The left at work

White wing paranoia on display.... same tired act for 60 years...
Doing this daily...

They spend all there time trying to paint the incorrectly opposition's view. This is beyond negative politics...

Ask them why they had no policy platform in the last election and they are clueless...

Democrats are trying to at least lead thee country while these brainwashed guys can't see they are useful idiots keep praying to idols..
That's right. He was a complete failure and that is why he got kicked out.
Make all the excuses you want but the people in a democracy make the ultimate decision, and they did. Suck on that wanker.
Funny how you Marxists never have any real facts just vague accusations but, if you wanna play that game, Obama was a complete failure. The Democrat congress and leadership are all complete failures as well. After the last election we see the mostly Democrat run voting polls and precincts are complete and utter failures as well. We now have a brain dead President thanks to them.
That is your opinion, you have based no evidence to back your case... Are you afraid of evidence...

Obama got a basket case of a country in a financial crisis, handed to Trump with almost every indicator going in the positive direction, Trump handed back the country in a mess with more division since the civil war...

I could show, Dow Jones, unemployment figures, crime, personal debt,....

And if you still believe Trump, when are Mexico paying for the wall?
They are all mental cases. There whole miniscule world evolves around paranoia and hatred. Half if them have never read the constitution. Some are illiterate.
The rest are nothing.
Oh the irony.
Not a word uttered when trump signed a library of executive orders to have his way but you bellow about Biden transforming the country out if trumps dictatorship. You hypocrite. You know nothing.
Not surprising coming from the looney left. Trump a dictator? You are a moron.
The orange, retard wanted to be a dictator.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.
“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump wanted to "give it a shot".

Trump's cult wanted to, too.

On January 6th......................they tried......................and failed.
It's no longer 1899 fool, today YOU PEOPLE Dems young and old have invested TRILLIONS in the very corporations you love to hate. That's where all your 401k's and pensions are invested. YOU own the corporations. Oh that's gonna leave a mark! lol
Rich people own corporations.
It doesn't matter if they vote Democrat or Republican.


"An analysis of this data shows that in 2019, the top 1 percent of Americans in wealth controlled about 38 percent of the value of financial accounts holding stocks. Widen the focus to include the top 10 percent, and you’ve found 84 percent of all of Wall Street portfolios’ value."

Who Owns Stocks? Explaining the Rise in Inequality During the Pandemic.
It's no longer 1899 fool, today YOU PEOPLE Dems young and old have invested TRILLIONS in the very corporations you love to hate. That's where all your 401k's and pensions are invested. YOU own the corporations. Oh that's gonna leave a mark! lol
Rich people own corporations.
It doesn't matter if they vote Democrat or Republican.


"An analysis of this data shows that in 2019, the top 1 percent of Americans in wealth controlled about 38 percent of the value of financial accounts holding stocks. Widen the focus to include the top 10 percent, and you’ve found 84 percent of all of Wall Street portfolios’ value."

Who Owns Stocks? Explaining the Rise in Inequality During the Pandemic.
Do you know what TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS means dummy? Go ahead all you dumb ass libs pull all your money out of the stock market and put the money into government bonds. No? Yeah thought so now stop bitching about corporations you own the corporations you are part of the very problem you are bitching about.
That is your opinion, you have based no evidence to back your case... Are you afraid of evidence...

Obama got a basket case of a country in a financial crisis, handed to Trump with almost every indicator going in the positive direction, Trump handed back the country in a mess with more division since the civil war...

I could show, Dow Jones, unemployment figures, crime, personal debt,....

And if you still believe Trump, when are Mexico paying for the wall?
I was answering another poster who was making 0 evidence comments about Trump. You didn't get the irony. As for Mexico:
"President Trump noted last week that his campaign promise to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it “obviously” did not mean getting a check from the Mexican government directly. Rather, he said, Mexico will be paying for the wall indirectly, “many, many times over” via the trade agreement his administration recently renegotiated with Canada and Mexico to replace NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement)."

You really need to expand your sources. Wait a minute, that's FOX.....Shhhhh I won't tell your minders if you read the article.
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And of course you have evidence of that or just speaking through your arse.
Trump helped himself. If he was so good why did republicans vote him out?
You know nothing.
Just look at gas prices after Slo Joe stopped the pipeline. Look at the over-run border, Slo Joe stopped the wall. Get your head out of your ass.

Keystone is an export pipeline, stupid.
That is your opinion, you have based no evidence to back your case... Are you afraid of evidence...

Obama got a basket case of a country in a financial crisis, handed to Trump with almost every indicator going in the positive direction, Trump handed back the country in a mess with more division since the civil war...

I could show, Dow Jones, unemployment figures, crime, personal debt,....

And if you still believe Trump, when are Mexico paying for the wall?
I was answering another poster who was making 0 evidence comments about Trump. You didn't get the irony. As for Mexico:
"President Trump noted last week that his campaign promise to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it “obviously” did not mean getting a check from the Mexican government directly. Rather, he said, Mexico will be paying for the wall indirectly, “many, many times over” via the trade agreement his administration recently renegotiated with Canada and Mexico to replace NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement)."

You really need to expand your sources. Wait a minute, that's FOX.....Shhhhh I won't tell your minders if you read the article.
In Texas, Trump offered the same logic: "When I say Mexico is going to pay for the wall, that's what I said. Mexico is going to pay. I didn't say they're going to write me a check for $20 billion or $10 billion."

"It's an easy decision for Mexico: make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion to ensure that $24 billion continues to flow into their country year after year," Trump said.

What a bunch dirt bags.
Biden's repression of the political opposition is unprecedented (with one exception) in American history, as is the Biden regime's systematic contravention of due process and constitutional rights. The exceptional precedent is the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, which criminalized making "false statements" critical of the federal government.

The Acts were a weapon of the Adams administration used to harass and destroy the Jeffersonian political opposition. The Sedition Act resulted in the conviction and imprisonment of many Jeffersonian newspaper-owners who disagreed with the government.

Neo-Marxist American political culture has used media and social media to neutralize and destroy political opposition in a more effective, flexible manner than could have been achieved solely by the "legal power" of the Deep State and now the federal government.

Police state tactics like FBI home invasions have been widely reported. The DOJ and FBI publicize these grotesque constitutional violations for the desired effect: general fear and political intimidation.

If a conservative opposition figure can be discredited and deplatformed through coordinated FBI leaks, a campaign of big media vilification, and rumors of DOJ interest, then Biden can avoid the legal risk of using bogus indictments (criminalization as a last resort).

Prominent conservative figures with a wide following like Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and now Governor Ron DeSantis are prime objects of systematic attack by the WaPo and NYT, which together set the party line for American neo-Marxists.

Biden inherited a huge advantage that Adams's Federalists lacked: an entrenched neo-Marxist, anti-American culture that controls the commanding heights of American (political) culture: media, social media, academia, entertainment, and now big business.
The 'political opposition' in question in the the insurrection at the capitol. You know, the attack that left 140 police officers injured. These people aren't being charged with 'being critical of the government'.

Charges include assaults on officers, destruction of government property and conspiracy.

What a bunch dirt bags.

Socialism doesn't have to be authoritarian.

The problem is people who don't even try to understand systems, who just get all emotional about what "Communism" or "Socialism" mean, basically they mean the USSR and China which equates to bad (and I'm not saying the USSR wasn't bad, China has done a lot of good for the Chinese people but is still run by a dictator who does what he wants).

It's like the difference between a person who sees two colors and calls them both red, and another person who sees two colors and calls them scarlet and maroon.
Oh the irony.
Not a word uttered when trump signed a library of executive orders to have his way but you bellow about Biden transforming the country out if trumps dictatorship. You hypocrite. You know nothing.
Hey douche, in the history of the world how many dictators have allowed themselves to be voted out of office? Hint, the answer is more than -1 and less than 1.

What a bunch dirt bags.
Biden's repression of the political opposition is unprecedented (with one exception) in American history, as is the Biden regime's systematic contravention of due process and constitutional rights. The exceptional precedent is the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, which criminalized making "false statements" critical of the federal government.

The Acts were a weapon of the Adams administration used to harass and destroy the Jeffersonian political opposition. The Sedition Act resulted in the conviction and imprisonment of many Jeffersonian newspaper-owners who disagreed with the government.

Neo-Marxist American political culture has used media and social media to neutralize and destroy political opposition in a more effective, flexible manner than could have been achieved solely by the "legal power" of the Deep State and now the federal government.

Police state tactics like FBI home invasions have been widely reported. The DOJ and FBI publicize these grotesque constitutional violations for the desired effect: general fear and political intimidation.

If a conservative opposition figure can be discredited and deplatformed through coordinated FBI leaks, a campaign of big media vilification, and rumors of DOJ interest, then Biden can avoid the legal risk of using bogus indictments (criminalization as a last resort).

Prominent conservative figures with a wide following like Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and now Governor Ron DeSantis are prime objects of systematic attack by the WaPo and NYT, which together set the party line for American neo-Marxists.

Biden inherited a huge advantage that Adams's Federalists lacked: an entrenched neo-Marxist, anti-American culture that controls the commanding heights of American (political) culture: media, social media, academia, entertainment, and now big business.
The 'political opposition' in question in the the insurrection at the capitol. You know, the attack that left 140 police officers injured. These people aren't being charged with 'being critical of the government'.

Charges include assaults on officers, destruction of government property and conspiracy.
Lmao, the lying chinaman knows no shame.

What a bunch dirt bags.
Biden's repression of the political opposition is unprecedented (with one exception) in American history, as is the Biden regime's systematic contravention of due process and constitutional rights. The exceptional precedent is the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, which criminalized making "false statements" critical of the federal government.

The Acts were a weapon of the Adams administration used to harass and destroy the Jeffersonian political opposition. The Sedition Act resulted in the conviction and imprisonment of many Jeffersonian newspaper-owners who disagreed with the government.

Neo-Marxist American political culture has used media and social media to neutralize and destroy political opposition in a more effective, flexible manner than could have been achieved solely by the "legal power" of the Deep State and now the federal government.

Police state tactics like FBI home invasions have been widely reported. The DOJ and FBI publicize these grotesque constitutional violations for the desired effect: general fear and political intimidation.

If a conservative opposition figure can be discredited and deplatformed through coordinated FBI leaks, a campaign of big media vilification, and rumors of DOJ interest, then Biden can avoid the legal risk of using bogus indictments (criminalization as a last resort).

Prominent conservative figures with a wide following like Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and now Governor Ron DeSantis are prime objects of systematic attack by the WaPo and NYT, which together set the party line for American neo-Marxists.

Biden inherited a huge advantage that Adams's Federalists lacked: an entrenched neo-Marxist, anti-American culture that controls the commanding heights of American (political) culture: media, social media, academia, entertainment, and now big business.
The 'political opposition' in question in the the insurrection at the capitol. You know, the attack that left 140 police officers injured. These people aren't being charged with 'being critical of the government'.

Charges include assaults on officers, destruction of government property and conspiracy.
Lmao, the lying chinaman knows no shame.
I'm not quoting me.

"Police officials and federal prosecutors say that as many as 140 officers were injured during the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol."

What a bunch dirt bags.
Biden's repression of the political opposition is unprecedented (with one exception) in American history, as is the Biden regime's systematic contravention of due process and constitutional rights. The exceptional precedent is the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, which criminalized making "false statements" critical of the federal government.

The Acts were a weapon of the Adams administration used to harass and destroy the Jeffersonian political opposition. The Sedition Act resulted in the conviction and imprisonment of many Jeffersonian newspaper-owners who disagreed with the government.

Neo-Marxist American political culture has used media and social media to neutralize and destroy political opposition in a more effective, flexible manner than could have been achieved solely by the "legal power" of the Deep State and now the federal government.

Police state tactics like FBI home invasions have been widely reported. The DOJ and FBI publicize these grotesque constitutional violations for the desired effect: general fear and political intimidation.

If a conservative opposition figure can be discredited and deplatformed through coordinated FBI leaks, a campaign of big media vilification, and rumors of DOJ interest, then Biden can avoid the legal risk of using bogus indictments (criminalization as a last resort).

Prominent conservative figures with a wide following like Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and now Governor Ron DeSantis are prime objects of systematic attack by the WaPo and NYT, which together set the party line for American neo-Marxists.

Biden inherited a huge advantage that Adams's Federalists lacked: an entrenched neo-Marxist, anti-American culture that controls the commanding heights of American (political) culture: media, social media, academia, entertainment, and now big business.
The 'political opposition' in question in the the insurrection at the capitol. You know, the attack that left 140 police officers injured. These people aren't being charged with 'being critical of the government'.

Charges include assaults on officers, destruction of government property and conspiracy.
Lmao, the lying chinaman knows no shame.
I'm not quoting me.

"Police officials and federal prosecutors say that as many as 140 officers were injured during the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol."
So? Chinamen like you lie non-stop.

What a bunch dirt bags.
Biden's repression of the political opposition is unprecedented (with one exception) in American history, as is the Biden regime's systematic contravention of due process and constitutional rights. The exceptional precedent is the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, which criminalized making "false statements" critical of the federal government.

The Acts were a weapon of the Adams administration used to harass and destroy the Jeffersonian political opposition. The Sedition Act resulted in the conviction and imprisonment of many Jeffersonian newspaper-owners who disagreed with the government.

Neo-Marxist American political culture has used media and social media to neutralize and destroy political opposition in a more effective, flexible manner than could have been achieved solely by the "legal power" of the Deep State and now the federal government.

Police state tactics like FBI home invasions have been widely reported. The DOJ and FBI publicize these grotesque constitutional violations for the desired effect: general fear and political intimidation.

If a conservative opposition figure can be discredited and deplatformed through coordinated FBI leaks, a campaign of big media vilification, and rumors of DOJ interest, then Biden can avoid the legal risk of using bogus indictments (criminalization as a last resort).

Prominent conservative figures with a wide following like Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and now Governor Ron DeSantis are prime objects of systematic attack by the WaPo and NYT, which together set the party line for American neo-Marxists.

Biden inherited a huge advantage that Adams's Federalists lacked: an entrenched neo-Marxist, anti-American culture that controls the commanding heights of American (political) culture: media, social media, academia, entertainment, and now big business.
The 'political opposition' in question in the the insurrection at the capitol. You know, the attack that left 140 police officers injured. These people aren't being charged with 'being critical of the government'.

Charges include assaults on officers, destruction of government property and conspiracy.
Lmao, the lying chinaman knows no shame.
I'm not quoting me.

"Police officials and federal prosecutors say that as many as 140 officers were injured during the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol."
So? Chinamen like you lie non-stop.

The police unions are liars?

So much for the conservatives supporting our cops.

What a bunch dirt bags.
Biden's repression of the political opposition is unprecedented (with one exception) in American history, as is the Biden regime's systematic contravention of due process and constitutional rights. The exceptional precedent is the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, which criminalized making "false statements" critical of the federal government.

The Acts were a weapon of the Adams administration used to harass and destroy the Jeffersonian political opposition. The Sedition Act resulted in the conviction and imprisonment of many Jeffersonian newspaper-owners who disagreed with the government.

Neo-Marxist American political culture has used media and social media to neutralize and destroy political opposition in a more effective, flexible manner than could have been achieved solely by the "legal power" of the Deep State and now the federal government.

Police state tactics like FBI home invasions have been widely reported. The DOJ and FBI publicize these grotesque constitutional violations for the desired effect: general fear and political intimidation.

If a conservative opposition figure can be discredited and deplatformed through coordinated FBI leaks, a campaign of big media vilification, and rumors of DOJ interest, then Biden can avoid the legal risk of using bogus indictments (criminalization as a last resort).

Prominent conservative figures with a wide following like Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and now Governor Ron DeSantis are prime objects of systematic attack by the WaPo and NYT, which together set the party line for American neo-Marxists.

Biden inherited a huge advantage that Adams's Federalists lacked: an entrenched neo-Marxist, anti-American culture that controls the commanding heights of American (political) culture: media, social media, academia, entertainment, and now big business.
The 'political opposition' in question in the the insurrection at the capitol. You know, the attack that left 140 police officers injured. These people aren't being charged with 'being critical of the government'.

Charges include assaults on officers, destruction of government property and conspiracy.
Lmao, the lying chinaman knows no shame.
I'm not quoting me.

"Police officials and federal prosecutors say that as many as 140 officers were injured during the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol."
So? Chinamen like you lie non-stop.

The police unions are liars?

So much for the conservatives supporting our cops.
No twisting chinaman, you are.

What a bunch dirt bags.
Biden's repression of the political opposition is unprecedented (with one exception) in American history, as is the Biden regime's systematic contravention of due process and constitutional rights. The exceptional precedent is the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, which criminalized making "false statements" critical of the federal government.

The Acts were a weapon of the Adams administration used to harass and destroy the Jeffersonian political opposition. The Sedition Act resulted in the conviction and imprisonment of many Jeffersonian newspaper-owners who disagreed with the government.

Neo-Marxist American political culture has used media and social media to neutralize and destroy political opposition in a more effective, flexible manner than could have been achieved solely by the "legal power" of the Deep State and now the federal government.

Police state tactics like FBI home invasions have been widely reported. The DOJ and FBI publicize these grotesque constitutional violations for the desired effect: general fear and political intimidation.

If a conservative opposition figure can be discredited and deplatformed through coordinated FBI leaks, a campaign of big media vilification, and rumors of DOJ interest, then Biden can avoid the legal risk of using bogus indictments (criminalization as a last resort).

Prominent conservative figures with a wide following like Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and now Governor Ron DeSantis are prime objects of systematic attack by the WaPo and NYT, which together set the party line for American neo-Marxists.

Biden inherited a huge advantage that Adams's Federalists lacked: an entrenched neo-Marxist, anti-American culture that controls the commanding heights of American (political) culture: media, social media, academia, entertainment, and now big business.
The 'political opposition' in question in the the insurrection at the capitol. You know, the attack that left 140 police officers injured. These people aren't being charged with 'being critical of the government'.

Charges include assaults on officers, destruction of government property and conspiracy.
Lmao, the lying chinaman knows no shame.
I'm not quoting me.

"Police officials and federal prosecutors say that as many as 140 officers were injured during the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol."
So? Chinamen like you lie non-stop.

The police unions are liars?

So much for the conservatives supporting our cops.
No twisting chinaman, you are.
So according to Miketx.....cops are liars.

I thought Texans had more respect for the police.

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