The left can't bear to see Obama go

In post-constitutional America the idea of an Obama VP run should not be taken lightly.

If it were to happen we could count on them elbowing each other to death before they leave the coronation platform so we really should be paying more attention to who's NEXT in line at the time.
In post-constitutional America the idea of an Obama VP run should not be taken lightly.

If it were to happen we could count on them elbowing each other to death before they leave the coronation platform so we really should be paying more attention to who's NEXT in line at the time.
His wife could run...
LOL Too funny for words....

A Modest Proposal: Barack Obama Should Be Hillary Clinton's Running Mate

Because Hillary Clinton is white and no longer young, a strain of political thought holds that she might lack Barack Obama’s inherent appeal to new and minority voters and thus that she won’t be able to ride the Democratic party’s demographic advantages to easy victory in 2016.

Writing for the Washington Examiner, Philip Klein ably sketches the nightmare scenario for liberals. “If Hillary's performance among black voters retreats to more typical Democratic levels,” he writes, “it will hinder her efforts in swing states such as Ohio and Florida, where Democrats need to rack up huge margins in urban areas to make up for their weaknesses in other parts of the states. ... It's questionable that young voters will flock to vote at historically high levels for a 69-year-old white woman who has been a national political figure since before many of them were born.”

The nightmare for conservatives is a complementary scenario in which Clinton holds the Obama coalition together without issue and simultaneously increases Democratic margins among women and whites. In that world, she defeats her opponent by greater margins than Obama defeated John McCain and Mitt Romney. But there’s no reason to assume that outcome is any more likely than the one Klein alluded to. And there’s also no reason Democrats should tinker with a winning formula. If Clinton can turn out Obama’s voters, she will win.

The challenge, then, is to make sure Clinton’s age and ethnicity don’t discourage Obama’s youthful, diverse supporters from turning out in November 2016. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to make sure that doesn’t happen. Clinton simply has to select Barack Obama as her running mate.

Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Vice President The New Republic
Well, it's time for Bill Richardson to come on the scene in one way or another. In my opinion, he would do quite well against the republicans and he will do quite well with the demographics of the democrat party.

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