The Lack Of Coverage Of Destruction By ISIS Is Unbelievable

Lack of coverage? NPR has something on it almost every day in the news.
Obama did the only logical thing you can do when you cannot win the fight, withdraw from it.

How'd that work in Vietnam?
Pretty well. We haven't lost anyone over there since 75 or thereabouts.
You will get no argument from me that Bush Jr. completely and utterly screwed up the Iraq war.
And in doing so left Iraq wide open and completely vulnerable.
Even Obama knew this. And is precisely why the surge was needed. And it worked. Even Obama said so.
But he received pressure from the left, like you. "we need to withdraw".."send our boys home"..."how many have to die?"....he caved. Depsite every single military and foriegn advisor telling him it would be a collosal mistake - he caved.
FIrst I doubt there was such a unanimous agreement on the way forward.

Secondly, there was no "win" there. Never was, never will be. Outside of inflicting a totalitarian regime that would be expensive both monetarily and politically.

After 10 years, anyone with 2 eyeballs could see it.

And ISIS is the result.
And when ISIS commits the next large scale autrocity against us, on our soil...that is the result also.

IF we had left in the year 2199, in the year 2200, whomever was strongest there would have sized power.

I like that we're not receiving coffins of US service men by the scores at 'bout you?

Couple things...strawman. You know it well. say it worked out pretty well after we left.
Well, either you are totally ignorant of the aftermath of Vietnam...or you only care about our soldiers, and other lives besides our own you couldn't care less.
Cambodia. Ever hear of it?
Khmer Rouge. Ever hear of it?
Pol Pot. Ever hear of him?
You obviously know absolutely nothing about Vietnam. Nothing.
You finally got something right. Congratulations.

You're right.

I only care about soldiers. When the conflict is unwinnable, they shouldn't be fighting. There was no win in Vietnam, there was no win in Iraq. I'm sorry about the people who had to endure the hardships of communist/theocratic dictatorships. Too bad for them.

Bush Jr invaded Iraq. And he did it horribly. Undoubtedly engaged in some of the worst military tactics ever any military.
The aftermath of the war was a giant power vacuum. It left the country incredibly vulnerable to radicalism.
Enter Obama. He indeed inherited a world class problem in Iraq. No doubt.
Gee, 2 things one post. You're breaking records.

However, the surge was working.
Short term, an ampule of epinephrine keeps a patient's heart beating in some cases. You don't want that to become a lifestyle however. Amp=surge.

It had great success at removing the radicals that were taking over provinces, it provided the time for a legitimate government to form etc. It was working. Period. Not open to debate.
All we had to do was keep on sending American meat into the Iraqi meatgrinder. No thanks.

But Obama wanted to be the hero of the left and withdraw the troops.
As GWB said...mission accomplished.

Problem was, and something everyone with an IQ over 70 could figure out - it would ruin all of the progress made and return Iraq into a breeding ground for terrorist.
Zero ground was ever really made.

He removed them anyway. And the result is exactly what everyone said would happen. A terrorist haven. ISIS. Far-far-far more organized, funded and powerful than Al-Quaeda ever thought about.

That is bad. Real bad. And the likelihood of a successful mass attack on US soil is almost guaranteed.
This has always been the case.

And that would not be possible when they were nothing more than a ragtag group of radicals in pickup trucks.
If/when ISIS makes a mass attack. It is on Obama's shoulders.

Reality check. Again...if we pulled out in 2199, there would be just as much chaos over there as there is today. I'm not sure why you continue to insist that spilling American blood and treasure is a good thing.

Fact: Whomever we install as a head of state will have to rail against us at some point.
Fact: We will be attacked again at some point in the future
Fact: It will be on the hands of whomever is in office at the time.
Fact: There was no good time to start just as there was no good time to finish. The only "good" is that casualties are much, much, much less now than they were before.

Blowback is coming. Anyone with an IQ above 70 knew that the moment we invaded.

Hey, if you want to go back into the middle east and spill blood and treasure for another theocrat that will hate us, feel free to vote Republican next fall. Just make sure your son, daughter, or wife are the first in line to go get the hell shot out of them for zero reason.
"The Lack Of Coverage Of Destruction By ISIS Is Unbelievable"

No, what's unbelievable is the ignorance and stupidity exhibited by you and most others on the ridiculous partisan right, that you seek to propagate the lie that 'the media' are engaged in some nefarious 'conspiracy' to 'hide' the crimes of the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state.'
Meh...muslims killing muslims. Do we really care?
Criminals killing innocent people, the religion of either is irrelevant; it's perfectly appropriate that we care, at issue is how we respond – where to seek to send American troops to fight and die in a pointless conventional war is completely out of the question.

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