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The last war you felt good about supporting?

If, that is, there has ever been one in your lifetime and hopefully, one that we won which for most of you has happened, kind of, only once in your lifetime.

My choice, WWII.

Invasion of Iraq...too bad the democrats kept us from succeeding there........it was more important to make Bush fail than to defeat the enemy.....
I supported going after Bin Laden in Afghanistan.

Imagine my surprise when the Republicans let him go and veered into Iraq.

I was shocked when George W. made this video:

And then, when he did this:

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden

I thought for sure Republicans would be so angry he might be impeached. This is when I realized the GOP are scum and not patriotic. And now they want to go after Hillary over emails. They are just dirty. They are a dirty party.
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If, that is, there has ever been one in your lifetime and hopefully, one that we won which for most of you has happened, kind of, only once in your lifetime.

My choice, WWII.

Invasion of Iraq...too bad the democrats kept us from succeeding there........it was more important to make Bush fail than to defeat the enemy.....
Bush started a war, that was lost before it started.
If, that is, there has ever been one in your lifetime and hopefully, one that we won which for most of you has happened, kind of, only once in your lifetime.

My choice, WWII.

Invasion of Iraq...too bad the democrats kept us from succeeding there........it was more important to make Bush fail than to defeat the enemy.....
Really? What did Iraq have to do with 9/11? We invaded the wrong country for Christ sake
What is WTH?
What The Fuck.

Now WTF is WII?

How do you get what the fuck out of WTH??????
My bad, What The Hell.

Guess I was being polite.

Now WTF is WII?

Not wasting anymore time with someone who won't acknowledge it.

So, you can't tell us what WII is?


I believe it's a video game thingy where you get this wand thing and can play tennis with your TV set and if you swing too hard you smack the chain on your ceiling fan and break it forever.
WW2 was a disaster that killed an estimated 80 million civilians. Almost every family in the United States was impacted by the loss or wounding of a Serviceman. The only reason people "feel good about it" is because of romantic notions and the media's encouragement. WW2 is the last war the media supported.

This was the same media that didn’t question GWB once during the march to war in 2003.
Well, how d'ya do, Private Willie McBride,
Do you mind if I sit down here by your graveside?
and rest for awhile in the warm summer sun,
I've been walking all day, and I'm nearly done.

And I see by your gravestone you were only 19
when you joined the glorious fallen in 1916,
Well, I hope you died quick and I hope you died clean
or Willie McBride, was it slow and obscene?

Did they Beat the drum slowly, did the play the pipes lowly?
Did the rifles fir o'er ye as they lowered you down?
Did the bugles sound The Last Post in chorus?
Did the pipes play the Flowers of the Forest?

And did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind?
-- in some loyal heart is your memory enshrined?
And, though you died back in 1916,
To that loyal heart are you always 19?

Or are you a stranger without even a name,
forever enshrined behind some glass pane,
in an old photograph, torn and tattered and stained,
and fading to yellow in a brown leather frame?

The sun's shining down on these green fields of France;
The warm wind blows gently, and the red poppies dance.
The trenches have vanished long under the plow;
No gas and no barbed wire, no guns firing now.

But here in this graveyard that's still No Man's Land
The countless white crosses in mute witness stand
To man's blind indifference to his fellow man.
And a whole generation who were butchered and damned.

And I can't help but wonder, now Willie McBride,
Do all those who lie here know why they died?
Did you really believe them when they told you "The Cause?"
Did you really believe that this war would end wars?

Well the suffering, the sorrow, the glory, the shame
The killing, the dying, it was all done in vain,
For Willie McBride, it all happened again,
And again, and again, and again, and again.

---- © Eric Bogle, "No Man's Land"
If, that is, there has ever been one in your lifetime and hopefully, one that we won which for most of you has happened, kind of, only once in your lifetime.

My choice, WWII.

Invasion of Iraq...too bad the democrats kept us from succeeding there........it was more important to make Bush fail than to defeat the enemy.....
Bush started a war, that was lost before it started.

You can't win a war when you are trying to fight it and also want to be politically correct.
If, that is, there has ever been one in your lifetime and hopefully, one that we won which for most of you has happened, kind of, only once in your lifetime.

My choice, WWII.

Invasion of Iraq...too bad the democrats kept us from succeeding there........it was more important to make Bush fail than to defeat the enemy.....
Bush started a war, that was lost before it started.

Nope.....the democrats did everything in their power to undermine the effort....then after Bush stabilized Iraq....obama gave the commander in the field less troops than he requested for the job that needed to be done, pulled our troops out prematurely, and told the enemy when those troops were coming out.......

Keeeping in mind that after World War 2 we still have troops in Germany, Japan, Italy, Britain, and all over the world in countries we defeated in war....but we just had to pull our troops out of the one place they were neeeded the most......
If, that is, there has ever been one in your lifetime and hopefully, one that we won which for most of you has happened, kind of, only once in your lifetime.

My choice, WWII.

Invasion of Iraq...too bad the democrats kept us from succeeding there........it was more important to make Bush fail than to defeat the enemy.....
Bush started a war, that was lost before it started.

Nope.....the democrats did everything in their power to undermine the effort....then after Bush stabilized Iraq....obama gave the commander in the field less troops than he requested for the job that needed to be done, pulled our troops out prematurely, and told the enemy when those troops were coming out.......

Keeeping in mind that after World War 2 we still have troops in Germany, Japan, Italy, Britain, and all over the world in countries we defeated in war....but we just had to pull our troops out of the one place they were neeeded the most......
The occupation of Iraq ended on the Bush timetable, and when Iraq told us to get out.
The last war I felt good about supporting?

The war against Marxist fagots who are trying to deconstruct America.
Still fighting 1968 I see?
The last war I felt good about supporting?

The war against Marxist fagots who are trying to deconstruct America.
Still fighting 1968 I see?

The ability of libtards like yourself to read something someone else states and then completely distort it without any relation to the obvious meaning is a form of delusion.

But then again, delusion is a core principle of the leftwing Nazis today.
If, that is, there has ever been one in your lifetime and hopefully, one that we won which for most of you has happened, kind of, only once in your lifetime.

My choice, WWII.

Invasion of Iraq...too bad the democrats kept us from succeeding there........it was more important to make Bush fail than to defeat the enemy.....
Really? What did Iraq have to do with 9/11? We invaded the wrong country for Christ sake

Do you guys have such fucking short memory spans that you forgot about 9/11.......we had muslims attack the United STates who had been training in Afghanistan unmolested by bill clinton...for years.......and sadaam had been giving money and support to terrorists all around the world while at the same time trying to develop biological weapons....while the U.N. arms ispectors were incompetent, and the inspection regimes were about to end...allowing him freedom of action on anything he wanted to do...of course there was the Oil for Food scandal that showed that the Europeans couldn't be trusted to keep him in check or to keep him from developing anything he wanted.....

Then 9/11 happened.....and the game of allowing sadaam to violate the ceasfire agreement, to continue to defy the sanctions and the inspection process was no longer just a game..........he was at the top of the list of assholes who had to be removed, and through his past actions he exposed himself to removal.....

And you morons forget all of that....that after 9/11, allowing an asshole like sadaam to threaten us, and to play games that Europe didn't take seriously was no longer to be tolerated...after 3,000 Americans had been killed because bill clinton couldn't keep it in his pants long enough to take terrorism seriously......

So allowing these tin pot terrorist supporters to exist was no longer an option....and it worked.......khadaifi gave up his weapons, Iraq and Afghanisastan were stable and then obama came in and gave it all up to the muslims...
If, that is, there has ever been one in your lifetime and hopefully, one that we won which for most of you has happened, kind of, only once in your lifetime.

My choice, WWII.

Invasion of Iraq...too bad the democrats kept us from succeeding there........it was more important to make Bush fail than to defeat the enemy.....
Bush started a war, that was lost before it started.

Nope.....the democrats did everything in their power to undermine the effort....then after Bush stabilized Iraq....obama gave the commander in the field less troops than he requested for the job that needed to be done, pulled our troops out prematurely, and told the enemy when those troops were coming out.......

Keeeping in mind that after World War 2 we still have troops in Germany, Japan, Italy, Britain, and all over the world in countries we defeated in war....but we just had to pull our troops out of the one place they were neeeded the most......
fyi, we didn't defeat Britain, they were on our side in ww2! :lol:

Also, we don't have troops in Europe due to any of the European countries we have bases in being previous enemies....we have bases there to stop Russia from encroaching on the EU, and because access to the middle east is much closer from there, than if our troops were all in the U.S....most of our bases left are NATO bases.

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