The left does not allow us to fight properly !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
properly fighting a war means to break the enemies will !!! not just their military but their populace as a whole ... we have not accomplished this since WW2 !!! the reason is very simple .....the political left !!! name an instance that the left has rallied around our troops and our country in a time of war in the past 50 yrs !!! they protest ,march,boycott,and rally in sympathy on behalf of our enemies example [Jane Fonda ] .... with the political clout the leftist carry our leaders are afraid to do what needs to be done against our enemies !!! and now with the UN [whom the lefties love ] dictating what we can and cannot do in a time of war we are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs !!! if we would have been allowed to wage the 2 wars we are currently involved in like we did in WW2 our troops would have come home yrs ago !!
I've made the same argument many times. 67 years ago, we beat 2 enemies into submission. We killed thousands of troops, but hundreds of thousands of civilians. They were completely demoralized, both militarily and domestically. Now we wage war casually, without conviction or fortitude. We avoid "collateral damage" like the plague.

All killing Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters does is breed more fighters.

If you're going to start a war, be ready to finish it. Completely destroy cities, kill thousands of people. Destroy their infrastructure and if necessary, turn deserts to glass.

Yes it's cruel, cold, horrible even. War is SUPPOSED to be horrible! The mere thought of going to war should terrify us, but it should terrify those that would attack us, even more.
properly fighting a war means to break the enemies will !!! not just their military but their populace as a whole ... we have not accomplished this since WW2 !!! the reason is very simple .....the political left !!! name an instance that the left has rallied around our troops and our country in a time of war in the past 50 yrs !!! they protest ,march,boycott,and rally in sympathy on behalf of our enemies example [Jane Fonda ] .... with the political clout the leftist carry our leaders are afraid to do what needs to be done against our enemies !!! and now with the UN [whom the lefties love ] dictating what we can and cannot do in a time of war we are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs !!! if we would have been allowed to wage the 2 wars we are currently involved in like we did in WW2 our troops would have come home yrs ago !!

The American military wouldn’t be there in the first place if GWB and ‘nation-building’ republicans hadn’t started two illegal wars.
I've made the same argument many times. 67 years ago, we beat 2 enemies into submission. We killed thousands of troops, but hundreds of thousands of civilians. They were completely demoralized, both militarily and domestically. Now we wage war casually, without conviction or fortitude. We avoid "collateral damage" like the plague.

All killing Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters does is breed more fighters.

If you're going to start a war, be ready to finish it. Completely destroy cities, kill thousands of people. Destroy their infrastructure and if necessary, turn deserts to glass.

Yes it's cruel, cold, horrible even. War is SUPPOSED to be horrible! The mere thought of going to war should terrify us, but it should terrify those that would attack us, even more.

Addressing the OP...ONLY people from the left protests. There hasnt been and WILL NEVER BE a protest of any kind from people of the right. They just take their lumps and go on the internet to cry about it...from home.

Addressing the above post...We should be avoiding collateral damage. I dont see how that is a bad thing. If we dont HAVE to kill civilians we shouldnt. You seem to believe we should kill civilians because thats badass! Lets have the same military strategy as the bloods and crips! Just spray up EVERYTHING! Fuck it! You cant live life that way and dam sure cant run a military that way. Thankfully, saner people than you are the strategist.
Anyone remember the post-war occupations of those countries we bombed flat?
I've made the same argument many times. 67 years ago, we beat 2 enemies into submission. We killed thousands of troops, but hundreds of thousands of civilians. They were completely demoralized, both militarily and domestically. Now we wage war casually, without conviction or fortitude. We avoid "collateral damage" like the plague.

All killing Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters does is breed more fighters.

If you're going to start a war, be ready to finish it. Completely destroy cities, kill thousands of people. Destroy their infrastructure and if necessary, turn deserts to glass.

Yes it's cruel, cold, horrible even. War is SUPPOSED to be horrible! The mere thought of going to war should terrify us, but it should terrify those that would attack us, even more.

That is precisely why the mere threat of war would keep the peace. No one wanted to go there. Now countries benefit because we are such wussies and play games and our own government speaks out against our troops. Sad when you can tell the far left is against the US and sympathetic towards the enemy.

If they thought we'd actually come and finish the job, I doubt we'd ever have to because they'd back down rather than challenge us. As it is, what do they have to be afraid of after all the terrorist coddling and anti-American propaganda coming from our own people.

And the way the radical Muslim chicken shits hide behind women and children because they know we can't stomach that kind of violence works every time.
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Anyone remember the post-war occupations of those countries we bombed flat?

Good point.

Another point is: the enemy wore uniforms back then too. BTW- Petraus wrote the manual on counter- insurgency which is now being employed. I don't think he's a Libral :doubt:
properly fighting a war means to break the enemies will !!! not just their military but their populace as a whole ... we have not accomplished this since WW2 !!! the reason is very simple .....the political left !!! name an instance that the left has rallied around our troops and our country in a time of war in the past 50 yrs !!! they protest ,march,boycott,and rally in sympathy on behalf of our enemies example [Jane Fonda ] .... with the political clout the leftist carry our leaders are afraid to do what needs to be done against our enemies !!! and now with the UN [whom the lefties love ] dictating what we can and cannot do in a time of war we are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs !!! if we would have been allowed to wage the 2 wars we are currently involved in like we did in WW2 our troops would have come home yrs ago !!

Difference between now and WWII? We have not declared war. Would you like that? with all it entails?
In the aftermath of WW2 we as a country had to come to terms with all of the civilians we killed because we had to match total war with total war. Millions of non-combatants died. Afterward we devoted incredible resources to doing what we could to help the populations we indiscriminately bombed into hamburger.

Total war should never appeal to anyone with a shred of decency, our weapons have reached a level of destructiveness where there has to be some kind of restraint employed in their use especially if we intend to ever end a war. Were we to engage in mass killing of civilian populations the only result would be more countries entering the war and uncontrollable escalation, that's right, another world war. We like to think of ourselves as the good guys, use of our superweapons against the general populations of third world nations without the means to even fight back would be a crime against humanity and we would deserve it when we got wiped out by the rest of the world.
properly fighting a war means to break the enemies will !!! not just their military but their populace as a whole ... we have not accomplished this since WW2 !!! the reason is very simple .....the political left !!! name an instance that the left has rallied around our troops and our country in a time of war in the past 50 yrs !!! they protest ,march,boycott,and rally in sympathy on behalf of our enemies example [Jane Fonda ] .... with the political clout the leftist carry our leaders are afraid to do what needs to be done against our enemies !!! and now with the UN [whom the lefties love ] dictating what we can and cannot do in a time of war we are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs !!! if we would have been allowed to wage the 2 wars we are currently involved in like we did in WW2 our troops would have come home yrs ago !!

The American military wouldn’t be there in the first place if GWB and ‘nation-building’ republicans hadn’t started two illegal wars.

The war in Afghanistan was started by Al-Queda and 82 House Democrats and 29 Senate Democrats voted for the Iraq war.
properly fighting a war means to break the enemies will !!! not just their military but their populace as a whole ... we have not accomplished this since WW2 !!! the reason is very simple .....the political left !!! name an instance that the left has rallied around our troops and our country in a time of war in the past 50 yrs !!! they protest ,march,boycott,and rally in sympathy on behalf of our enemies example [Jane Fonda ] .... with the political clout the leftist carry our leaders are afraid to do what needs to be done against our enemies !!! and now with the UN [whom the lefties love ] dictating what we can and cannot do in a time of war we are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs !!! if we would have been allowed to wage the 2 wars we are currently involved in like we did in WW2 our troops would have come home yrs ago !!

The American military wouldn’t be there in the first place if GWB and ‘nation-building’ republicans hadn’t started two illegal wars.

The war in Afghanistan was started by Al-Queda and 82 House Democrats and 29 Senate Democrats voted for the Iraq war.
How many Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the Iraq War?
The American military wouldn’t be there in the first place if GWB and ‘nation-building’ republicans hadn’t started two illegal wars.

This is another case of "Zionists say the darndest things."

They justify illegal wars as "nation building" and then insist that we should be nuking them into oblivion to achieve this end.
properly fighting a war means to break the enemies will !!! not just their military but their populace as a whole ... we have not accomplished this since WW2 !!! the reason is very simple .....the political left !!! name an instance that the left has rallied around our troops and our country in a time of war in the past 50 yrs !!! they protest ,march,boycott,and rally in sympathy on behalf of our enemies example [Jane Fonda ] .... with the political clout the leftist carry our leaders are afraid to do what needs to be done against our enemies !!! and now with the UN [whom the lefties love ] dictating what we can and cannot do in a time of war we are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs !!! if we would have been allowed to wage the 2 wars we are currently involved in like we did in WW2 our troops would have come home yrs ago !!

We have not had a war since WW2.
WHO on the "left" protested Korea? And are out forces subject to falling apart if some protest?

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