The Land of the Free - US or EU?

Joe is such a simp. I predict that's the last of any argument he offers.

I'm really surprised you bothered to look. Ok for the sake of argument, why do you think that US film makers weren't assassinated for making these films and how does that relate to our relative freedom?

I'm really surprised you bothered to look. Ok for the sake of argument, why do you think that US film makers weren't assassinated for making these films and how does that relate to our relative freedom?

Because freedom of speech is protected here and it is not in Europe.

Joe is such a simp. I predict that's the last of any argument he offers.

I'm really surprised you bothered to look. Ok for the sake of argument, why do you think that US film makers weren't assassinated for making these films and how does that relate to our relative freedom?

Because freedom of speech is protected here and it is not in Europe.


WTF kind of reasoning is this? If freedom of speech weren't protected in Europe, the film would never have seen the light of day. It obviously did see the light of day and a Muslim extremist didn't like it. What would have prevented that from happening here?

I'm really surprised you bothered to look. Ok for the sake of argument, why do you think that US film makers weren't assassinated for making these films and how does that relate to our relative freedom?

You put up a challenge and then am surprised I bothered to look? Really?
Well, in Europe they have criminalized "hate speech" which gives the imprimatur of the state to de facto censorship. In the U.S. we have a tradition of freedom of speech so people commonly recognize that they can't go around killing people who publish things they find offensive. Or it used to be that way here anyway.
I can't believe you are continuing to post here after being humiliated.
Europe is the land of the "free"... Healthcare. (that kills you)

USA is the land of the "free"... Stuff from china. (that explodes on your face)

Jokes aside, both have strong individual rights, but also a strong government that taxes about half your income (although in the USA, the government chooses to go into debt instead). There is much more variance in the EU than in the USA.
Joe is such a simp. I predict that's the last of any argument he offers.

I'm really surprised you bothered to look. Ok for the sake of argument, why do you think that US film makers weren't assassinated for making these films and how does that relate to our relative freedom?

You put up a challenge and then am surprised I bothered to look? Really?
Well, in Europe they have criminalized "hate speech" which gives the imprimatur of the state to de facto censorship. In the U.S. we have a tradition of freedom of speech so people commonly recognize that they can't go around killing people who publish things they find offensive. Or it used to be that way here anyway.
I can't believe you are continuing to post here after being humiliated.

Hate speech criminalization gives the offended some kind of de facto license to kill the offenders? OMG, that's laughable.
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I'm really surprised you bothered to look. Ok for the sake of argument, why do you think that US film makers weren't assassinated for making these films and how does that relate to our relative freedom?

You put up a challenge and then am surprised I bothered to look? Really?
Well, in Europe they have criminalized "hate speech" which gives the imprimatur of the state to de facto censorship. In the U.S. we have a tradition of freedom of speech so people commonly recognize that they can't go around killing people who publish things they find offensive. Or it used to be that way here anyway.
I can't believe you are continuing to post here after being humiliated.

Hate speech criminalization gives the offended some kind of de facto license to kill the offenders? OMG, that's laughable.
Way to misunderstand the post. But given I am dealing with someone who has had his azz handed to him with every point he tries to make, not surprising.
You put up a challenge and then am surprised I bothered to look? Really?
Well, in Europe they have criminalized "hate speech" which gives the imprimatur of the state to de facto censorship. In the U.S. we have a tradition of freedom of speech so people commonly recognize that they can't go around killing people who publish things they find offensive. Or it used to be that way here anyway.
I can't believe you are continuing to post here after being humiliated.

Hate speech criminalization gives the offended some kind of de facto license to kill the offenders? OMG, that's laughable.
Way to misunderstand the post. But given I am dealing with someone who has had his azz handed to him with every point he tries to make, not surprising.

Trying to make your viewpoint seem less assinine by throwing in a word like 'imprimatur' isn't cutting it. If you have a better way of communicating what you really mean, let's hear it.
Hate speech criminalization gives the offended some kind of de facto license to kill the offenders? OMG, that's laughable.
Way to misunderstand the post. But given I am dealing with someone who has had his azz handed to him with every point he tries to make, not surprising.

Trying to make your viewpoint seem less assinine by throwing in a word like 'imprimatur' isn't cutting it. If you have a better way of communicating what you really mean, let's hear it.

I'm sorry for using words that people with educations would know. I forgot I was dealing with a high school drop out.
Way to misunderstand the post. But given I am dealing with someone who has had his azz handed to him with every point he tries to make, not surprising.

Trying to make your viewpoint seem less assinine by throwing in a word like 'imprimatur' isn't cutting it. If you have a better way of communicating what you really mean, let's hear it.

I'm sorry for using words that people with educations would know. I forgot I was dealing with a high school drop out.

You should hook up with Take a Step Back. You two are the only ones on this forum who seem to think that you've handed someones ass to them on the basis of a seldom used word. You could start a mutual admiration society - a fan club so to speak. Of course you'll be the only two members.

Back to our argument, do you want to take a crack at explaining how I misinterpreted your verbal masterpiece?
Trying to make your viewpoint seem less assinine by throwing in a word like 'imprimatur' isn't cutting it. If you have a better way of communicating what you really mean, let's hear it.

I'm sorry for using words that people with educations would know. I forgot I was dealing with a high school drop out.

You should hook up with Take a Step Back. You two are the only ones on this forum who seem to think that you've handed someones ass to them on the basis of a seldom used word. You could start a mutual admiration society - a fan club so to speak. Of course you'll be the only two members.

Back to our argument, do you want to take a crack at explaining how I misinterpreted your verbal masterpiece?

That's easy. You misinterpreted it because you've got a grade school education and aren't very bright.
Any other questions?
I'm sorry for using words that people with educations would know. I forgot I was dealing with a high school drop out.

You should hook up with Take a Step Back. You two are the only ones on this forum who seem to think that you've handed someones ass to them on the basis of a seldom used word. You could start a mutual admiration society - a fan club so to speak. Of course you'll be the only two members.

Back to our argument, do you want to take a crack at explaining how I misinterpreted your verbal masterpiece?

That's easy. You misinterpreted it because you've got a grade school education and aren't very bright.
Any other questions?

Better get crackin' on that fan club.
I'm a Muslim but I have no interest in conquest in Europe or America, or even attacking any country.
However, I believe the anti Muslim hate brigade on here deserve a bitch slap.
The Muslims have fled their countries during this era of chaos and bad economies, but will return when their countries get it together...and Pubs allow a world recovery from their mess...
Muslims will be the majority in France by......ready for this.......2020. Good luck to that culture!!

Progressivism is gay.....and the pushback, when it comes, ( oh.....and its coming :lol:) is going to be fucking ugly as hell.

Let me see, France has a Muslim population of less than 10% of the total.
It's now as close to 2014 as doesn't matter so what you're saying is, a greater than 40% shift will happen in 6 years.

What do you propose to do about this imaginary situation; some sort of final solution or just remove freedom of religion in America so this massive shift can't happen there?
Sweden’s March Into Oblivion

December 20, 2013 by Bruce Bawer


Sweden is self-destructing, and more and more people are writing about it – but, with very few exceptions, still not in the mainstream Swedish media, where denial continues to reign supreme. Indeed, even as concerned observers abroad (especially in neighboring Denmark and Norway, where the elites still look to their larger neighbor as a multicultural role model while many, if not most, ordinary householders view it as a cautionary example) are sounding the alarm about the fallout of Swedish immigration policies, Sweden’s own mainstream media – and the rest of its cultural establishment – are laboring overtime to silence the truth-tellers and keep the rabble from openly questioning the wisdom of their betters.

Case in point: recently, in an attempt to win back the nearly 30 percent of male union members between ages 18 and 49 who support the heterodox Sweden Democrat Party, LO, the country’s powerful confederation of trade unions (think of the AFL-CIO at the height of its powers and multiply by two or three), spent a big chunk of cash to demonize the Sweden Democrats, painting them as a pack of fascists. (Never mind that LO’s own oppressive, ideologically lockstep alliance with the political establishment is right out of the Mussolini playbook.) One rare recent exception to the Swedish media’s see-no-evil approach to immigration and its consequences was a fascinating map, published last month in the newspaper Sydsvenskan, showing the relative levels of danger in the various neighborhoods of Malmö, the city that is regarded by many cogent observers as the ninth circle of the Scandinavian inferno.

Meanwhile, as I say, the admonitory essays keep coming. One example: “Sweden’s Race to the Bottom,” a bracingly frank piece that appeared on December 4 on the website of Jyllands-Posten, Denmark’s biggest newspaper. The author, Morten Uhrskov Jensen, didn’t mince words. His opening sentence: “Sweden has chosen to break down.” Jensen went on to outline the steady slide in the quality of education in Swedish primary schools over the last decade or so, as detailed in a recent PISA study, and to link that decline to what Jensen bluntly called the country’s “insane immigration policy.” Sweden, warned Jensen, “will have to pay a very high price for its experiment with permitting excessive immigration from dysfunctional states.” He placed special blame on the media, noting that in an article about the PISA study, Aftonbladet, Sweden’s largest paper (and, as he put it, “official Sweden’s mouthpiece”), chose to ignore the real reason for the school crisis and to pretend it’s all the fault of “the decline in equality in schools,” which, in turn, is a result of “free school choice.” Reacting to this transparent hogwash, Jensen commented: “One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.”


Thursday evening processions, which showed the pious multicultural multitudes flaunting yet again their proud refusal to test their common ideology against reality, I couldn’t help pondering the melancholy question: are they really unaware that they’re marching their country into oblivion, or are they consciously embracing extinction in the belief that even self-slaughter is preferable to being called a racist?

Sweden?s March Into Oblivion | FrontPage Magazine


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