The knockout game

White woman knocked unconscious while waiting for a bus in Dallas this week.0 national outrage or coverage.


The knockout game is nearly always a hate crime committed by blacks against whites and Asians.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1835150225628885180|twgr^8ac90d077078fb744edd951bc456da30fa17b2e5|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

IM2 porn right there.

clan 13.jpg
Or they can afford better lawyers.

Take, for instance, OJ Simpson. He BRUTALLY murdered two people. The LA District Attorney IMMEDIATELY took the Death Penalty off the table. OJ then hired a shitload of really corrupt lawyers and bullshitted a jury into an acquittal.
How many times does O.J. happen ?

And the prosecutors blew the case. If they had done it right.....probably a conviction.
Or they can afford better lawyers.

Take, for instance, OJ Simpson. He BRUTALLY murdered two people. The LA District Attorney IMMEDIATELY took the Death Penalty off the table. OJ then hired a shitload of really corrupt lawyers and bullshitted a jury into an acquittal.
The O.J. Simpson case was jury nullification. A jury with black women on it was not going to find O.J. Simpson. Nicole was every black woman's nightmare: the beautiful white woman who marries the black man you want when he becomes successful.
Where do racist like you get your information? Is this what they are teaching on compounds and at Klan rallies.
Racists like me get our information from credible sources of data, from personal experience, and from the experiences of friends and relatives.
He thought that because he is black people like you would give him psychological therapy, rather than the punishment he deserves.

I doubt he had any kind of thought process at all other than, "Why is the lamppost giving me orders from the CIA?"

Vulnerable members of society deserve to be protected from criminals.

The lenient criminal justice system of 2020 empowered the George Floyd rioters to cause at least two billion dollars of damage.

Naw, what caused that was black people finally getting fed up.

Here's the ugly reality. White people only fix things when black people threaten to burn their shit. That's what happened in 1968, it's what happened in 1992 and it's what happened in 2020.
I doubt he had any kind of thought process at all other than, "Why is the lamppost giving me orders from the CIA?"

Naw, what caused that was black people finally getting fed up.

Here's the ugly reality. White people only fix things when black people threaten to burn their shit. That's what happened in 1968, it's what happened in 1992 and it's what happened in 2020.

No wonder large corporate store chains are pulling out of the Democrat-managed ghettos.

Does anyone really care, if blacks burn their own liquor stores, Foot Lockers, and AutoZones?
If anything, most people realize that most of those stores are NEVER coming back. The corporate leaders probably
let out a sigh of relief. They don't have to watch their stolen merchandise walking out the door anymore.

The one good thing that Biden did was make blacks realize that the Democrats don't give a shit about them.
They have been left behind in the Dems' mad rush to import Hispanics.
The O.J. Simpson case was jury nullification. A jury with black women on it was not going to find O.J. Simpson. Nicole was every black woman's nightmare: the beautiful white woman who marries the black man you want when he becomes successful.

It was a lot more complicated than that.

When you have most of your evidence being handled by a perjurer and racist who gets up on the stand and takes the fifth when he's caught in his lie, your case is pretty much on life support. When your Uncle Tom prosecutor tells him to put on the supposed murder gloves, and they don't fit, well, like the man said, "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."

Now, yeah, OJ was as guilty as shit, but the way the prosecutors and LAPD handled it was so awful they kind of deserved to lose.

But you danced around the main part of my point. Even though OJ was black, he was also rich, and being a rich person, they IMMEDIATELY took the Death Penalty off the table.

Because the DP is unfairly applied based on race and economic status.

I go back to my challenge, give me a case where the US has ever executed a rich person. It hasn't happened.
No wonder large corporate store chains are pulling out of the Democrat-managed ghettos.

Does anyone really care, if blacks burn their own liquor stores, Foot Lockers, and AutoZones?
If anything, most people realize that most of those stores are NEVER coming back. The corporate leaders probably
let out a sigh of relief. They don't have to watch their stolen merchandise walking out the door anymore.

The one good thing that Biden did was make blacks realize that the Democrats don't give a shit about them.
They have been left behind in the Dems' mad rush to import Hispanics.
Look, everyone, we got another bunch of sloganeering.

Kamala will bet 90% of the black vote the same as Obama did, and you guys will be screaming like stuck pigs when she does.
How many times does O.J. happen ?

And the prosecutors blew the case. If they had done it right.....probably a conviction.

Well, OJ only happened once.

But I can give you a whole list of rich people who did awful things and got preferential treatment from prosecutors.

How about John DuPont? That douchebag shot a man in his driveway, and only got 13-30 years.

Here's a whole list of rich assholes who've killed people.

Not a fucking one of them got the death penalty.
Look, everyone, we got another bunch of sloganeering.

Kamala will bet 90% of the black vote the same as Obama did, and you guys will be screaming like stuck pigs when she does.

I doubt it. They know the Democrats are replacing them with a new preferred ethnic group.
If NYC would stop fattening the criminal aliens, they would shortly eat the rats.

Yet another stupid post from one of our resident trolls.

Look, everyone, we got another bunch of sloganeering.

Kamala will bet 90% of the black vote the same as Obama did, and you guys will be screaming like stuck pigs when she does.

Yesterday, Trump told a Jewish group that if you're Jewish, you have to vote for Trump, because of all he did for Israel. Why would Americans vote for a politician based on anything other than what Trump did, or tried to do, to the USA.

If I lived in the USA, I wouldn't vote for Trump based on how he gave Canada such a great deal with NAFTA 2.0, that Canada's economic recovery is almost as good as yours. I'd vote on the basis that his "tariff's on everything" and deporation policies would result in me paying thousands of dollars more for food, clothing, and all low end imports that are no longer made in the USA.

Not to mention that such policies violate the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and basic human decency.
Naw, guy, just because you guys got the Black Porn Nazi to be a sad Uncle Tom, most black folks realize who their enemy is.

Has the black porn Nazi dropped out yet?

I see. So who made him post those things ten years ago?
Joe, you sure Kamala is getting that 90%?


Look, you are always going to have that self-hating black who thinks if he sucks up to white folks enough, they'll forget he's black.

And they all end up being people like Alan Keyes, Herman Cain, Ben Carson and now Mark Robinson

People you know are a few Tacos short of a combination platter.

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