The left doesn't really care about racism or corruption, things like this prove it


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
IF the left was serious about wanting to stop corruption and racism, they'd be condemning each and every case. While real cases of cops shooting without cause and racism in police departments are out there, the left chooses cases that aren't legitimate cases, but thanks to scumbags, like Al Sharpton, get media attention and the facts get buried. The end result is riots and a stronger divide among the people. Race baiters try to paint America as a racist country just to convince some people that government needs to step in. It hurts genuine cases when the race baiters are constantly crying wolf.

"Jeffrey Walker told jurors that the Philadelphia Police Department drug squad targeted white "college-boy … khaki-pants types" who were "easy to intimidate."

That matches the description of some of the drug dealers who have testified at the six-week police corruption trial that the squad stole as much as $110,000 at a time during violent, no-warrant raids.

Lead defendant Thomas Liciardello always got a cut of the stolen money, while the others split "jobs" that they worked, Walker said. The city’s police brass often celebrated the squad’s work with splashy news conferences to announce large seizures.

"They liked that, as far as the bosses and supervisors were concerned. It made them look good. It was nothing but a dog and pony show," Walker testified.

Walker had nearly 24 years in when he was arrested in an FBI sting in 2013. He was making $119,000 a year, and padding overtime for court appearances and undercover work. The illicit drug money provided yet more "gravy."

Walker also admitted to "roughing people up," and even dangled an individual over a high-rise balcony to retrieve a passcode for a palm pilot.

It’s absolutely astounding that all of the race hustlers who claim to be fighting for "equality" are nowhere to be found when a racist black cop is targeting white kids, when we all know darn well they’d be all over this if things were the other way around.

Racism is racism, regardless of the skin color of the perpetrator, and it’s always wicked and evil.

If liberals, particularly those in the media, claim to be fighting for equality and ending racism, why are they not reporting on this and condemning this man’s actions?

Because to do so wouldn’t help the progressive agenda move forward. Democrats want to appeal to minority voters in order to keep themselves in power, so they put up fake outrage when white cops do things to blacks, so it appears they are fighting for equality, for the little guy.

In reality, they just want a vote, because if ending racism were the real end goal, it would be condemned in all of it’s forms, which obviously it isn’t.

Maybe one day the media will return to it’s true job of holding elected officials accountable for their actions and condemning evil regardless of skin color."

Nary a word from the left as a black cop shot a white teen.
I don't know any liberals who support the actions of these cops.

Do you have any more non sequiturs?
IF the left was serious about wanting to stop corruption and racism, they'd be condemning each and every case. While real cases of cops shooting without cause and racism in police departments are out there, the left chooses cases that aren't legitimate cases, but thanks to scumbags, like Al Sharpton, get media attention and the facts get buried. The end result is riots and a stronger divide among the people. Race baiters try to paint America as a racist country just to convince some people that government needs to step in. It hurts genuine cases when the race baiters are constantly crying wolf.

"Jeffrey Walker told jurors that the Philadelphia Police Department drug squad targeted white "college-boy … khaki-pants types" who were "easy to intimidate."

That matches the description of some of the drug dealers who have testified at the six-week police corruption trial that the squad stole as much as $110,000 at a time during violent, no-warrant raids.

Lead defendant Thomas Liciardello always got a cut of the stolen money, while the others split "jobs" that they worked, Walker said. The city’s police brass often celebrated the squad’s work with splashy news conferences to announce large seizures.

"They liked that, as far as the bosses and supervisors were concerned. It made them look good. It was nothing but a dog and pony show," Walker testified.

Walker had nearly 24 years in when he was arrested in an FBI sting in 2013. He was making $119,000 a year, and padding overtime for court appearances and undercover work. The illicit drug money provided yet more "gravy."

Walker also admitted to "roughing people up," and even dangled an individual over a high-rise balcony to retrieve a passcode for a palm pilot.

It’s absolutely astounding that all of the race hustlers who claim to be fighting for "equality" are nowhere to be found when a racist black cop is targeting white kids, when we all know darn well they’d be all over this if things were the other way around.

Racism is racism, regardless of the skin color of the perpetrator, and it’s always wicked and evil.

If liberals, particularly those in the media, claim to be fighting for equality and ending racism, why are they not reporting on this and condemning this man’s actions?

Because to do so wouldn’t help the progressive agenda move forward. Democrats want to appeal to minority voters in order to keep themselves in power, so they put up fake outrage when white cops do things to blacks, so it appears they are fighting for equality, for the little guy.

In reality, they just want a vote, because if ending racism were the real end goal, it would be condemned in all of it’s forms, which obviously it isn’t.

Maybe one day the media will return to it’s true job of holding elected officials accountable for their actions and condemning evil regardless of skin color."

Nary a word from the left as a black cop shot a white teen.
^ dumb
I don't know any liberals who support the actions of these cops.

Do you have any more non sequiturs?

Point is that neither the liberal media or any of the Dems are speaking out against this. Obama even chimes in when it's a white cop and Al Sharpton is on the first plane when he hears about any black getting shot, whether it's justified or not.

When it's the other way around, we don't hear the constant condemnation of it. It's just silence from the left whenever the victims are white.

Think about all the coverage on previous shootings involving white cops and black suspects. You couldn't get away from it because it was all over the news for days on end. Most probably haven't even heard of this because the liberal media decided that this isn't worthy of national news. It's people like Sharpton that do their part to help make some incidents big news by going to the scene and inciting anger. Then, as the media covers the riots, they place blame on the racist whites. Despite the riots appearing orchestrated, the media feigns sympathy for them as they claim they were pushed too far and have a right to be angry. Never mind they are just angry because Sharpton tells them repeatedly that whites are out to get them. Only good cop is a dead cop, according to the idiots. People wouldn't be angry over the justified shootings of criminals if race baiting assholes like Sharpton didn't play on their emotions and get them riled. The media plays the "victims" up to be some innocent children.

This clearly isn't something that the race baiters care about because they have nothing to gain. Won't get the minority vote by openly criticizing black cops, or anyone else who is black whether the criticism is warranted or not.

No Dem came out and said the victim of a black police officer shooting could be his son.

More importantly, notice that Republicans don't jump on this and try to make it a bigger deal. They allow investigators to get to the bottom of it. And there were no riots when the white guy was shot by a black officer because no one went there and riled the masses into a frenzy. Sharpton is an expert community agitator. So good that he gets a pass on failing to pay taxes. White people go to jail for that shit.
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"The left doesn't really care about racism or corruption, things like this prove it"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, demonstrating you're nothing but a tedious rightwing partisan hack and liar.
IF the left was serious about wanting to stop corruption and racism, they'd be condemning each and every case. While real cases of cops shooting without cause and racism in police departments are out there, the left chooses cases that aren't legitimate cases, but thanks to scumbags, like Al Sharpton, get media attention and the facts get buried. The end result is riots and a stronger divide among the people. Race baiters try to paint America as a racist country just to convince some people that government needs to step in. It hurts genuine cases when the race baiters are constantly crying wolf.

"Jeffrey Walker told jurors that the Philadelphia Police Department drug squad targeted white "college-boy … khaki-pants types" who were "easy to intimidate."

That matches the description of some of the drug dealers who have testified at the six-week police corruption trial that the squad stole as much as $110,000 at a time during violent, no-warrant raids.

Lead defendant Thomas Liciardello always got a cut of the stolen money, while the others split "jobs" that they worked, Walker said. The city’s police brass often celebrated the squad’s work with splashy news conferences to announce large seizures.

"They liked that, as far as the bosses and supervisors were concerned. It made them look good. It was nothing but a dog and pony show," Walker testified.

Walker had nearly 24 years in when he was arrested in an FBI sting in 2013. He was making $119,000 a year, and padding overtime for court appearances and undercover work. The illicit drug money provided yet more "gravy."

Walker also admitted to "roughing people up," and even dangled an individual over a high-rise balcony to retrieve a passcode for a palm pilot.

It’s absolutely astounding that all of the race hustlers who claim to be fighting for "equality" are nowhere to be found when a racist black cop is targeting white kids, when we all know darn well they’d be all over this if things were the other way around.

Racism is racism, regardless of the skin color of the perpetrator, and it’s always wicked and evil.

If liberals, particularly those in the media, claim to be fighting for equality and ending racism, why are they not reporting on this and condemning this man’s actions?

Because to do so wouldn’t help the progressive agenda move forward. Democrats want to appeal to minority voters in order to keep themselves in power, so they put up fake outrage when white cops do things to blacks, so it appears they are fighting for equality, for the little guy.

In reality, they just want a vote, because if ending racism were the real end goal, it would be condemned in all of it’s forms, which obviously it isn’t.

Maybe one day the media will return to it’s true job of holding elected officials accountable for their actions and condemning evil regardless of skin color."

Nary a word from the left as a black cop shot a white teen.

Oh? he was testifying about it in court? Why was he in court?
IF the left was serious about wanting to stop corruption and racism, they'd be condemning each and every case. While real cases of cops shooting without cause and racism in police departments are out there, the left chooses cases that aren't legitimate cases, but thanks to scumbags, like Al Sharpton, get media attention and the facts get buried. The end result is riots and a stronger divide among the people. Race baiters try to paint America as a racist country just to convince some people that government needs to step in. It hurts genuine cases when the race baiters are constantly crying wolf.

"Jeffrey Walker told jurors that the Philadelphia Police Department drug squad targeted white "college-boy … khaki-pants types" who were "easy to intimidate."

That matches the description of some of the drug dealers who have testified at the six-week police corruption trial that the squad stole as much as $110,000 at a time during violent, no-warrant raids.

Lead defendant Thomas Liciardello always got a cut of the stolen money, while the others split "jobs" that they worked, Walker said. The city’s police brass often celebrated the squad’s work with splashy news conferences to announce large seizures.

"They liked that, as far as the bosses and supervisors were concerned. It made them look good. It was nothing but a dog and pony show," Walker testified.

Walker had nearly 24 years in when he was arrested in an FBI sting in 2013. He was making $119,000 a year, and padding overtime for court appearances and undercover work. The illicit drug money provided yet more "gravy."

Walker also admitted to "roughing people up," and even dangled an individual over a high-rise balcony to retrieve a passcode for a palm pilot.

It’s absolutely astounding that all of the race hustlers who claim to be fighting for "equality" are nowhere to be found when a racist black cop is targeting white kids, when we all know darn well they’d be all over this if things were the other way around.

Racism is racism, regardless of the skin color of the perpetrator, and it’s always wicked and evil.

If liberals, particularly those in the media, claim to be fighting for equality and ending racism, why are they not reporting on this and condemning this man’s actions?

Because to do so wouldn’t help the progressive agenda move forward. Democrats want to appeal to minority voters in order to keep themselves in power, so they put up fake outrage when white cops do things to blacks, so it appears they are fighting for equality, for the little guy.

In reality, they just want a vote, because if ending racism were the real end goal, it would be condemned in all of it’s forms, which obviously it isn’t.

Maybe one day the media will return to it’s true job of holding elected officials accountable for their actions and condemning evil regardless of skin color."

Nary a word from the left as a black cop shot a white teen.

I don't see any posts or threads around here defending the black cop. I see tons of posts defending the cops who killed black guys.

Who exactly are you claiming is inconsistent?
This is classic fallacy:'s okay for white cops to kill black guys without cause, because Al Sharpton doesn't complain enough when a white kid gets killed by a cop.

lol, goddam that's some funny stupid.

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