The latest Merchan decision (postponing the Trump sentencing) and where it still fell short.


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.

First off, a clear, concise and very smart analysis of the ruling from Merchan.

Andrew McCarthy is spot on.

Yes: the sentencing should have been delayed. But, more importantly, there shouldn’t even be a sentencing. The case needs to be swiftly dismissed on defendant’s motion before it ever gets to sentencing. The conviction was and is legally invalid.

(Just read Mc Carthy’s piece.)

First off, a clear, concise and very smart analysis of the ruling from Merchan.

Andrew McCarthy is spot on.

Yes: the sentencing should have been delayed. But, more importantly, there shouldn’t even be a sentencing. The case needs to be swiftly dismissed on defendant’s motion before it ever gets to sentencing. The conviction was and is legally invalid.

(Just read Mc Carthy’s piece.)
I believe the dems got to him to delay because they were afraid Trump getting sentenced before the election might get Trump more votes.
Honestly, everyone with even a modicum of legal knowledge knows that this entire trial was a travesty. Merchan knows this as well as anybody. He DOES NOT want to go down in history as the New York judge who tried to torpedo the election of the President, AND whose decision was violently* overturned on appeal. Not a good look for your legacy.

* That is to say, the appeals court decision will criticize Merchan's behavior in colorful detail and with great emphasis.

First off, a clear, concise and very smart analysis of the ruling from Merchan.

Andrew McCarthy is spot on.

Yes: the sentencing should have been delayed. But, more importantly, there shouldn’t even be a sentencing. The case needs to be swiftly dismissed on defendant’s motion before it ever gets to sentencing. The conviction was and is legally invalid.

(Just read Mc Carthy’s piece.)
This keeps the SC(r)OTUS from getting their slimey hands on it before the election.
Sentencing Trump to prison for a "Bookkeeping Error" would not sit well with the general public. Merchan, biased jackass that he is, figured this out.

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