The Left camouflages a “rolling coup attempt”


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Maybe time for a revolution and send the left running to places like north korea, venezuela, loas, etc, etc...
The Russian Conspiracy Theory Boils Over
The Left camouflages a “rolling coup attempt” as a righteous national security push.
February 17, 2017
Matthew Vadum

The so-called scandal involving former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn is 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Iran-Contra, Watergate, proof of presidential fascism, a cynical money-making scheme, and a pro-Russian spy thriller all rolled into one, according to the increasingly deranged rants of howling left-wingers and their truth-adverse confederates in the mainstream media.

Despite this relentless barrage of fake news and smears, President Donald Trump pushed back against the orchestrated campaign against him yesterday at what is sure to go down in history as The Best Presidential Press Conference of All Time as he gave the mainstream media the beat-down it deserves. (See transcript.)

“To give you an idea how Trump's press conference went, afterwards, the press corps demanded a safe space,” Ann Coulter tweeted of the 77-minute long White House event, Trump’s first solo presser as president. “I wish this press conference could go on all day.”

“The public doesn’t believe you people anymore,” a ferocious, animated Trump told the assembled press corps. “Maybe I had something to do with that. I don’t know. But they don’t believe you.”

“This whole Russia scam that you guys” are pushing on people is “so you don’t talk about the real subject which is illegal leaks.”


It could be (and likely is) completely made up.

Fiction is, after all, what Ben Rhodes, now identified as a major player in the plot against the president, specialized in when he worked in the Obama White House. Rhodes bragged to the New York Times about duping Americans by creating a media “echo chamber” to promote the botched, unenforceable nuclear nonproliferation agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran that will actually end up helping the mad mullahs who want to kill us all get the bomb. Rhodes became a misinformation-manufacturing servant of a hostile power while betraying his fellow Americans to help an Islam-loving president cozy up to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

But as we keep learning more and more about Rhodes and Obama’s post-presidential sabotage apparatus, there was a small victory for common sense as the FBI announced it sees no reason to do anything about the Flynn case because there’s nothing there.

The FBI is still investigating the Russian saga but won’t pursue charges against Flynn “barring new information that changes what they know,” CNN reported last night. Although Flynn stumbled at times during FBI interviews, investigators believe Flynn was “cooperative and provided truthful answers.”

And that can’t be bad.

The Russian Conspiracy Theory Boils Over
Maybe time for a revolution and send the left running to places like north korea, venezuela, loas, etc, etc...
The Russian Conspiracy Theory Boils Over
The Left camouflages a “rolling coup attempt” as a righteous national security push.
February 17, 2017
Matthew Vadum

The so-called scandal involving former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn is 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Iran-Contra, Watergate, proof of presidential fascism, a cynical money-making scheme, and a pro-Russian spy thriller all rolled into one, according to the increasingly deranged rants of howling left-wingers and their truth-adverse confederates in the mainstream media.

Despite this relentless barrage of fake news and smears, President Donald Trump pushed back against the orchestrated campaign against him yesterday at what is sure to go down in history as The Best Presidential Press Conference of All Time as he gave the mainstream media the beat-down it deserves. (See transcript.)

“To give you an idea how Trump's press conference went, afterwards, the press corps demanded a safe space,” Ann Coulter tweeted of the 77-minute long White House event, Trump’s first solo presser as president. “I wish this press conference could go on all day.”

“The public doesn’t believe you people anymore,” a ferocious, animated Trump told the assembled press corps. “Maybe I had something to do with that. I don’t know. But they don’t believe you.”

“This whole Russia scam that you guys” are pushing on people is “so you don’t talk about the real subject which is illegal leaks.”


It could be (and likely is) completely made up.

Fiction is, after all, what Ben Rhodes, now identified as a major player in the plot against the president, specialized in when he worked in the Obama White House. Rhodes bragged to the New York Times about duping Americans by creating a media “echo chamber” to promote the botched, unenforceable nuclear nonproliferation agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran that will actually end up helping the mad mullahs who want to kill us all get the bomb. Rhodes became a misinformation-manufacturing servant of a hostile power while betraying his fellow Americans to help an Islam-loving president cozy up to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

But as we keep learning more and more about Rhodes and Obama’s post-presidential sabotage apparatus, there was a small victory for common sense as the FBI announced it sees no reason to do anything about the Flynn case because there’s nothing there.

The FBI is still investigating the Russian saga but won’t pursue charges against Flynn “barring new information that changes what they know,” CNN reported last night. Although Flynn stumbled at times during FBI interviews, investigators believe Flynn was “cooperative and provided truthful answers.”

And that can’t be bad.

The Russian Conspiracy Theory Boils Over
good job AJ
Trump destroyed the media during his campaign. It was awesome to see him do the same as President. Those "reporters" were so unhinged, they couldn't even speak in a calm manner.

Acosta got accosted by the Donald.

Great news for Flynn. Now onto the leaks. YAY! Play for blood Trump and drain the swamp big time.
Sessions better get those Obama holdovers subpoenaed and find out who's responsible for the leaks and put the bastards behind bars.
The media promoting fake news with assistance from deep State actors within the government, is nothing new. A POTUS publically exposing and ridiculing them is.

How dumb must one be to believe what the MSM reports? Sadly, we have a nation with lots of dupes.
The Russia conspiracy theories work great for GOP. The longer Democrats obsess over these as an excuse for losing the White House the longer they are not focused on the real reasons they lost.
Egads words can come to mean anything, sometimes I think Wittgenstein should be taught before venturing out into the real world. How do you know, one needs to ask themselves that often. If it is a 'so called scandal' then why was Flynn fired? The Clintons had so many scandals one's head would spin, but they were made up by the right just as the nonsense in the OP is made up. Naiveté defines the right today, they believe the most ridiculous nonsense. An ignoramus stood yesterday, a cowardly draft dodger out of his league and blamed and made up shat and the fools gushed as now their uneducated and emasculated person has a hero. Weird huh?

"So right now the United States is a country without a President. Yes, there's someone occupying the office, but he's clueless and is even more out of his depth than George W. Bush, who had at least had some experience in government. The man occupying the office occasionally does things when instructed. Fortunately, there are a few adults around who have had real jobs and performed them professionally, like General Mattis, the Secretary of Defense, and Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of State. Even the Vice-President, the otherwise morally abhorrent Mike Pence, actually governed a state, and got in trouble because of his bigotry, not because of sheer incompetence. The interesting thing is that it turns out the country, and the vast federal bureaucracy, can chug along despite not having a President. For how long though? I guess we're going to find out." Brian Leiter

How Trump thinks How Trump thinks

'What does Donald Trump want for America? His supporters don’t know. His party doesn’t know. Even he doesn’t know'

And Bannon: Steve Bannon has a grand vision for remaking America
Egads words can come to mean anything, sometimes I think Wittgenstein should be taught before venturing out into the real world. How do you know, one needs to ask themselves that often. If it is a 'so called scandal' then why was Flynn fired? The Clintons had so many scandals one's head would spin, but they were made up by the right just as the nonsense in the OP is made up. Naiveté defines the right today, they believe the most ridiculous nonsense. An ignoramus stood yesterday, a cowardly draft dodger out of his league and blamed and made up shat and the fools gushed as now their uneducated and emasculated persons have a hero. Weird huh?

"So right now the United States is a country without a President. Yes, there's someone occupying the office, but he's clueless and is even more out of his depth than George W. Bush, who had at least had some experience in government. The man occupying the office occasionally does things when instructed. Fortunately, there are a few adults around who have had real jobs and performed them professionally, like General Mattis, the Secretary of Defense, and Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of State. Even the Vice-President, the otherwise morally abhorrent Mike Pence, actually governed a state, and got in trouble because of his bigotry, not because of sheer incompetence. The interesting thing is that it turns out the country, and the vast federal bureaucracy, can chug along despite not having a President. For how long though? I guess we're going to find out." Brian Leiter

How Trump thinks How Trump thinks

'What does Donald Trump want for America? His supporters don’t know. His party doesn’t know. Even he doesn’t know'

And Bannon: Steve Bannon has a grand vision for remaking America
Trump thinks how average Americans think. Looney left elites don't get it.
Egads words can come to mean anything, sometimes I think Wittgenstein should be taught before venturing out into the real world. How do you know, one needs to ask themselves that often. If it is a 'so called scandal' then why was Flynn fired? The Clintons had so many scandals one's head would spin, but they were made up by the right just as the nonsense in the OP is made up. Naiveté defines the right today, they believe the most ridiculous nonsense. An ignoramus stood yesterday, a cowardly draft dodger out of his league and blamed and made up shat and the fools gushed as now their uneducated and emasculated person has a hero. Weird huh?

"So right now the United States is a country without a President. Yes, there's someone occupying the office, but he's clueless and is even more out of his depth than George W. Bush, who had at least had some experience in government. The man occupying the office occasionally does things when instructed. Fortunately, there are a few adults around who have had real jobs and performed them professionally, like General Mattis, the Secretary of Defense, and Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of State. Even the Vice-President, the otherwise morally abhorrent Mike Pence, actually governed a state, and got in trouble because of his bigotry, not because of sheer incompetence. The interesting thing is that it turns out the country, and the vast federal bureaucracy, can chug along despite not having a President. For how long though? I guess we're going to find out." Brian Leiter

How Trump thinks How Trump thinks

'What does Donald Trump want for America? His supporters don’t know. His party doesn’t know. Even he doesn’t know'

And Bannon: Steve Bannon has a grand vision for remaking America
pajama boy – like sick horses
The Russia conspiracy theories work great for GOP. The longer Democrats obsess over these as an excuse for losing the White House the longer they are not focused on the real reasons they lost.
I think they know why they lost, they just think they'll make us believe we made a mistake.
Egads words can come to mean anything, sometimes I think Wittgenstein should be taught before venturing out into the real world. How do you know, one needs to ask themselves that often. If it is a 'so called scandal' then why was Flynn fired? The Clintons had so many scandals one's head would spin, but they were made up by the right just as the nonsense in the OP is made up. Naiveté defines the right today, they believe the most ridiculous nonsense. An ignoramus stood yesterday, a cowardly draft dodger out of his league and blamed and made up shat and the fools gushed as now their uneducated and emasculated person has a hero. Weird huh?

"So right now the United States is a country without a President. Yes, there's someone occupying the office, but he's clueless and is even more out of his depth than George W. Bush, who had at least had some experience in government. The man occupying the office occasionally does things when instructed. Fortunately, there are a few adults around who have had real jobs and performed them professionally, like General Mattis, the Secretary of Defense, and Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of State. Even the Vice-President, the otherwise morally abhorrent Mike Pence, actually governed a state, and got in trouble because of his bigotry, not because of sheer incompetence. The interesting thing is that it turns out the country, and the vast federal bureaucracy, can chug along despite not having a President. For how long though? I guess we're going to find out." Brian Leiter

How Trump thinks How Trump thinks

'What does Donald Trump want for America? His supporters don’t know. His party doesn’t know. Even he doesn’t know'

And Bannon: Steve Bannon has a grand vision for remaking America
Are you this long winded on your blog or in jpp/pf/rwf do you cut n paste your own b/s...:blahblah:

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