The Least Competent Administration in History Strikes Again

The Obama administration has set the competence bar so low that continuing examples are hardly newsworthy.
This regime is joke, and whoever praises them is an asshole.
I think lying to the American people saying Saddam had WMDs and he was involved with 911 is the worst and most incompetent thing in the world.

Hackers break int corporate data banks, banks, credit card. This is no different. Sh*t happens.

Also to say that providing health care to 12 million people as incompetent shows how little value right places on human life.

Obama for third term!
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This regime is joke, and whoever praises them is an asshole.

The real joke is the republican value system that places gun ownership above health care for all. American people will never again elect a republican to the WH. Hillary crushes all cons in a split second. I think cons should be prepared to buy more weapons in November 2016, as they did after Obama was elected. LOL!
Hey OP, I wonder, if you think federal breach of personnel data as the worst thing in life, have you take your money out of your bank? Did you stop using credit card? Do you shop at local retailers?

Why do I ask, you ask? Because as far as I know, banks, retailers, credit card companies are more frequently hacked into than federal government. Please report back to us if you've stopped using the world's financial system altogether. Once I hear from you, then I will begin my sarcastic laughter. ;-)
I think lying to the American people saying Saddam had WMDs and he was involved with 911 is the worst and most incompetent thing in the world.

Hackers break int corporate data banks, banks, credit card. This is no different. Sh*t happens.

Also to say that providing health care to 12 million people as incompetent shows how little value right places on human life.

Obama for third term!

Well, hold on a sec. In the light of 9/11, it was easy to overstate the threat of radical dictators with WMD capability. But usually overstatement is left to the talking heads on TV and the pundits. One expected the Intelligence community to be an honest broker. Bush/Cheney saw to it that they were not.

"Shit happens" isn't good enough. The IRS scandal and the VA scandals involved people knowingly breaking the law. Heads should roll. That they haven't is a black mark on this President's record.
LOL pathetic right points to ACA website breakdown as an example of incompetence. When you have 50 million Americans signing up for the first time on the website, things will break down. And to Obama's credit he got things fixed and the website runs smoothly now. I bet George Bush and the southern republican gun owners don't even know how to build a website, let alone where to click to go to the next page.

You really have to be desperate to attack Obama for a website glitch. Do you blame your entire government when you encounter a pothole on the road? Do you blame the phone company when you hear static on your phone? No? Do you blame the hospital if they are 15 minutes late to bring you into the doctor's office? No?

But you sure as hell blame Obama when the website slows down for health care. And LOL, I wonder why this should bother the cons./ I thought most cons were not even going to sign up for Obamacare. So why do you give a rat's hoot when the website operates slowly and you can't get on? What business is it of yours to worry about a website YOU professed you will never use?

Geez, cons are so easy to defeat in a debate. Why bother!
I think lying to the American people saying Saddam had WMDs and he was involved with 911 is the worst and most incompetent thing in the world.

Hackers break int corporate data banks, banks, credit card. This is no different. Sh*t happens.

Also to say that providing health care to 12 million people as incompetent shows how little value right places on human life.

Obama for third term!

Well, hold on a sec. In the light of 9/11, it was easy to overstate the threat of radical dictators with WMD capability. But usually overstatement is left to the talking heads on TV and the pundits. One expected the Intelligence community to be an honest broker. Bush/Cheney saw to it that they were not.

"Shit happens" isn't good enough. The IRS scandal and the VA scandals involved people knowingly breaking the law. Heads should roll. That they haven't is a black mark on this President's record.

There is no "IRS SCANDAL" as there is no "BENGHAZI SCANDAL". The damn scandal is the ones cons support, i.e. murdering black unarmed youths. But let's not worry about that, let's focus on IRS looking at your tax filings, a job which they were hired to do.

I find it so pathetic cons actually complain that IRS looked into someone's tax related data. It's like complaining a doctor looking into your own medical file. Ya, that's what their JOB is.

The IRS scandal is as real as Jesus rising from the dead. You believing it's true doesn't make it true.

So while you are complaining about the data breach, did you close down your bank accounts, return your credit cards and stopped shopping at all retail stores? Cause I got some news for you, the real data breaches happen in those businesses more often than you blink your eyes.

Any ways, don't let these inconvenient facts stop you from hating Obama.
I think lying to the American people saying Saddam had WMDs and he was involved with 911 is the worst and most incompetent thing in the world.

Hackers break int corporate data banks, banks, credit card. This is no different. Sh*t happens.

Also to say that providing health care to 12 million people as incompetent shows how little value right places on human life.

Obama for third term!

Well, hold on a sec. In the light of 9/11, it was easy to overstate the threat of radical dictators with WMD capability. But usually overstatement is left to the talking heads on TV and the pundits. One expected the Intelligence community to be an honest broker. Bush/Cheney saw to it that they were not.

"Shit happens" isn't good enough. The IRS scandal and the VA scandals involved people knowingly breaking the law. Heads should roll. That they haven't is a black mark on this President's record.

So while you are complaining about the data breach, did you close down your bank accounts, return your credit cards and stopped shopping at all retail stores? Cause I got some news for you, the real data breaches happen in those businesses more often than you blink your eyes.
If you'd take 5 seconds and read what I'd notice that I did not complain about the data breach. Only that "shit happens" isn't a good enough excuse.

As for you being a source of news....I think you're probably a poor source of gossip, much less news.

There is no "IRS SCANDAL" as there is no "BENGHAZI SCANDAL".
Okay, how would you define the word "scandal". People knowingly breaking the law once they were entrusted with responsibility is pretty much the textbook definition.

The damn scandal is the ones cons support, i.e. murdering black unarmed youths. But let's not worry about that, let's focus on IRS looking at your tax filings, a job which they were hired to do.
Deflect much?

I find it so pathetic cons actually complain that IRS looked into someone's tax related data. It's like complaining a doctor looking into your own medical file. Ya, that's what their JOB is.

The IRS scandal is as real as Jesus rising from the dead. You believing it's true doesn't make it true.

Any ways, don't let these inconvenient facts stop you from hating Obama.
Ya know, perhaps you should read a few of my posts prior to responding. You sound like a fucking idiot and I suspect that isn't far from the truth.

The fact that you're a liberal doesn't make you immune from being called out when you're wrong. And you're making it a habit.[/QUOTE]

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