that you hate n*ggers, you're an idiot, but this is the USA, free speech isn't denied to idiots.

I didn't even post anything about "free speech". Learn to read.

Speaking of learning to read (not to mention being honest) where the fuck did I say you said ANYTHING about free speech? I brought free speech into the conversation.

So what if someone is a racist, as long as they don't harm another person or violate their civil rights? If you want to stand in a corner and scream that you hate n*ggers, you're an idiot, but this is the USA, free speech isn't denied to idiots.

See? This is why you need to learn to read.
How brave of the KKK to want to make come back, based on BLM....which is 70% women. Nigga's with dicks....their bangin your fuckin daughters, they're shackin up with their wives, they're dating their granddaughters....I mean, the last people the KKK need to harrass is black men...they're on YOUR SIDE, IN YOUR FAMILIES...AT YOUR DINNER TABLE AND FAMILY REUNIONS...EMBRACE THEM, DON'T HATE THEM...THE LOVE YOU WHITE MF'S!!
Are you under professional care?
If not you should be.
Really? You can't even watch a fuckin commercial without some nigga and a white bitch in it...and I'm crazy? Face it pal, nigga's love you white fuck heads, the Klan needs to focus on rabbits and puppies, the scourge on our society!!

One of the few things I agree with you on. Turn on the TV, white woman, black guy, white woman, black guy on and on and on and onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !

While black men sell you out, white women sell us out.

What's stopping white guys from dipping it in the chocolate?

Nothing, but unlike white women, white men are not throwing themselves at the chocolate.
Gosh! And in a Yankee State no less!

They had elected officials in Colorado at the same time. And Oregon. And California.

The Klan was never a political organization but when it did spread as big as it got it used Republicans, Democrats, whatever worked in that time and place. It's a deliberate ignorance to paint it as "political". The Klan was in effect the American Taliban.

They were explicitly Christian terrorist in ideology, basing their beliefs on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[65] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time on, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible," and believe that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[66] Their cross-burnings were conducted not only to intimidate targets, but to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the lighting ritual was steeped in Christian symbolism, including the saying of prayers and singing of Christian hymns.[67] Many modern Klan organizations, such as the Knights Party, USA, continue to focus on the Christian supremacist message, asserting that there is a "war" on to destroy "western Christian civilization." (QuickWiki)

Though similar to the pagan fire festivals of central Europe during the middle ages, the Klan's cross burnings in the 1920s were invariably constrained by a strict Christian ritual. The ceremony opened with a prayer by the "Kludd", or Klavern minister. The multitude then sang "Onward Christian Soldiers."

... Bathed in warmth, left arms oustretched toward the blazing icon and voices raised in "The Old Rugged Cross," Klansmen felt as in one body. -- The Fiery Cross: The Ku Klux Klan in America

not all Muslims are terrorists, and neither are all Klan members.

So what if someone is a racist, as long as they don't harm another person or violate their civil rights? If you want to stand in a corner and scream that you hate n*ggers, you're an idiot, but this is the USA, free speech isn't denied to idiots.

I didn't even post anything about "free speech". Learn to read.

Speaking of learning to read (not to mention being honest) where the fuck did I say you said ANYTHING about free speech? I brought free speech into the conversation.

So what if someone is a racist, as long as they don't harm another person or violate their civil rights? If you want to stand in a corner and scream that you hate n*ggers, you're an idiot, but this is the USA, free speech isn't denied to idiots.

See? This is why you need to learn to read.

I ask again, WHERE did I say YOU posted anything about free speech? Oh, that's right , I didn't . IN FACT I actually was emphatic that I brought up free speech.

Fucking idiot.
I've always felt the feds should declare the KKK a terrorist group, and then arrest or destroy them all.

HOWEVER, while I would never join such a group, I now am concerned enough about what is going on in this country today, that I feel there is the need for at least a group like the NAACP that advocates or seeks to protect my people when necessary.
In the coming years it's likely that whites will need more than ever to band together.

Even though the KKK has its beginning in the Democrat Party, why do you demand the United States Constitution must be shoved aside for your prejudiced goals?

I really could care less what the origins of the KKK are.
Do you deny that the KKK historically was a terrorist group ?

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