The Left Admits That Walls Work After All!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
For nearly 48 months we have been told in the press, media and everywhere that there was NO POINT in Trump building a Wall because WALLS DON'T WORK. In fact, they are nothing but a pathetic leftover of 12th century neolithic primitive thinking!

So what is the first thing the Left does in Portland in response to overwhelming Federal response to their riots?






The strange thing I wonder is: why is everyone at these protest rallies (over black lives mattering) all WHITE? Where are the BLACK PEOPLE?

They is home saying: White folk sho is crazy.

Now you know why progressivism / leftism / socialism /democratism is a MENTAL DISORDER.
Toob: "The strange thing I wonder is: why is everyone at these protest rallies (over black lives mattering) all WHITE? Where are the BLACK PEOPLE?"

Awhile back there was an interview that a Portland cop named Jakhary Jackson did that kinda lays out what's going on:

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
It says something when you're at a Black Lives Matter protest. You have more minorities on the police side than you have in a violent crowd. And you have White people screaming at Black officers, "You have the biggest nose I've ever seen." You hear these things and you go, "Are they (BLM) going to say something to this person?" No. And that's just one example.

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
Having people tell you what to do with your life. That you need to quit your job. That you're hurting your community, but they're not even a part of the community. Once again, you, as a privileged White person telling someone of color what to do with their life.

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
You don't even know what I've dealt with, what these White officers that you're screaming at, you don't know them. You don't know anything about them and there are racist people out in the world. Absolutely. There are bad cops out there in the world. We don't associate with those people. They make us all look bad. That's not something that I stand for. That's not something that my coworkers stand for and I've been called on calls the N-word I can't even count in the time that I've been a police officer and having White officers jump in and defend me and telling me, "Oh ignore it." And them being absolutely shocked and they get to see it.

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
Like I said, when you're standing on the line and they're getting called those names and they're being accused of being racist when you've seen those officers helping people of color, getting blood on them trying to save someone's life that's been shot. Gang violence, domestic violence and you see them and they're truly trying to help save someone's life and then are turned around and called a racist by people that have never seen anything like that. That have never had to put themselves out there. It's disgusting.
Toob: "The strange thing I wonder is: why is everyone at these protest rallies (over black lives mattering) all WHITE? Where are the BLACK PEOPLE?"

Awhile back there was an interview that a Portland cop named Jakhary Jackson did that kinda lays out what's going on:

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
It says something when you're at a Black Lives Matter protest. You have more minorities on the police side than you have in a violent crowd. And you have White people screaming at Black officers, "You have the biggest nose I've ever seen." You hear these things and you go, "Are they (BLM) going to say something to this person?" No. And that's just one example.

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
Having people tell you what to do with your life. That you need to quit your job. That you're hurting your community, but they're not even a part of the community. Once again, you, as a privileged White person telling someone of color what to do with their life.

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
You don't even know what I've dealt with, what these White officers that you're screaming at, you don't know them. You don't know anything about them and there are racist people out in the world. Absolutely. There are bad cops out there in the world. We don't associate with those people. They make us all look bad. That's not something that I stand for. That's not something that my coworkers stand for and I've been called on calls the N-word I can't even count in the time that I've been a police officer and having White officers jump in and defend me and telling me, "Oh ignore it." And them being absolutely shocked and they get to see it.

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
Like I said, when you're standing on the line and they're getting called those names and they're being accused of being racist when you've seen those officers helping people of color, getting blood on them trying to save someone's life that's been shot. Gang violence, domestic violence and you see them and they're truly trying to help save someone's life and then are turned around and called a racist by people that have never seen anything like that. That have never had to put themselves out there. It's disgusting.

Most of these "protesters," I'd say are just PUNKS who didn't get their way at home, got into trouble with the law, got fired, lost jobs, can't cut it in life, and are only using the BLM riots as a cover to try to exact "revenge" against the system they have failed at. It's easier to blame others than to blame yourself.
I could be wrong, but I think that a lot of this stuff that goes on in the news has to do with jealousy and pride. Some people, regardless of where they stand politically, don't hesitate to make it as clear as crystal glass that they can't stand it when good ideas come from the minds of people that they disagree with where other issues are concerned.

God bless you always!!!

The marxist Dim shitstains say a lot of ridiculous things. That's why we constantly laugh at them. "Walls don't work" is just one of the funniest. "Let's defund the police" is up there too.
For nearly 48 months we have been told in the press, media and everywhere that there was NO POINT in Trump building a Wall because WALLS DON'T WORK. In fact, they are nothing but a pathetic leftover of 12th century neolithic primitive thinking!

So what is the first thing the Left does in Portland in response to overwhelming Federal response to their riots?


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The strange thing I wonder is: why is everyone at these protest rallies (over black lives mattering) all WHITE? Where are the BLACK PEOPLE?

They is home saying: White folk sho is crazy.

Now you know why progressivism / leftism / socialism /democratism is a MENTAL DISORDER.
Well...The wall around CNN sure worked. It prevent Leftie rioters and looters aka Biden voters from burning CNN HQ down.

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