The last conservative that was mayor of Chicago...was 1931. What a city.

I'd say that Chicago has a history of having a lot of gang warfare.
No, the problem is Chicago and the humans that inhabit it.

No, knee grows are the problem for decades now. And they just voted in a mayor who will be softer on crime than his idiot predecessor. In fact, the most violent areas of Chicago, virtually all black, voted for the guy and put him over the top to the win.

Blacks are overwhelmingly responsible for violent crime in Chicago.

Filthy people aren't they? Just an unreal disaster of a group.

They musta seen the videos of that Tennessee culture warrior Democrat that the Left thinks is the next Rosa fucking Parks.

Or maybe they took some George Kirby rioting classes?

Or are trying out for Antifa?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so they say.
More Chicago shenanigans, but this time it's stupid white people:

The Decline of Western Civilization is intersectional.
No, knee grows are the problem for decades now. And they just voted in a mayor who will be softer on crime than his idiot predecessor. In fact, the most violent areas of Chicago, virtually all black, voted for the guy and put him over the top to the win.

Blacks are overwhelmingly responsible for violent crime in Chicago.

And yet, under democratic rule, Chicago became one of the greatest cities in the world, a destination city, even.

In fact, all of the great destinations cities in the United States, have been run by Democrats for decades.

It never ceases to amaze me how many Republicans on this board will trash the blue states and the cities where 80% of the American people live, calling them “shit holes” populated by “animals”, and yet they say I’m “anti-American” or an “American hating Canuck”.

Nobody hates the United States of America more than Republican voters. You hate your government, you hate the president and you hate half the people who live in your country.

And then you blame the Democrats because your enemies are seeing YOUR hatred of all things American, and attacking.

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