The Last-Minute Character Assassination of Judge Kavanaugh


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Last-Minute Character Assassination of Judge Kavanaugh
Desperate Dems revert to their old playbook.‎
Desperate Dems revert to their old playbook. Using any despicable tactic at hand to derail Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation less than a week before the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on whether to approve his nomination, Senate Democrats have sunk to their lowest level of character assassination yet. They have resorted to peddling an allegation of sexual misconduct against Judge Kavanaugh that supposedly occurred while the judge was in high school. The accuser had refused to identify herself before and during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. She conveniently waited until this Sunday to come forward via an on-the-record...… Although Ms. Ford believes the alleged incident occurred during the summer of 1982, she “said she does not remember some key details of the incident,” according to the Washington Post article. For example, Ms. Ford “said she does not remember how the gathering came together the night of the incident.” She also does not remember how she got home. Yet she claims to be absolutely certain that Kavanaugh, whom she presumably knew only as an acquaintance and said she had not spoken to since the night the incident allegedly occurred, was involved in the alleged incident..... The answer is that this is all a ruse to block Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation by all means necessary. Senator Schumer is fulfilling his promise to oppose Judge Kavanaugh with "everything I've got."

This "allegation" cannot be proved or disproved, and there will be no recourse against this women, because there cannot be, and she knows it. The fraud upon this country is despicable.
She “said she does not remember some key details of the incident,” Translated: this whole story is a fabrication, the more details or objective data I provide the higher the likelihood it will be provably false. Therefore I will keep the story a little vague on details, yet provide plenty of emotionally filler that makes it sound vivid, detailed, when it really isn't.
Personally, I put the chances of this story being fake at about 99.995%. I give it a 0.005% chance of being true only because given their ages both her and the next SCOTUS Judge were alive in 1982 and possibly on the east coast somewhere.
Strangely, Judge Kavanaugh has gone through six Federal clearance investigations and has been approved each time. This is a clear attempt of a modern day lynching.
If you really want to see what character assassination looks like, watch what the Right does to Ford.
Well if the claim meant anything why wait over thirty years to accuse the man??

Sure smells fishy to me.
Ugly, ugly, ugly. From all over the place.

Maybe the only good that can come from this is that we'll understand more as a culture that anything like this has to be reported immediately.

Now that it's interwoven with politics, it will only be ugly.
Last minute sex allegations is as much part of the democrat playbook as boxes of democrat votes suddenly found in the trunk of someone's car.
What I wish we could all do is understand this is the people we keep voting back in over and over and over.
Both sides.
This is despicable. It is a disgrace to the process.
If you really want to see what character assassination looks like, watch what the Right does to Ford.

Comparatively? Jesus Christ himself could be a SCOTUS nominee, and the lefts would be crucifying him as we speak.

If you really want to see what character assassination looks like, watch what the Right does to Ford.

Comparatively? Jesus Christ himself could be a SCOTUS nominee, and the lefts would be crucifying him as we speak.


His name is Jesus. The Left would immediately think he bravely crossed from Mexico. They would house him in a sanctuary city. Give him free healthcare, food, clothes, etc. and then blame the GOP for the deficit.
If you really want to see what character assassination looks like, watch what the Right does to Ford.

Comparatively? Jesus Christ himself could be a SCOTUS nominee, and the lefts would be crucifying him as we speak.


His name is Jesus. The Left would immediately think he bravely crossed from Mexico. They would house him in a sanctuary city. Give him free healthcare, food, clothes, etc. and then blame the GOP for the deficit.

Not if he was a conservative. Look how they treat blacks and women that cross them.

If you really want to see what character assassination looks like, watch what the Right does to Ford.

Comparatively? Jesus Christ himself could be a SCOTUS nominee, and the lefts would be crucifying him as we speak.


They would probably point out his relationship with Mary Magdalene, claiming she was a woman of ill repute. Yet he is said to have married her...
If you really want to see what character assassination looks like, watch what the Right does to Ford.

Comparatively? Jesus Christ himself could be a SCOTUS nominee, and the lefts would be crucifying him as we speak.


His name is Jesus. The Left would immediately think he bravely crossed from Mexico. They would house him in a sanctuary city. Give him free healthcare, food, clothes, etc. and then blame the GOP for the deficit.

Not if he was a conservative. Look how they treat blacks and women that cross them.


Good pt.
The Last-Minute Character Assassination of Judge Kavanaugh
Desperate Dems revert to their old playbook.‎
Desperate Dems revert to their old playbook. Using any despicable tactic at hand to derail Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation less than a week before the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on whether to approve his nomination, Senate Democrats have sunk to their lowest level of character assassination yet. They have resorted to peddling an allegation of sexual misconduct against Judge Kavanaugh that supposedly occurred while the judge was in high school. The accuser had refused to identify herself before and during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. She conveniently waited until this Sunday to come forward via an on-the-record...… Although Ms. Ford believes the alleged incident occurred during the summer of 1982, she “said she does not remember some key details of the incident,” according to the Washington Post article. For example, Ms. Ford “said she does not remember how the gathering came together the night of the incident.” She also does not remember how she got home. Yet she claims to be absolutely certain that Kavanaugh, whom she presumably knew only as an acquaintance and said she had not spoken to since the night the incident allegedly occurred, was involved in the alleged incident..... The answer is that this is all a ruse to block Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation by all means necessary. Senator Schumer is fulfilling his promise to oppose Judge Kavanaugh with "everything I've got."

This "allegation" cannot be proved or disproved, and there will be no recourse against this women, because there cannot be, and she knows it. The fraud upon this country is despicable.
She “said she does not remember some key details of the incident,” Translated: this whole story is a fabrication, the more details or objective data I provide the higher the likelihood it will be provably false. Therefore I will keep the story a little vague on details, yet provide plenty of emotionally filler that makes it sound vivid, detailed, when it really isn't.
Personally, I put the chances of this story being fake at about 99.995%. I give it a 0.005% chance of being true only because given their ages both her and the next SCOTUS Judge were alive in 1982 and possibly on the east coast somewhere.
Strangely, Judge Kavanaugh has gone through six Federal clearance investigations and has been approved each time. This is a clear attempt of a modern day lynching.
I wonder how much this woman is being paid by WAPO or Dems to make up this bullshit story. It isn't like this did not happen before. They were doing to same against Trump and a few house and senate races, hitting the streets bribing anyone who came up with a story.

Exclusive: Prominent lawyer sought donor cash for two Trump accusers
If you really want to see what character assassination looks like, watch what the Right does to Ford.
The timing is ridiculous. Why didn't Ford stand up when this man was nominated to a lower court position? It's funny how these birds come out of the woodwork on the Soros payroll when the Rainbow Cult senses it might be losing its iron grip.
Anyone surprised by the latest dimocrat eleventh-hour smear-o-rama attempt file this one away. You’re sure to see lots of other versions in the future.
If you really want to see what character assassination looks like, watch what the Right does to Ford.

She has no character. She’s a far left wing shill. She has no proof, period. So it’s clear that she and the Dems paying her are only doing this as part of their standard smear tactics of conservatives being nominated for SCOTUS.
If you really want to see what character assassination looks like, watch what the Right does to Ford.
If she is lying which is probable. Her character should be assassinated.
She will be heralded as a Left wing hero, regardless of how this turns out.
Yep, they are that dumb.
...Devoid of all ethics and morality, just like religious based terrorists, the Left now believes their ideology justifies anything, including violence and lying, in order to achieve their goals.

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