Carlson loves Trump

Investigators and relayer of facts without bias.

I would say there are none of those that I can think of.
It's really never been a thing. :dunno: I mean truly objective reporting. Yes, our sense of journalistic nostalgia tells us it was better in the past, and to a certain extent, I agree. Social media told us what side of the bread media conglomerates' butter is on (advertising), and that even media conglomerates are owned by shareholders and CEOs with their own political biases. Those people can lean into said political bias to proliferate the airwaves/radio/Internet whenever they see fit. Capitalism is an unrelenting bitch. :dunno:
So I tend to trust the people who report contrary to their bias.
That's *literally* the point of journalism. Objective. No bias.
Dave Rubin, Glenn Greenwald and Bari Weiss are all gay and married in same sex relationships and are politically left...but report what they see regardless of the lefts narrative.
Cool. :113: If they work for you, more power to them.
That's about as good as your going to get these days in my opinion.
Disagree. We can always do a better job these days of keeping ourselves more critically and objectively informed.
He praised Trump in public. He said he hates Trump in private.

What’s his justification for calling Trump a “demonic force”? Has he even addressed it? Or is he just hoping that the Trumpsters forget about it if he showers Trump with love?
Why don't you post that interview for context.
You put far too much stock in the longevity of his comments praising Trump. He was getting PAID to give you people what you want to hear. His texts specifically indicated that he was interested in ratings, giving people what they want to hear, and keeping conservative viewers at Fox.

His comments that weren’t supposed to be read by you, which had no financial incentive behind, tell a far different story. Coupled with the fact that Tucker refuses to address this only confirms my belief. Why doesn’t he address it? For being such a proponent of the truth, he sure is hiding from that story now isn’t he?

He says he loves Trump now because of the ratings Trump supporters bring him. He's full of shit.

Addressing Trump’s four years as president, Carlson said: “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.”

^^ If you want to ignore that because Tucker was super nice to Trump for years, go right ahead.
How can you criticize anyone when the government is doing the same thing?
Disagree. We can always do a better job these days of keeping ourselves more critically and objectively informed.
The rest of your post I agree with.

Journalism seemed more objective and unbiased in the past because there were no alternative voices with a nationwide platform. The gatekeepers set the narrative and literal had no other information to gauge their bias by.

But the statement quoted above I disagree with.

How will journalism regain the trust that has been lost? They won't.

And there will be no one to trust.

We're seeing the ramifications of that already from the Russia Collusion hoax to January 6th to the "Very fine people" Hoax...

And that loss of trust drives people to Q and Gateway Pundit and Occupy Democrats and Media Matters and Huff Po.

And we already see the money flowing away from journalistic endevours.

How many deep dive investigations can newcasts afford? How many overseas bureaus? We don't see investigations...the journalists report whatever is spoon fed to them by government press release.

Journalism is in a death spiral.

And I don't think there is any coming back in the foreseeable future.
I find it akin to how stupid people average Americans worship the superficial as well as the rich and famous. This is similar to what you will see in megachurches across the country. Trump seems more like a televangelist to me then a politician. Always has. Because I believe he's a fucking two-bit conman, like most televangelists. But, magaturds eat this shit up.

Some people need a leader, no matter how inept, immoral and incompetent they are, to tell them it's okay to be an entitled prick, like them, because liberty, founding fathers and other reasons. :rolleyes:
That's because you're a prog douchebag.
I give most NY and DC reporters a bye.

We are social animals, and you cannot fully insulate yourself from eventually giving some credence to the repetitious lies of leftists and Establishment Republicans.
When Will Sheep Become Rams and Butt the Corral Into Splinters?

How can social animals flock behind the enemies of society? They don't react with one another, only with the self-appointed blowhard leaders. That makes them anti-social.
I find it akin to how stupid people average Americans worship the superficial as well as the rich and famous. This is similar to what you will see in megachurches across the country. Trump seems more like a televangelist to me then a politician. Always has. Because I believe he's a fucking two-bit conman, like most televangelists. But, magaturds eat this shit up.

Some people need a leader, no matter how inept, immoral and incompetent they are, to tell them it's okay to be an entitled prick, like them, because liberty, founding fathers and other reasons. :rolleyes:
Meetcha at the Media
When Will Sheep Become Rams and Butt the Corral Into Splinters?

How can social animals flock behind the enemies of society? They don't react with one another, only with the self-appointed blowhard leaders. That makes them anti-social.
I don't know...but we can see the influence of societal pressure in the Red and Blue states.

Massachusetts is extremely blue and Missouri is extremely red.

How can this be explained?

I'm sure it is partially generational. But there will be many households of prior generations that had no political indoctrination...therefore peer pressure and a desire to conform must be a contributing factor.

The idea that "this is normal".

Internally it is difficult to break out of that dichotomy...that either what you believe is normal...what everyone else around you believes, or that your thoughts and beliefs are abnormal...differing from your peer group.

In a society where likes and clicks are the yardstick by which success is measured...being the outlier will become more and more difficult.

Just my opinion.

And there you have it. Which explains why he’s begging Trumpsters for forgiveness to get his ratings up. know Twitter won't let you watch now if you're not signed in to twitter...right?

Business Insider is fake news.

See how the media lies?

Pretty important distinction don't ya think?


Ummm, no he doesn't. He loves the views his followers bring him, he probably loathes Trump and those who vote for him. Carlson is an intelligent arostocrat who isn't mean per se, but he probably looks at some of his followers as intellectually unimpressive.
I think a lot of celebrities do that

Little do they know that the average American (conservative, that is) is more intelligent and more wise than 75% of the dumbasses in Congress... and elsewhere in DC

Tucker’s ratings are still down, like I said.
Down because twitter changed their policy.

Not due to anything you have linked it to and nothing to do with Trump.

I expect you to be intellectual honest.

You latched on to something that you believed proved your point.

Have the fake journalists at the fake news site informed you of all the facts, you wouldn't have made this silly claim.

Be angry at fake news for making you look foolish and hold them accountable.

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