The Klan is back

Question, when the fuck did they leave? 99% of all conservatives are KKK members. But here's the deal.....they'll be wasting their time....nigga's is too busy fucking their wives, their daughters and women are too busy chasing the leftovers fresh out of prison, latino's are too busy hiding and the jews, too rich to care. So what's left to terrorize? Uhmmm, lets about puppies without owners and rabbits who've yet to become tonights dinner?

wrong twit.....the klan is a democrat group.....modern conservatives in the Republican party are opposed to racism...the democrats embrace racism of all colors.....

Do you think this piece of baseless Republican propaganda is novel or clever? It's been debunked about 1,000 times.

it has never been guys deny it in the face of actual facts....but it has never been debunked.....

The klan is a democrat group....democrats support hilary, not trump....

The Klan has never had a political party, Dimwit.
Even when it was running Indiana with Republicans it didn't.

And by the way in English we capitalize proper nouns.

I don't capitalize the proper nouns of racists.......

Ah. Is that why "Guy" is in lower case in your name?
Thanks for clearing that up.

The klan is a democrat group....democrats support hilary, not trump....

The Klan has never had a political party, Dimwit.
Even when it was running Indiana with Republicans it didn't.

And by the way in English we capitalize proper nouns.

I don't capitalize the proper nouns of racists.......

Ah. Is that why "Guy" is in lower case in your name?
Thanks for clearing that up. is for the convenience of posters.....the 2aguy is easy to type and you don't have to use the shift key...pogo
Strange isn't it. David Duke has hung around all this time and now he has someone to back in trump. The klan is like VD. You can treat it but apparently you can't get rid of it.

Kinda like the black panthers aren't they?
Funny how Loretta Lynch's "Justice Dept" couldn't stop the Boston Marathon bombing when the Russians gave the FBI everything but the terrorist's fingerprints and Lynch's "Justice" Dept dropped the investigation on the Orlando shooter just before he went rogue but Lynch's "Justice" thinks the KKK is a freaking threat just in time for the Fall election.
I've always felt the feds should declare the KKK a terrorist group, and then arrest or destroy them all.

HOWEVER, while I would never join such a group, I now am concerned enough about what is going on in this country today, that I feel there is the need for at least a group like the NAACP that advocates or seeks to protect my people when necessary.
In the coming years it's likely that whites will need more than ever to band together.
How brave of the KKK to want to make come back, based on BLM....which is 70% women. Nigga's with dicks....their bangin your fuckin daughters, they're shackin up with their wives, they're dating their granddaughters....I mean, the last people the KKK need to harrass is black men...they're on YOUR SIDE, IN YOUR FAMILIES...AT YOUR DINNER TABLE AND FAMILY REUNIONS...EMBRACE THEM, DON'T HATE THEM...THE LOVE YOU WHITE MF'S!!
Are you under professional care?
If not you should be.
How brave of the KKK to want to make come back, based on BLM....which is 70% women. Nigga's with dicks....their bangin your fuckin daughters, they're shackin up with their wives, they're dating their granddaughters....I mean, the last people the KKK need to harrass is black men...they're on YOUR SIDE, IN YOUR FAMILIES...AT YOUR DINNER TABLE AND FAMILY REUNIONS...EMBRACE THEM, DON'T HATE THEM...THE LOVE YOU WHITE MF'S!!
Are you under professional care?
If not you should be.

Don't worry...eventually his mom and dad find out he snuck back into the computer room and they ground him again........his nanny also has strict orders to keep him out of the computer room...but when her boyfriend comes over she doesn't pay as much attention to the little reprobate as she he sneaks in and posts crap here on U.S. message.....
How brave of the KKK to want to make come back, based on BLM....which is 70% women. Nigga's with dicks....their bangin your fuckin daughters, they're shackin up with their wives, they're dating their granddaughters....I mean, the last people the KKK need to harrass is black men...they're on YOUR SIDE, IN YOUR FAMILIES...AT YOUR DINNER TABLE AND FAMILY REUNIONS...EMBRACE THEM, DON'T HATE THEM...THE LOVE YOU WHITE MF'S!!
Are you under professional care?
If not you should be.
Really? You can't even watch a fuckin commercial without some nigga and a white bitch in it...and I'm crazy? Face it pal, nigga's love you white fuck heads, the Klan needs to focus on rabbits and puppies, the scourge on our society!!
It's not BLM's fault they're racist.

Which came first? The KKK or BLM?

As you know, the Ku Klux Klan was created as a radical branch of the Democrat Party.

The Black Live Matter group too are strongly supported by Democrats. Just another example of how Democrats and Progressives pigeon holes all minorities and then pit them against each other AND determine how to appease and pander to each group at the same time.
Yeah, it's rough being white in America.

It is. We have to get jobs through our actual qualifications and not our skin color.

We don't get the benefit of society calling us a "minority" meaning all kinds of cool shit applies to blacks that doesn't apply to us.

We don't have a white lives matter.

We don't have a white entertainment television channel.

We don't have white history month.

So yea, it sucks being white. If I die I hope I'm reborn as black, that way my life would be far better and I'd get treated with far more favoritism. All I'd have to do is yell "That's racist!" and I'll have the entire democratic party behind me supporting my right to not work, get free housing, free food, free everything.
This guy blames the KKK on BLM then when asked which came first suddenly it doesnt matter anymore as long as he can blame blacks for it :thup:

Do try to keep up. I don't blame the KKK on BLM; I blame any resurgence of the KKK on BLM and the threats they have made.

Yuh huh. Because it makes perfect sense to tie a resurgence of an anti-immigrant anti-Catholic anti-Jewish group to a contemporary civil rights street movement, and would make no sense to tie it to the "they're rapists", "they're not our friends", "deport all Muslims" guy.

Fucking partisan hacks. God love 'em.

Why lie? Please show us a reliable source and link where any candidate has said to "deport ALL MUSLIMS".
As you know, the Ku Klux Klan was created as a radical branch of the Democrat Party.

Wrong. Even if there were such a thing as a "Democrat Party" [sic] --- still wrong.

The Klan was created (1865) by six ex-Confederate soldiers. Not one of them had any known political affiliation or ever dabbled in politics

That one lasted less than a decade, but the bigger, farther reaching one was re-created (1915) by a salesman/huckster/minister (Simmons) looking to milk money off the national xenophobia. He too had no known political affiliation, nor did he ever dabble in politics.

Want links? I got a ton of 'em. But even the OP article in this thread mentions the origins.
all black BB.jpg

Find the honkey in the picture.

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