Carlson loves Trump

When you take in the pattern, I suspect Tucker likes Trump.
That's what he desperately wants people like you to think.

What he actually thinks is that Trump is a "demonic force" and that he hates him passionately.

Tucker just needs people like you to keep clicking on him so that he can pay the bills. Tucker knows that people like you won't back him up if he's anti-Trump.
So, you put him on ignore because you're an easily triggered little bitch? :auiqs.jpg:K.
Time is precious. No point in wasting it.

You'll notice you are not on ignore.

At times you do have interesting perspectives.

Not idiotic, flame only, tribal bullshit to protect your tribe member like this post...

...but you have your moments
The entire hollywood based media loves Biden. Why does it matter what Tucker thinks and how the hell did this rise to the level of political discourse? It beats talking about real issues.
That's what he desperately wants people like you to think.

What he actually thinks is that Trump is a "demonic force" and that he hates him passionately.

Tucker just needs people like you to keep clicking on him so that he can pay the bills. Tucker knows that people like you won't back him up if he's anti-Trump.
I listened to him when the MSM said he hated Trump.

I listened to him when the MSM said he hated Trump.

What you do, individually, isn't relevant.

I'm speaking of his overall ratings that come primarily from Trump supporters. Trump supporters collectively will turn on anything anti-Trump. Hence why Tucker is desperately trying to kiss Trump's ass to atone for his sins against Orange Jesus.
Because I believe he's a fucking two-bit conman, like most televangelists. But, magaturds eat this shit up.

Some people need a leader, no matter how inept, immoral and incompetent they are, to tell them it's okay to be an entitled prick, like them, because liberty, founding fathers and other reasons. :rolleyes:
There is something about this personality type that adheres itself to an individual iconic leader. Political, religious. There's no shortage of examples globally, and throughout history. And they come to adore that person with such intensity that they're constantly able to ignore clear evidence that is right in front of them.

They love this word, "fight". What does that mean to you? Does it mean that they feel helpless, and need someone to fight for them?
There is something about this personality type that adheres itself to an individual iconic leader. Political, religious. There's no shortage of examples globally, and throughout history. And they come to adore that person with such intensity that they're constantly able to ignore clear evidence that is right in front of them.
Yes. That's exactly what I mean. You seem to get it. It seems pretty clear to me. :dunno: Some in our voting demographic have resorted to treating their elected representatives like idols, and furthermore using tenets of their own personal religion to enable this behavior. Talk about banana republic. :rolleyes:
They love this word, "fight". What does that mean to you? Does it mean that they feel helpless, and need someone to fight for them?
Magaturds have always needed someone to 'fight' for them. They absolutely need an 'authoritarian strongman', as you say. Without proper guidance (Trump losing the presidency), you get moments like J6. :dunno:
What you do, individually, isn't relevant
Me...and millions of others...


I'm speaking of his overall ratings that come primarily from Trump supporters. Trump supporters collectively will turn on anything anti-Trump. Hence why Tucker is desperately trying to kiss Trump's ass to atone for his sins against Orange Jesus
I'd say his ratings on Twitter were excellent (see above) without this.

If Tucker didn't air the J6 footage, he'd likely still have a job at Fox. That and his anti-propaganda stance with regard to the Russo-Ukraine war.

You speak truth to power, you get respect. Whether that is Maher or Greenwald or Weiss or Taibbi or Dore or Tulsi or Rubin or Pool or Carlson.

I remember when liberals cared about such things as well.
Me...and millions of others...

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I'd say his ratings on Twitter were excellent (see above) without this.

If Tucker didn't air the J6 footage, he'd likely still have a job at Fox. That and his anti-propaganda stance with regard to the Russo-Ukraine war.

You speak truth to power, you get respect. Whether that is Maher or Greenwald or Weiss or Taibbi or Dore or Tulsi or Rubin or Pool or Carlson.

I remember when liberals cared about such things as well.
And how many stopped listening to Tucker because of his anti-Trump texts? I don’t know and neither do you. I’m simply saying that he’s desperately trying to get those people back by kissing Trump‘s ass.

“Speak the truth” lol. Tucker was speaking his truth when he said he hates Trump, which he has yes to address publicly. His ”I love Trump” is just an attempt to keep his followers clicking on his videos.

If he was ACTUALLY interested in being truthful, he could start by explaining why he believes Trump is a demonic force instead of just kissing Trump’s ass in public.
Are there any journalists anymore...I only ever see activists these days.

Weiss, Taibbi and Greenwald are all is Pool.
Not really, but I worked in news media for a long time, so I have biases. What would you say your standards for 'journalist' are?
I don’t know and neither do you.

This statement covers the entire discussion.

And I agree with it.

You could be right.

But you could be wrong.

Since as far as I know neither of us is psychic, we'll never know.

I'll base my opinion on seven years of Tucker defending Trump and his policies, refuting the Russia Hoax from day one, airing the J6 videos and publicly on many occasions stating his personal affection for President Trump.

You feel free to base yours on a cherry picked text to a fellow Fox Employee.

That pretty much covers it, yes?

Seven years of evidence verses seven seconds of evidence that fits your bias.
Not really, but I worked in news media for a long time, so I have biases. What would you say your standards for 'journalist' are?
Investigators and relayer of facts without bias.

I would say there are none of those that I can think of.

So I tend to trust the people who report contrary to their bias.

Dave Rubin, Glenn Greenwald and Bari Weiss are all gay and married in same sex relationships and are politically left...but report what they see regardless of the lefts narrative.

That's about as good as your going to get these days in my opinion.
And was fascinating about all of this is how Americans on the left keep on talking about one text message or they keep saying “Tucker Carlson lied to his viewers.”

Tucker Carlson is extremely popular in America and the types of people who are against Carlson are a minority. These include drug addicts, BLM supporters, rabid Ukraine supporters, who have no connection to Ukraine, but fly a flag of Ukraine because they’re told to do so by multimillionaires.

I can’t imagine what it’s like to be unable to think for oneself, which is what our fellow Americans on the far left have become. They’re basically robots.

They act like Anderson Cooper never had internal issues with CNN… they must think that the CNN anchors have never said a bad thing about Joe Biden. Of course they have. It’s part of life. Tucker Carlson may have said some criticism of Donald Trump. Well guess what so have many Americans Some of them said very harsh things about Donald Trump in 2016 including me. But guess what people change their opinions on others and that’s why many Americans who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 ….voted for Donald Trump in 2020.

Well, here’s the thing this is what you’re going to get from the anti-Americans, those who are addicted to drugs, those who fight the LGBT flag the Ukraine flag to feel good, but who actually don’t do anything to help people in these communities. They’re just going to tell you about some article about how Tucker Carlson lies to his audience. They’re going to tell you about how Tucker Carlson sent out some text message privately where he criticizes Mr. Trump. And that’s it. That is the matrix thinking that is the mindset of a slave. Most Americans don’t think like that most Americans are free that’s why America prevails. And with the recent good news, how Bud Light is getting crushed, how YouTube is allowing freedom of speech to come back. How a federal judge recently ruled against the Democrats that were trying to shut down free speech on social media. What a beautiful time is it in America there is good on the horizon. It’s still going to be a challenge ahead, but a lot of great things are happening.
This statement covers the entire discussion.

And I agree with it.

You could be right.

But you could be wrong.

Since as far as I know neither of us is psychic, we'll never know.

I'll base my opinion on seven years of Tucker defending Trump and his policies, refuting the Russia Hoax from day one, airing the J6 videos and publicly on many occasions stating his personal affection for President Trump.

You feel free to base yours on a cherry picked text to a fellow Fox Employee.

That pretty much covers it, yes?

Seven years of evidence verses seven seconds of evidence that fits your bias.
You put far too much stock in the longevity of his comments praising Trump. He was getting PAID to give you people what you want to hear. His texts specifically indicated that he was interested in ratings, giving people what they want to hear, and keeping conservative viewers at Fox.

His comments that weren’t supposed to be read by you, which had no financial incentive behind, tell a far different story. Coupled with the fact that Tucker refuses to address this only confirms my belief. Why doesn’t he address it? For being such a proponent of the truth, he sure is hiding from that story now isn’t he?

He says he loves Trump now because of the ratings Trump supporters bring him. He's full of shit.

Addressing Trump’s four years as president, Carlson said: “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.”

^^ If you want to ignore that because Tucker was super nice to Trump for years, go right ahead.

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